Chapter 23

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Dedicated to fiercecub01 for commenting the most.

Third person's POV:-

Beautiful sunrise peeking through the windows of the Tv lounge where two souls were sleeping without any worry . Calmness can be seen on there faces, together in each others arms, protected from the evil World. The peacefulness was short living when the sun raise disturbed the beauty by falling on her face directly. Apparently they had forgotten to close the curtains last night.

A disturbing frown came on Lale's face but it was not only the raise which were disturbing her, it was the pain which she feels at her abdomen.  She clutched her legs together and a hiss came out of her mouth.

When the pain become unbearable she try to sit but it was like she was caged in a strong grip. Opening her eyes with great difficulty she came face to face with a naked chest. At first she become confused and terrified but when her eyes fell on the handsome face of her husband,  she sigh in relif and smile a little while admiring him who was sleeping like a innocent baby.

Her smile trun in a sad pout when another cramp shoot her body, this time with so much force that it feels like her breath stop for a minute . She try to pull herself from his strong arms but who was she kidding this hulk like man is much more stronge then her .

Emir groan due to the disturbance and tighten his hold around Lale more pulling her to himself while putting his face in her neck and took a deap breath.

Lale at first become  shock then shy,  as it was all new to her. It was the first time they had sleeped together and that too this much close. Her cheeks started to become red and she start to blush.

Suddenly she has a need to throw up and without any though she push hard Emir who woke up with starlted. 

He was about to shout on the person who dare to spoil his precious sleep but he saw Lale running  towards the washroom which was at the corner of the living room.

Lale open the with a bang and hunch towards the toilet and start emptying her guts. She can feel someone from behind pulling her hair up and rubbing her back .

She vomit for few more minutes and then flush the toilet. Emir give her paper towel to wipe her mouth and make her stand by circling his arm around her small waist.

Lale lean on his chest, her back facing his chest.  She was feeling embarrassed from two reasons.

No1 she puke her guts infront of him which is disgusting. 

No2 she is wearing a small night wear.

"You fine? Should I call the doctor , no wait don't answer I should call the doctor . You are looking so pale". Lale smile at his concern and few drops of tears leaves her eyes.

"Why are you crying? Does it hurt somewhere". Emir make her sit on the sink counter and ask her in more concern voice.

"Emir I am fine. Its just this is all new to me no one has ever become so concern about me. I don't know what to say . I just feel like crying" and just like that she start crying loudley just like a child.

Emir hug her and try to hush her but it only make her cry more. Suddenly she put her hand again on her stomach as another cramp shoot her. A painful cry left her mouth which starlted Emir.

"Lale Iam calling the doctor you are scaring me" Emir was about to go out to take his phone to call the doctor when she pull him from his arm and make him stand on his previous position just between her legs.

"Emir there is no need to call a doctor. Its normal. I . . I mean... It .. happens with every girl and that too every month" she try to make him understand but he was only looking at her with dump expression.

"Why are you so dump . You are a most intelligent person on the Earth and you are not aware of the fact that its normal to every girl and its called periods" getting frustrated she answer him. But she put a hand on her mouth when she realized that she has practically insulted him.

Looking his shocked expression and silent mode she become scared and start apologising him. She thought he is going to slap her when she saw his one lifting up towards her cheeks she tightly close her eyes to feel the pain which never come.
Opening her eyes confusingly she saw his hand rubbing on her stomach massaging it softly .

Then he put her down and give her toothbrush also taking his own and start brushing his teeth. Lale too start brushing. All the while looking at his strangely silent face.

After completing the business they both walk out the washroom . Suddenly Emir halt on his steps making Lale to bump in his back.

"Why did you vomit"? With serious face he ask her.

" oh! That . Well it look like I eat alot of junk food so maybe. Hehehehe" awkwardly laughing she answer him but inwardly she was shaking from fear.

"Oh you scared the shit out of me" saying that he pull her in a tight hug, suffocating her in the process.

"Can't breath" thats when he release her rubbing his neck sheepishly.

"You know what your mood swings are worse then a pregnant woman". While pointing her finger and with a annoyed expression she said.

"What? Lale ... cutting him off. She said know full in anger mood.

"Don't Lale me. Iam so mad right know that my hands are itching to slap someone. I am feeling so irritated that I want to strangled someone. Ahhh!" Her face was fully red due to anger and for the first time in his life Emir was actually feeling scared of her. 

