Ch. 21. Three Stages

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      Max's eyelids drooped heavily, her mouth parted slightly as she drifted in and out of an uncomfortable sleep.

The young girl sat on the floor with her knees up, back against the grey bricks of her cell, arms crossed in front of her. Her head would fall, then jerk back up in a sudden movement. One golden eye accompanied one grey eye at gazing up at the white bricked-ceiling.

She'd been sitting there for what seemed like an eternity. However it wasn't because she wanted to, but because she had forgotten what she was doing beforehand and had spent this amount of time using her effort to attempt and remember anything at all.

That's when the lock jingled and Max blinked very suddenly, shooting up in an unbalanced manor, jumping into the corner farthest away from the door.

The metallic door creaked open and one figure stood in the doorway of her cell, a friendly grin plastered on his face. The dim light of the asylum flickered behind him.

"Miss, can you tell me your name?"

Max swallowed dryly, head pounding and mouth feeling uncomfortable from having just woken up, drooling and grinding her teeth in her light slumber.

"Max." She rasped, "Max'ilian Ascil."

The figure seemed very pleased with this and entered the cell slowly, revealing a very tall, thin, pale man wearing a long white coat, two deep grape-colored eyes and thick black hair that was slicked down to the sides of his thin cheeks.

"Close enough, good Max, can you follow me? My name is Dr. Crocus. I'm going to help you."

Max nodded numbly, "I can follow you, Doctor. C-can you tell me where I am? I think I'm lost- I don't know what's going on or where all of my friends are or what I'm doing here-"

"Yes Maximilian. I'll explain everything, just take my hand, I'll guide you to my office."

Hesitantly, Max reached out and took the man's thin hand. Dr. Crocus smiled softly and lead the girl through the damp corridors of the asylum. Occasionally someone would whimper or speak very softly to nobody in particular but there were no loud noises, which Max found rather comforting. However, she held this expression that only a little child whose lost their parents in a store hold, a scared and unsure expression, mismatched eyes darting from door to door.

Max was so busy intently staring wildly around the hallway, she hadn't realized Dr. Crocus had gently urged her into a comfy-looking office with a tattered leather chair.

She sat in the chair, shoulders tense, eyes still wandering about as Dr. Crocus took his place behind the desk with a sigh, lowering himself into his seat.

"Now Max, this is a safe place."

"Is it?" She said quickly.

Dr. Crocus chuckled, "Yes, of course. Now, ask me something."

"Wheh am I?"

"Azuki Asylum. Ring a bell?"

Max squinted her eyes for a moment, very suspiciously, messy pink hair falling in strands over her eyes. "Well yes...I fink so."

"Yes. You are here because you are a ghost elemental."

"Wha? Why?"

"Somebody died. Do you know who?" Dr. Crocus was scribbling notes on a notepad under his desk, eyes not leaving Max for a second.

"Erm...I don't fink so."

Dr. Crocus sighed, and gently placed his notepad and pen on his desk, then interlaced his fingers and leaned forward. Max's eyes watched his every move. The only sound was the clock ticking quietly every second.

"Max, you were a wind elemental, remember?"

Max nodded, eyes staring at the ground.

"And your mom was killed. Idris Ascil. She was stabbed, do you remember that?"

Max's eyes furrowed and after a moment she shook her head 'no'.

"Ok, well, your mother was killed, and whenever someone experiences such a loss or grief that they can't handle, they are transformed into a ghost elemental. You've become one of those...

There are three stages to being a ghost elemental.

One) Paralysis. As the traumatic event occurs, the subject will slip into a temporary coma.

Two) Amnesia. As the subject awakens, they will slowly begin to forget important details of their life. Friends, family, and most importantly, the event that lead them to becoming a ghost elemental. At the end of this stage, subject will begin to realize the use of the ghost elementals power, 'being able to see and communicate with the deceased.'

Three) Stagnant state. After losing certain memories and gaining the ability to communicate with the deceased, the subject's mind will automatically latch onto fear and transform the minds main functions into the subject's most undesired self. In other words, you will mentally become the type of person you fear of becoming the most.

Most people fear becoming insane, murderous, imperfect, or evil. This is why we must keep ghost elementals locked up here. You are currently nearing the end of stage two..." Dr. Crocus explained, gentle smile not leaving his lips for a moment, "Now Max can you tell me...what's the worst possible trait a person can have?"

The girl sighed and wrapped her arms around herself, bringing her legs up and sitting criss-cross on the chair, tapping her chin.

After a moment she found her words.

"Stupidity." She stated, "Being dumb is the u'timate curse."

For a moment, Max sounded almost like her ordinary self, yet the childish and dimwitted expression on her face remained in tact.

Dr. Crocus nodded. "I'll have to agree with you on that one. Now, Max, based on what I've told you, what can you conclude?"

"I'm...losing smarts." She stated timidly.

The Doctor nodded sorrowfully. "That's correct. I'm sorry, Max."

"Well...can I at least tell my friends I love them befo' I fo'get the concept of love?"

"No." Dr. Crocus said, flushed with a sudden feeling of empathy. Max flinched. The man paused, then sighed lowly.

"Let's get you back to your cell."

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