Ch 23. Cherry Red

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Something important had just happened. She wasn't quite sure what yet- nor could her mind wrap around the fact that her heart was racing for no reason.

Max's pink hair fell in strands over her discolored eyes- looking hollow and dull. She seemed content, content but mildly confused- and that in itself created an expression only anyone within an inch of her catatonic state would be able to comprehend.

But her heart had leapt.

Max's mind could only comprehend three things at the moment.

Her name was Max,
This 'Asylum' was her home- her family- her life forever,
And she was becoming something bad.

'What was it? What was it Dr. Crocus said I was becoming?' She thought blankly, 'A ghost emenempal?
No I don't fink that was it.'

Those three facts were glued into her mind and the only things she seemed to understand- so she examined every possible detail of those three facts.

Max felt something was missing- something very important. Many things were missing, actually, and she wasn't certain of anything besides those three facts.

So when her heart leapt in her chest for no obvious reason- that empty feeling in her hollow mind felt less empty for a moment. It felt as if she'd just remembered something important she'd forgotten about.

Like something happened somewhere else involving someone or something she knew in some way.


She didn't know.

She'd already forgotten about that feeling within a minute, as her mind had slipped away to wherever it decided to go now.

Max sat in her grey cell, back against the wall per usual, dull eyes gazing through the wall and beyond, unable to see the white blurs that danced at the edge of her vision and the white and silver sparkles dancing at her fingertips.
Stage Three had begun- she was a hollow shell of blurry memories, able to see the dead but unable to process it, able to feel the comforting coolness of fog at her fingertips, yet unable to manipulate it. At this point, Max was no better than an old doll and nothing could change that unless someone did it for her.

Valencia's dull crimson eyes opened slowly, brightening to a cherry red as life flickered back into them.

"Hey Val." Wilson said, flicking ashes into the carpet- "Guess you can teleport, huh?"

Valencia sat up slowly, head pounding as she looked around. "I shouldn't be surprised." She muttered, "But I continue to surprise myself. Get me an ice pack Wilson."

Wilson sighed and trudged to the kitchen, returning shortly with an ice pack- which the raven-haired girl placed on her head, waving away the cigarette smoke. The bar was quiet for a moment- the radio playing jazz flickered to static every few moments as Valencia blinked away the weariness from her eyes.

Then she glared up at the scraggly man. "Where's the halfbreed and her fag friends?"

Wilson's smirk turned to a frown as he scratched his messy black hair. "Gee Val...I don't really know...Pheonix and I were so worried about you we just didn't focus on them that much and-"

"Wilson!" Valencia grasped a ball of Wilson's shirt, bringing him close to her face, burning with fury. "You let them go, didn't you?!"

Wilson's smirk faded and his eyes widened. Valencia was one to get mad often but the worst she'd do was hit him over the head with a fist or throw him to the ground. Now, however, Wilson was seeing a different type of fury, one that had been resonating inside of her for a while now. Hatred against that wretched halfbreed and how she'd tormented Valencia for years.

Everyone in Red knew where Valencia's turf was and to respect that, to fear being on her turf unless she had given permission.

That wretched halfbreed, however, wasn't afraid of her- she wasn't afraid of Valencia or her minions. And the anger that Valencia had felt every time she heard 'Maya Akemi' or 'halfbreed' on her turf over the last six years slowly built up over time and she had seemed to ride that high once she had the halfbreed in her clutches.

And now, just like that wind elemental who showed up just as the halfbreed was about to get what she deserved, her beloved minion released Maya. It seemed every time she had the halfbreed in her clutches, Valencia lost her.

And that fury burned bright in her cherry red eyes, raven hair seemed to grow darker as her expression seemed to snap into one of hatred, her fist shaking as she lifted Wilson off the ground, reaching into her back pocket before Wilson's head found itself wedges between a wall and the cold barrel of a gun pressed against his forehead. Valencia held him in place, cigarette landing on the ground, the hazy smoke rising between the two.

"You think you're so smart? You're nothing but a minion. Mine. My minion. My turf. My city. That halfbreeds taken it away from me- she's taken you away from me. She doesn't need you and I don't need you so you, right now, Wilson...

Are useless."

A loud shot rang out through the air as a crimson liquid splattered over the Psychic's face.

The body fell to the ground, sizzling over the burnt-out cigarette.

The Psychic disappeared in a flash of red.

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