"Ohh! Iam so sorry Emir its just that this pain is killing me and on the other habd Iam feeling tired as well as hungry" and her crying section start again.

Emir took a sigh he was also very tired . It was only 8 in the morning. He want to sleep some more time but Alas! He watch Lale who was crying like a samll baby and a chuckle left his mouth.

Look like her hormones are taking a toll on her.

"Come babe shhh its okay. I'll make you your favourite breakfast okay". Picking her in his arms and walking towards the kitchen he tried to coo her .

"Really I want to drink something cold" she look at him with adorable face.

Emir watch her in amusment, how she was behaving carefree without fearing from him and he was glad for that.

He made her sit on kitchen stool and start making breakfast but not before giving a chocolate to her which she took eagerly from him and start eating . Shaking his head with a small smile he move towards the fridge to take the desire ingredients he want.

After about half an hour later he put the breakfast on the table which consists of pancakes, scramble eggs, coffee and a milkshake for Lale.

As she took a bite a moan escaped her mouth making Emir restless. She was completely unaware of it and continue to enjoy her breakfast but for poor Emir it was sweet innocent torture her every moan stirred something inside him.

"Lale I want to talk to you"? Suddenly he become seriously as he couldn't control the urge to kiss her until she is out of breath.

"I..I didn't do any thing wrong right? I am sorry please forgave me...I 

"Lale you didn't do anything wrong . Relax don't be afraid". He feel bad seeing her getting scared on his single serious voice.

He pull her to himself and made her sit on his lap one leg each side and start creasing her cheeks lovingly.

First Lale blush because she was pack under and second her dress was small that she was looking like a seductive.

"Where did you get this nightwear"?

"That ummm! Sila gave me a beg . She told me that it has all essantial things. I want to change in to something comfortable, but instead of my pjs I found this . I don't have other option to wear it". Getting embarrassed she try to explain him.

"Then I sould thank my sister. You know you look so hot in it that I want to rip it off Ommph" she put a hand on his mouth stopping him from saying some foul .

"You want to talk to me . Tell me what it is" she try to divert his mind.

"Changing the subject are we babes but anyway I was telling you that today at around 12pm we had held a confrence with the media in which we are going to declare our marraige officle" as he complete  he saw all the colors drain from her face.


"Don't be scared Lale its high time we should declare. I had order our dresses and they should be here in any time. You just relax and let loose everything okay".  Saying that he made her eat some more before going to attend some important  work calls leaving Lale in her own thoughts.

At the conference

The couple was looking so adorable as they both were matching there clothes.

Lale's dress

Emir's dress

Media was going crazy as the most dashing bachlor  was know hooked that too secretly. Everyone was shocked to see such a innocent soul in devil's arms.

After posing for some picture they set down on the chairs all the while Lale clutching Emirs arms to her dear life. She was feeling scared in swamp of these people but the presence of her new family make her calm.

Emir also didn't let go off her hand all the time assuring her not to be scared.

They were ask alot of questions  obivously shabby ones making Lale uncomfortable. But it was not new to Emir, he answer all the questions calmly and confidently.

Sir is it true that you and miss Yasmeen were engaged almost married. She was also pregnant . Is miss Lale the reason between you breakup"

Silence nobody dare to intruppted or say anything . Emir clutch his hand in a fist and open his mouth to answer it when a voice cut him off.

"YESSS!" Everyone look at the source and gasp to see Yasmeen but it was not the shocking thing . The actual this was the baby in her arms.

Lale feel like her World is crumbling . Her heart feel a ping to see Yasmeen walking with confidently with  a smirk on her face.

Lale's POV:-

I saw Yasmeen standing in front of Emir. Everyone  was know standing on there feets to see the drama.

"Look Emir its our baby. Look he is just like you" with fake cry she said while my eyes stuck on the baby who was looking innocently at me while cutely sucking his thumb.

"What is this nonsense Yasmeen, I know he is not my baby as I don't remember donating my sperm to you" Emir's loud voice starlted the baby and he start crying loudly.

The press start recording and taking pictures of us without caring about anyone's reputation.

"I know you would say that, that is why I had came with all the proofs . Here see these pics and the DNA report it clearly said that this baby is yours ours". She was completely red due to anger as she bang the photos and  report on Emir's face.

