The dream

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In your dream,the creature from the statue came to life and broke free from stone and walked up to you who couldn't move."see you tomorrow!"he says while smiling evilly and you wake up sweating.Fluttershy and her animal friends were at the end worried,"are you ok?!"Fluttershy asked worried and came closer.Angle,the bunny,jumped on your lap and gave you a hug,"it's ok we are here!"Angle said and you gave a little squeal."what why did you squeal?"the bear asked and you looked at the bear shocked and Fluttershy found out why.

"You can understand them?!"Fluttershy asked surprised and you nodded and the animals smile.You nervously smile back and got out of the bed and backed out of the house.Suddenly pink clouds formed over only fluttershys cottage and started raining chocolate milk!You closed your eyes and stuck your tough out to get some and the creature-who was hiding-was surprised but went up to her anyway.fluttershy saw discord and imeadiatly hid in a bush,you soon closed your mouth and felt someone breathing on you and opened your eyes and went to look who it was.You were nose to nose with the creature who has been haunting your dreams and talking in your head.

You were about to run away but he grabbed you,made you look at him,he smiled,knocked you out,and teleported you away with him.Fluttershy was shocked and couldn't move,Angle shook her head in disappointment and pushed Fluttershy all the way to the castle with the Bears help.The bear entered the castle holding the shocked Fluttershy to princess celestia and princess Luna.They were worried and ran up to fluttershy,"Fluttershy what's wrong,what happened?!"Princess celestia asked worried."d-d-d-dd-d!"Fluttershy started to say terrified "who Fluttershy who?!"princess Luna asked."d-DISCORD!!"she yelled for the first time that she ever yelled.They gasped,"what did he do?"princess celestia asked worried as ever.

"He pony napped (mlp/n)!"Fluttershy exclaimed scared and princess Luna looked sadly surprised.

Meanwhile at discords mixed up world or paradox...

You woke up in your room at fluttershys with all the curtains closed.You sigh in relief that it was only a dream and opened the curtain,you saw a lot of crazy and chaotic things outside and realized you were in the creatures house and world.You walked away from the window scared and tripped over something.You tripped on the creatures tail and sat in his lap and he clug on to you,you try to break free but he was too strong and you gave up.

He smiled at you like you were his and not anyone else's and pet your hair."p-please s-stop."you asked polightly scared and he stopped petting you but still held onto you,"who are you?"you asked getting a little braver."my name is discord hahaha and I already know yours (y/n)!"discord teased and covered your mouth when you were about to speak."Discord knows all!"Discord says and uncovers your mouth and didn't say a thing.

Discord wrapped around you like a snake squeezing its pray but didn't squeeze but had a comfortable tight grip on you to keep you still without squeezing you to death."D-Discord!"you whined and try to break free but held you still,after a few hours you gave up and fell asleep by laying your head next to his-which you blushed a little-and fell asleep hoping some pony will rescue you.

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