Commands And Skill Charts

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/hunt alone [Your Name]

/hunt with (3-4 Names) [Your Name]

/train (skill) with (cat's name) [Your Name)

/train (cat's name) in (skill) [Your Name]

/forge alone [Your Name]

/forge with (2-3 Names) [Your Name]

/patrol with (3-4 Names)

/join patrol [Your Name]

/fight [Your Name]

/hide [Your Name]

/defend [Your Name]

/don't eat [Your Name]

/rank up to (New Name)

/change name to (New Name)

/build relationship with (cat's name) [Your Name]

/breed with (Mate's Name) [Your Name]

/play with (2-4 Names) [Your Name]

Commands That Cost 0 Energy

/don't eat [Your Name]

/rank up to (New Name)

/change name to (New Name)

Commands That Cost 1 Energy

/hunt alone [Your Name]

/hunt with (3-4 Names) [Your Name]

/train (skill) with (cat's name) [Your Name)

/train (cat's name) in (skill) [Your Name]

/forge alone [Your Name]

/forge with (2-3 Names) [Your Name]

/patrol with (3-4 Names)

/fight [Your Name]

/defend [Your Name]

/build relationship with (cat's name) [Your Name]

/breed with (Mate's Name) [Your Name]

/join patrol [Your Name]

Commands That Take The Rest Of Your Energy

/hide [Your Name]

What Each Command Does

•The /hunt alone [Your Name] command sends your cat out to hunt by themself. Depending on their skill is how much prey you catch. You must be a Leader, Deputy, Warrior or Apprentice to use this command.

•The /hunt with (3-4 Names) [Your Name] command sends you and 3 to 4 cats on a hunting patrol together. Every 2 cats that hunt together gets a +1 prey bonus. Depending on your skills is how much prey you will catch. You must be a Leader, Deputy, Warrior or Apprentice to use this command.

The /train (skill) with (cat's name) [Your Name] command lets you train your skill with one other cat. The other cat must have the higher skill then you so your skill increases. All ranks can use this except for Kits and Queens.

•The /train (cat's name) in (skill) [Your Name] command lets you train another cat in their skill. You must have the higher skill to train the other cat. Any rank except for Kits and Queens can use this command. Apprentices and Med Apprentices can help train other Apprentices, they cannot train Warriors or Med Cats.

•The /forge alone [Your Name] command sends your cat out to forge for herbs by themself. You must be a Med Cat or Med Cat Apprentice to use this command.

•The /forge with (2-3 Names) [Your Name] command sends you and 2 to 3 others to forge for herbs. You must be a Med Cat or Med Cat Apprentice to use this command.

•The /patrol with (3-4 Names) [Your Name] command sends you and 3 to 4 others on a border patrol. This will strengthen the border and less attacks and disasters will happen. But if its too low then you could get attacked or a disaster could happen. You must be a Leader, Deputy, Warrior or Apprentice to use this command.

•The /join patrol [Your Name] command lets you join a border or hunting or forging patrol. All ranks except for Kits can use this command.

•The /fight [Your Name] command lets you go fight an enemy, enemy's could be Owls, Foxes, Rogues, The Diseased, or Badgers. Others can join you to fight even if they don't reply to your comment directly. You must be a Leader, Deputy, Warrior or Apprentice to use this command.

•The /hide [Your Name] command hides your cat from danger like disasters or camp attacks. You are not allowed to do anything else for the rest of the day. You can use all your energy then this command to get some things done or use this command and not do anything else. Everyone can use this command except for the Leader. Leaders can use this command ONLY if its a disaster.

•The /defend [Your Name] command lets you defend the camp against attacks. Leaders, Deputies, Warriors, and Apprentices can use this command.

•All cats eat at the end of the day unless there is not enough prey for everyone. Use the /don't eat [Your Name] command to have someone else get a chance to eat, but beware if you do this too many times in a row your cat might die of starvation. Everyone can use this command.

•The /rank up to (New Name) ranks your cat up from kit to apprentice or from apprentice to warrior/med cat.

•The /change name to (New Name) command lets you change your warrior or med cat name to something that suites you better.

•The /build relationship with (cat's name) [Your Name] command lets you build a relationship with another cat. There are 3 stages Friends, Best Friends, Then Mates. The other player must agree. Rp how your cat's came to each stage if you want!

•The /breed with (Mate's Name) [Your Name] command lets you and your mate well... mate. The female will become pregnant and after 3 days (3 game moons) 1-6 kits will be born. This is the only way new players can join the game. You must have used the command above 3 times before using this command and the other player must agree.

•The /play with (2-4 Names) [Your Name] command is for Kits and Queens only. If A kit plays a total of 4 plays before ranking up to an apprentice, then your skill will start at 1 instead of 0.

Huntingskill Chart

Skill Level 0: 0-1 prey
Skill Level 1: 0-2 prey
Skill Level 2: 0-3 prey
Skill Level 3: 1-3 prey
Skill Level 4: 1-4 prey
Skill Level 5: 2-4 prey

Fightingskill Chart

Skill Level 0: Damage Score 0-2
Skill Level 1: Damage Score 1-4
Skill Level 2: Damage Score 1-5
Skill Level 3: Damage Score 2-6
Skill Level 4: Damage Score 2-7
Skill Level 5: Damage Score 3-8


Rogues: Damage Score 1-4, Health 20
Owls: Damage Score 2-6, Health 30
Foxes: Damage Score 2-7, Health 25
Badgers: Damage Score 3-8, Health 50
The Diseased: DEATH GUARANTEED, Health Depends

Forgingskill Chart

Skill Level 0: 0-1 herbs
Skill Level 1: 0-2 herbs
Skill Level 2: 0-3 herbs
Skill Level 3: 1-3 herbs
Skill Level 4: 1-4 herbs
Skill Level 5: 2-4 herbs

Healing Chart
(Level 2 can heal Level 1 and 2 and so on)

Skill Level 0: Cannot heal

Skill Level 1: Can heal Slightly Injured (3 herbs)

Skill Level 2: Can heal Cough (4 herbs)

Skill Level 3: Can heal White Cough (5 herbs) and Injured (4 herbs)

Skill Level 4: Can heal Severely Injured (10 herbs)

Skill Level 5: Can heal Green Cough (10 herbs)

Warning! Diseased infections CANNOT be healed! Your cat WILL die and become a Diseased!

Stages Of Disease-

Version: Scratched or Bitten
Stage 1- Infected Scratch or Bite mark
Stage 2- Weakness and Tired
Stage 3- Stomach Ache and Vomiting
Stage 4- Bald Spots and Craving of Blood
Stage 5- Fully Diseased and must be killed or driven away

Version: Ate a Diseased animal (voles, birds, rabbits, and so on)
Stage 1- Stomach Ache
Stage 2- Weakness, Tired and Vomiting
Stage 3- Bald Spots and Craving of Blood
Stage 4- Fully Diseased and must be killed or driven away

Any questions? Just ask!

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