A pic lend on feet I pick it up and upon watching it a tear released out of my eye. It was a picture of him and Yasmeen kissing and hugging eachother. I look at Yasmeen to see her smile wickedly.

She smirk at me and at that time I know its over . Emir and I are over.

"You trick me you Bitch . You are lying . I swear I will not spare you. Mark my words you will face the consequences very badly" As Emir's voice was loud the baby got more scared and look like Yasmeen was having a hard time hashing him.

"I didn't trick you. You have to accespt it and divorce her". She said pointing at me . She was clutching the arms of baby brutally and without any second I move towards her and take the baby from her arms .

"If you really are his mother then you should have known how to take care of a child" my voice cracked at the end seeing the small baby bruised a little on his arms as he was wearing a half sleeve shirt.

"Heyy baby look it so beautiful . Look look wow" I start to coo him and distract him with my locket. He stop crying and start clapping his hands and giggling . A smile came on my face and I kiss his head lovingly.

Sensing the silence I lift my head only to see that every eyes is watching me. I shifted towrds Emir to hide from them.

Emir's POV:-

Lale walk towards my side to hide herself from the eyes of these people. She is looking so caring and innocent with a baby a perfect mother. I immediately put my arm around her waist and kiss her head and a sigh escaped her mouth.

Yasmeen is trying to convince me really hard but I only wanted to laugh . I can see Mehmat and Ahmet doing the same . I mean come on people we are the most powerful busniess man . We have to keep a eye on our surroundings especially our enemies.

It was really hard to control my laugh but what pain me were the tears of Lale. Oh! My sweet wife soon you will smile.

I saw dad coming with a woman and police and it was my last que to put end to this chapter.

"Okay enough of the drama . Yasmeen I will ask you one last time tell the truth confess your lie and no one will get hurt" as her back was facing the entrance she didn't notice the people behind her.

"No Iam telling the truth this baby is our"

"Okay you wish for that" and immediatly police came and handcuff her.

"Heyy leave me what are you doing . Take then off me" she start shouting like a mad woman.

"Emir why are not saying anything and why are you smiling"? Lale's sweet voice made me look at her and I couldn't help but smile at her and pull in her hug and with the baby in her arm we were looking a complete family.

"Yasmeen its over . We all know your plan . This child is from orphnage and we have a sold proof for that. You see that woman she is the owner you may know her right". I said calmly while enjoying her face looks.

"We are arresting you for doing fraud and in alot of illegal acts" police officer said and start dragging her.

"I hope we have clear all you question please thats it for know thankyou for coming and attending the conference " Dad said to the media people while I was busy admiring my wife who was small while cooing the baby boy.

Everyone start walking out of the room and it was only my family and Ahmet and the orphnage lady.

"Mam I need to take him back to the orphnage. Please give him to me" the orphnage owner lady said  while coming forward and standing infront of Lale.

I saw Lale's smile wiped away and trun in to a sad pout. She look at me with tear fill eyes full of hope while clutching the baby to her chest.

The owner tried to take the baby but he start crying while fisting Lale's dress in his small hand.

"Wait! We are going to adopt him. You can contact my Pa he will do all the paper work". As soon as I finished it I was attacked with a hug knowing its my wife I hug her back.

"Thankyou so much" she said while crying .

Breaking the hug I wipe her tears and kiss her as well as the baby's head.

Everyone came to hug us , when Sila hug Lale and stand infront of me . I can't take anymore and hug my dear sister . Breaking the hug she took the baby and start playing with him.

Dad came and bless us. Everyone was happy when and were playing with the baby. I was talking to Ahmet when suddenly

"EMIRRRR!" Lale shout and push me and then we hear a gunshot.

Lale's POV:-

Iam feeling happy and complete seeing my family playing with the baby in Sila's arms.

Suddenly my eyes went towards Aunt Zeynep and got shocked to see her aiming a gun towrds Emir who was taking with Ahmet.

I suddenly shout and push him backward and next thing I knew I feel immense pain in my stomach and a liquid which is my blood gush out of me.

"LALEEE! What have you done? Please hang on there. CALL THE AMBULANCE". Emir shout as he put my head on his lap  but I only look at his face trying to registerd his features . I can hear every cry. I even saw tears coming out of his eyes.

I pull my hand up to his face but before it could touch it blackness consume my surroundings and I let my self loose in it.

Aslamoaliakum and Hi gyuz😊

So what do you think will happen next?

Do read it after completing your every Salah.

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