Chapter 7

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Emir's POV:-

What the Hell!? What is this new drama ? Me getting married! Everyone was cheering and congratulating me but I was standing rooted with a shock expression.

“There is going to be a grand ceremony of my son's marriage and you all are invited and also I'm going to officially introduce my daughter in law after there Nikah”.

Dad was saying and my mind was all a mess. Who is she? Dad said she is his friends daughter but as far as I know all friends of dad had there daughters either married or gold diggers.

My eyes automatically goes to Yasmeen and there was wicked smile on her face like she won something and I’m sure that girl is her. But how could dad do this? He didn't ask me and moreover my dad hate Yasmeen.
Loud cheering brought me back to reality . I immediately walk towards dad and confront him.

“How can you do this to me HUH!? You know Yasmeen is a money hungry Bitch. I'm not marrying her and that’s final. You can't force me"

I was breathing hard , my hands were clinched in a fist, but my dad was having a calm expression on his face like he knows this was going to happen.

“Who says you are going to marry Yasmeen”.

“If she is not Yasmeen than who is she". This time mom beats me and  ask the question. My mom really likes Yasmeen.  She thinks Yasmeen is a perfect girl with beauty fame and a example of perfectionist. She adores her a lot and even Sila likes her .

“well you see she is the most beautiful and perfect girl for Emir and her name is LALE”.

Pain and only pain. I was feeling pain everywhere in my body, but there was another feeling of emptiness. In a dark and small room I was laying in a corner waiting for my death, but as I slowly open my eyes I know that I have to live because if my Allah has given me another chance to live, so there must be some reason to live . I was looking around some time wincing and sometime letting a wail of cry due to pain. How long have I been here?
Slowly getting up I saw my shirt’s sleeves torn and there were marks of belt's lashes on my body . Ignoring the pain I went to the door but unfortunately the door was locked from outside.

I just slide down on the floor with my back press to the door . A series of fresh tears start and I cry loudly letting my pain  observed by the gloomy and hollow room.

Suddenly I hear a loud bang and familiar voices talking loudly or arguing with each other. I hear the sound of footsteps coming near the door and there was a sound of clicking of lock. As in clue I immediately back away from the door.

Uncle enter in the room and drag me by my wrists. As soon as we reach the main hall he push me with a force and I fall on the ground.

“Get her ready tomorrow they are coming to see her . I don’t want anything wrong”. What is he talking about . Who are coming to see me. Oh Allah plz nothing bad happens.

“But dad!”

“Enough Yasmeen no more arguments. Try to understand if we don't do this we will be bankrupt or worsen on the streets. He is offering me a huge amount for her marriage with his son”.

What marriage? Allah no what he is thinking?  Is he seriously going to sold me to someone whom I don't know? 
My uncle move towards my aunt who was strangely quite the whole time.

“Get her ready buy her a beautiful dress tomorrow. Make sure it look like we treat her like our own dear daughter. Here take my card with you”. Saying that he turn towards me.

Suddenly he grab my hair strongly and said  “Dare to open your mouth about anything, then you better know the consequences will be really bad".

With a jerk he left my hair and goes to probably his room with my aunt tailing behind him.

“If you think you have won him by marrying him than you are wrong he is mine only mine and Yasmeen  knows how take his things”. What is she talking about and who is he whom I am marrying?

“Emir is Mine only Mine Understand?” She said and walk away

Emir who are you?

Yasmeen's POV: -

SHIT!! FU**K!! How can this happen. I was suppose to marry him she was not. I was supposed to own his surname his wealth but know Water flowed all over my plane and that's because of that Bitch Lale. I will destroy her and make her life a Hell.

“Just wait and Watch my dear sister cousin How I make your life miserable”

HaHHAHAHAH! An evil laugh escaped my lips when I think of the perfect plan.

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