Ch 5. A Discovery

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   The trees provided no protection from the vigorous storm. As the wind grew stronger, the trees swayed in and out of view, translucent shadows in the whiteness of the storm. The isolated group could no longer see anything in front of them but tiny white specks. Their lips had acquired a blue tint and they stuffed their fingers under their coats. The group had found themselves linking arms. Their visions were so clouded they couldn't see or hear each other and could only hope nobody would get lost. They had nothing but the touch of an arm to assure them the others were still there. 

The group of infamous borderhoppers pushed themselves against the wind, trekking further and further; their only hope was to stumble across shelter.Then the storm stopped, and the group fell like domino's. Toppling over each other at the sudden stillness, they collapsed on the ground in a heap of white.

"What the-?!" Taube had begun but was cut off as Max shook herself, sending little flakes of snow flying in every direction. Black dots danced before their vision as the whiteness faded away and the dark, cloudy sky cast shadows over them. Thunder rumbled in the distance.

"It-it-it stopped." Oliver stuttered, caught off guard. Everyone was catching their breaths after exerting so much energy into trekking through the storm. The sudden stillness was so close to sensory overload on their bodies. Their bodies shook with tremors and their throats were dry.

Maya had spun around, still panting and was staring in the direction where they had come from. "Guys.." she gulped dryly, "it didn't stop."At that, they spun around. Before them was a wall- a wall that was nothing but storm: snow and wind that whipped against the barrier as if there was glass to separate them from the storm. Yet, there was nothing there. And it was silent. It was as if the storm they had emerged from was in a huge, soundproof glass dome that anyone could phase through.

Without a second thought, Max stuck her head into the storm. She only heard the first part of Maya's panicked scream before it was cut off by howling wind and the blinding whiteness. From the inside of the storm she couldn't even see the outside.

Pulling her head back out, the messy, pink-haired girl stumbled, laughing as she plopped on the ground.

"Max!! Don't do that!" Maya exclaimed, "You could've gotten hurt!". While Maya ranted at Max for being reckless, the Fairy and Bug Elemental exchanged an amused glance. Then Taube looked away from Oliver. After a moment, Oliver worked up the courage to say something.

"Taube..." he paused, swallowing, "d-did I do something to-"

"What the hell is happening?!" Maya cut the green-haired boy off, "What is up with this freak storm?! We were finally safe! After everything, we were finally safe!" The Psychic paced around as she ranted, the others looking at her, "This storm is literally only on our island! And-and why are you guys being so calm about this?! Someone could get hurt!! People could die!"

"Maya," Taube said with a slight smirk, "Why are you freaking out? At this point- I think we're kinda used to this kind of thing happening...and you, of all people, should be used to chaos. You grew up in Red, right?" The fairy crossed his arms with a smirk. Standing in front of the wall of utter chaos, he looked rather bright and confident. Thunder struck in the distance.

"Y-yeah, at least all of us are together." Oliver chimed in, lifting his pointer finger to the sky, matter-of-factly, "We've been in worse s-situations."

Maya sighed, her eyes traveling to each of her friends, "You're right...But what about Lily? She's still in there." She motioned to the towering wall of white, stretching to the dark, cloudy sky.Oliver swallowed, his forehead holding an expression of worry, "Sh-she's strong: one of the strongest people I know." He said with charisma, "I-I-I'm sure she'll be fine."Taube, for a moment felt bad for the boy and wondered how much longer he should hold his grudge against Oliver. It was painfully obvious the Bug Elemental was trying his best to be optimistic about the situation and it only made the fairy's heart ache. However, being as stubborn as Taube is, after a moment of thought, he gave it no more consideration and walked away from the Bug Elemental.

"Maybe I should go back in there...I can wait for Lily at her house or-"

"We're not splitting up." Taube said, his lisp thick, "and you can't just wonder around in the storm. that's dumb."

The group sat for a moment in silence waiting for ideas. Thunder continued to rumble in the distance and a flash of lightning trailed across the sky. Max had zoned out and was lying on the ground staring up at the dark swirling clouds. Her miscolored eyes followed the swirling patterns until they reached an end. To her surprise, they all seemed to end in the same place. Rolling over on her stomach, Max cocked an eyebrow. Then her eyes widened, accompanied by a gasp coming from her throat.

"Guys...guys." She said, getting the attention of her very patient friends, "Look." She lifted her hand and her finger stretched out across the ocean. The dark clouds had swirled into a haunting chasm over a shadow across the sea. The shadow was large and ominous, and after gazing at it for a moment, the realization of what it was had sunken in.

Oliver was the first to speak.

"It-it's another island."

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