Ch 10. Bug Superior

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   Indigo trekked through the woods swiftly; her feet didn't move an inch as the vines adjoining carried her effortlessly, squirming in and out of the earth.

Long, straight strands of wild purple and indigo hair whizzed behind her as up-slanted deep emerald eyes scanned the familiar forest.

Indigo strayed dangerously close to the border of Lime Woods but showed no signs of fear, knowing confidently that Arlo, Psychic Leader, had already told his people not to do harm to her as she warned her elementals living on the border. This was Indigo's last trip. She had told everyone in Bug Territory of the three possibly dangerous traitors to look out for.

The vines carrying her slowed to a stop and her feet landed softly in the dense underbrush. In front of her was a single, cozy-looking home. It was a smaller tree compared to the rest of the tree-houses in Bug Territory but it was very cleanly. The front had many colorful flowers in an orderly line and the windows were lit by candlelight. It was an overall welcoming sight compared to the chaotic city in the distance.

Loud talking and laughing could be heard coming from the inside of the house.

'What the-?! this kid never has guests over. He's an introvert, everyone knows that. I don't even know his name...unless he's only pretending to be an introvert so he can secretly sneak out at night....what if he's a borderhopper?!' Indigo shook the thoughts from her head.

Superiors were supposed to know every one of their people by name, but Indigo had only met Oliver once or twice, seeing as he lived on his own and rarely left his house. She had never properly introduced herself either.

The Bug superior felt rather silly stalling, and instead walked right up to the door.

'Maybe I should peer in first?...or should I knock..? I should just open the-' Indigo's deep emerald eyes widened as they locked on the cracks surrounding the door.

It had been blown off its hinges...

Indigo's eyes slanted as she leaned in to listen.

She didn't recognize any of the voices.

Taube laughed at the sight of Maya putting two berries over her eyes and sticking toothpicks out of her mouth. It was the first time the Psychic and Fairy had actually looked at each other in a non-threatening or mocking way.

After three hours of the odd group making jokes and enjoying the meal Oliver had made, the bug elemental had finally relaxed a little bit, coming to understand they really weren't out to kill him.

"Y'know-" Maya said, sucking another berry in her mouth, "This is the first full meal I've ever eaten."

The others looked at her peculiarly, then remembering she grew up in Red, exchanged glances with a look of sad understanding.

"What about your parents? C-couldn't they cook for you?" Oliver asked, gathering some dishes.

"Oh-" Maya scratched the back of her head, "They uh-they died when I was six."

"Oh-I'm sorry." Oliver said quickly. Max put a hand on Maya's shoulder, but she shrugged it off.

"Nah- it's fine; you have to remember that's normal in Red."

"Well it shouldn't be." Max pouted, that familiar authoritative voice returning- "If I could take over this whole island- I would! And I would make it right- and fair!"

"Easy there Tiger." Taube laughed, "You sound like Varick."

The group chuckled and Max's face flushed as she slunk back in her seat.

Taube glanced up and noticed Oliver beginning to carry some dishes back to the kitchen.

Taube reached out to help him. "Hey do you want some help with th-" suddenly a vine snapped up and yanked Taube's arm down, sending him to his knees.

The fairy was in shock for a moment and the whole room went deadly silent.

"O-Oliver..?" Taube stuttered.

Oliver spun around to see the fairy held down by strong, thorny vines.

The bug elemental's eyes widened. That wasn't him, and there's only one elemental who could control vines with that much strength. Oliver's heart dropped


Suddenly six more vines broke through the wooden floorboards, wrapping around the limbs of the three others in the room. The vines tightened and yanked everyone to their knees. Oliver's breath quickened as his door fell in, revealing Indigo Dharma, Bug superior.

"You.." The superior's emerald eyes shone with righteous fury. "What is your name?" She leant down in front of Oliver and lifted his chin. Everyone stared in utter shock, except for Maya, whose vines were silently steaming under the red glow of her hand.

"O-O-Oliver, ma'am. I'm-I'm sorry-! I didn't-"

"Shh." Indigo closed her eyes and sighed.  "I'm sorry Oliver but I must turn you and these other border-hopper's in." She spat, then spun around to see one of them missing.

Her eyes widened as she heard the sound of someone running towards her. Indigo spun around just in time to see Maya launched at her with a knife.

The vines on the other three loosened as Maya and Indigo fell to the ground, wrestling against the splintery floorboard.

Taube threw his arms, palms facing out and neon pink magic pulled the two apart. Maya growled and struggled against the pink glow holding her in place, while Indigo narrowed her eyes at the fairy. The two were being levitated in the center of the room while Taube glared then down, eyes glowing dangerously. Max and Oliver stood by helplessly.

"Heres what's going to happen." Taube said, his hands were shaking but he held his faked confidence- "You are going to let us go." He turned to look at Indigo, whose eyes were now strangely closed. "And we're going to be out of your hair forever."

Suddenly he felt something touch his wing- then a sharp pain shot down his back and he cried out, releasing Maya and Indigo. A flock of birds had thrown themselves on Taube, clipping away at his wings, under Indigo's control.

Maya took this chance to throw herself on Indigo, lodging the knife in her side- only to be thrown back against the wall, Indigo still unscathed, knife fallen to the floor.

Indigo made her way to the psychic who was forcing herself off the ground.

Max suddenly stepped in the way of Indigo, eyes narrowed as a yellow force field appeared between the two.

Indigo narrowed her eyes, then looked around.

Taube was panting in the corner, fighting back the tears that threatened to spill as his tattered wings lay uselessly on his back. Oliver was standing frozen with fear feet away from Indigo, and Max and Maya were protected by a forcefield, inches from the bug superior.

Indigo shook her head in utter disbelief, catching her breath, "In all my years being Superior I've never seen a group of filthy border-hoppers like this before...and I don't stand a chance against all of you...which is why..."

"I'm going to pick you off one by one."

At that, vines suddenly patched themselves onto Oliver's feet and him and Indigo were taken through the open doorway.

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