Ch 23. Their Powerful Ally

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A/N just curious, who do you guys think is the cruelest, most irredeemable villain in all of the Discord Isles Series??

          It was a damp chasm beneath the earth that Oliver had created. The soil itself, the plants, roots, vines, and the healing green aura of nature seemed to all be assisting Oliver. Sweat trickled down his forehead as he focused his energy on healing his friends. Moonlight peeked through the soil in curiosity at the scenery, entering the small cavern in the earth.

They were hidden; the borderhoppers were safe in a cave of soil beneath the earth, and as the healing emerald aura danced over dried blood, they began to stir. Slowly Max, Maya, and Taube had began shifting in discomfort.

Yet, Lily laid motionless in the dark corner of the chasm.

     She wasn't quite sure exactly what she was planning to do, but Scarlet knew she had nothing left to lose. Friends? No -frenemies? They were safe. Oliver was healing them, and though it was her fault they were injured in the first place, she knew they were in good hands. They didn't have to forgive Scarlet- and she didn't expect them to.

So no friends to lose. Obviously no family to lose. The only thing Scarlet had to lose was her life, and she was willing to put it on the line for the borderhoppers; maybe it was because she'd grown fond of them after manipulating them for months and learning everything about them, or maybe she felt the need to make up for everything she did. Not to them exactly, maybe to a best friend she once had. Scarlet was never any good at apologies, but maybe this was her way of apologizing.

So, as Indigo and Valencia chuckled in the kitchen and gossiped about the tortured looks on the borderhoppers faces, Scarlet made herself known by entering.

"Oh? What's this? You finally done with the stick up your butt?" Valencia smirked, tossing Scarlet a purple fruit of some sort. The ice elemental caught it and looked down at the fruit. Nobody had ever offered her something before, and though it warmed her heart momentarily, her mind went back to the gruesome sight of the tortured borderhoppers.

"Scarlet? You good?" Indigo asked, looking at Scarlet's blank stare at the purple fruit.

Then Scarlet brought her arm down and the fruit went flying into Valencia's face, purple sticky juices exploding on her. Valencia let out a cry and veered back, hands on her eyes.

"What the hell, Scarlet?!"

No sooner had Valencia cried out than Indigo had Scarlet up against the wall. "Do you have a problem?"

"Can it." Scarlet muttered, and with the flick of her hand, the purple-haired girl flew across the room, an explosion of ice landing where she did, freezing her legs to the ground.

"Why do you two hate the borderhoppers so much?!" Scarlet exclaimed.

"Why do you?!!" Valencia hissed, wiping her stinging eyes with a wet cloth.

"I don't! I just wanted to be more powerful than them!" Scarlet spat, ice spiking out of the ground around her. Valencia shot a red beam at Scarlet, who brought ice up at the last second. She skidded back for a moment, before regaining herself and approaching Valencia once more.

"You have no idea what they've done to us! You're an idiot!" Indigo shouted, attempting to yank herself out the ice in various ways.

"I know exactly what they did to you! I'm the reason they did it! Valencia, you hate Maya because you see yourself in her! You know she has the abilities to teleport like you- and you're jealous of the trustworthy friendships she has! You're just an idiotic, envious, childish bitch! You hate all of them because they're on Maya's side!"

Valencia flinched back at Scarlet's accusations, then opened her mouth to respond, only to be cut off by Scarlet.

"And you-!" Her icy-gaze shot towards Indigo, who jumped slightly at Scarlet's psychotic eyes. "You're fucking crazy!! You hate Max because her mother loved Varick, whom you're obsessed with- I seriously don't see what you see!-"

"You don't know what Varick and I have done together-"

"Ugh- barf! I don't care, and I don't want to know. My point is- you hate Max for something she didn't do, and you hate Lily because she's smarter than you and you think she'd make a better Bug Superior than you! Not to mention, you're both fucking racist against halfbreeds! So why can't you just see that you're both wrong?!" At the last word, a blue mist exploded from Scarlet's footing and the floor turned to ice, a cold, harsh snow began falling from the ceiling.

"And if you two ever try to hurt any of the borderhoppers again, I will kill you."

With that, Scarlet brought her hand up and thick ice walls shot up out of the ground, surrounding the two in an immovable force.

"Have fun getting out of that, bitches." Scarlet hissed, before running out of the Ascil Towers.

Wilson, levitating on his back in the air, had his hands over his eyes and clenched teeth. Standing beside him was Breeze, jaw agape and a slight smile in her eyes.

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