Disguised Behind Electric Eyes

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Sunyshore City sits on an elevated summit; its notorious lighthouse is a beacon for all trainers in southeastern Sinnoh. It's because of the unabashed opulence of this lighthouse that the "Beacon" badge has gained its honorific.

But the illusion of Sunyshore's crisp, vibrant shorelines and idyllic, radiant skies are broken upon meeting its gym trainer, Volkner.

You had heard many trainers recount their interactions with the disconsolate gym leader; was it any wonder you were nervous to face him? You sat on a bench, looking at your display case with all of your badges laid inside.

Your experiences thus far battling the many gym leaders in Sinnoh have been remarkably pleasant. Your limited confinement of what you you knew of Pokemon had been shattered, as had your knowledge of the vast surrounding land of Sinnoh. You gently stroked the poke ball that hung on your belt containing Palkia, whom you earned after a valiant battle against Team Galactic's boss, Cyrus.

Surely possessing a Pokemon that was part of the creation trio would be enough to capture the electric gym leader's interest, wouldn't it?

After letting your eyes rest at the one empty badge slot in your case, you flipped it closed, ready to make your way into Sunyshore.

Volkner's aforementioned title came from his expertise with electric Pokémon. So far, you have encountered Roark of Oreburgh and his lineup of durable and determined rock Pokemon. With the apple not falling far from the tree, you later discovered Roark's father, Byron, the leader of Canalave City's gym, who possessed an impressive array of steel-type Pokemon.

The second battle took place in Eterna City, against the amicable Gardenia and her plant-type prowess. A far cry from the third leader of Veilstone City, Maylene, a young girl with fierce fighting Pokemon.

Then there was the kooky water leader in Pastoria; his name still rings in your mind: Crasher Wake. Followed by the French xenophile Fantina, who added a sense of elegance to that of the psychic Pokemon guild.

Before Sunyshore, you were stationed in the far north of Sinnoh, in a town known as Snowpoint. Excited to leave its frigid atmosphere and Candice, the ice Pokemon speacliast, in her natural habitat, you welcomed the journey to Sunyshore with open arms.

That was until you heard about Volkner.

Volkner was known to reject trainers he deemed unsatisfactory in his quest to satiate his thirst for a true challenge. It had been rumored that the electricity buff struggled against his own personal challenge, depression.

As you entered Sunyshore, your mouth gaped in wonder at the extensive solar panels that ran above the city, creating multiple skywalks.

"Hey! Are you looking to challenge leader Volkner?"

A man with fine, wispy curls of scarlet approached you. He seemed to appraise you, giving you a once-over before breaking out in a sly grin.

"Maybe you are what Volkner needs." He mused beneath his breath.

"Excuse me?"

"It's just that Volkner is so depressed anymore. He states it's because he can't find a worthy opponent in the gym, although I sense there is more to it."

"Who are you?" You wondered why this stranger was sharing intimate details about the despondent gym leader.

"Ah, I'm Flint! I'm Volkner's right-hand man, oh, and one of the elite four." He winked at you.

"WHAT?" You could feel your composure beginning to falter. "So, I'll eventually be battling you as well."

He grinned again, completely aware of the intimidation his elite four title held over you. "All in due time, my dear, for now, let's focus on my sullen buddy. Do you think you could offer him a match he won't forget?"

You thought of how Palkia sat in wait. "I intend to."

He clapped. "Great, there's something about you. You are just what Volkner needs. I can feel it." He surveyed you once more, curling the ends of his lips upward in a way that made them quiver slightly.

He then fist-pumped the air. "I am burning with excitement!"

Before you could inquire more about what his deal was, he began to walk off. "Good luck, trainer! Give it your all! I'm sure I'll be hearing about you!" He gave you a spirited wave before finally disappearing from your sight.

What the hell was that about? You noticed a thin iron railing, and you gripped it for support. The strange interaction that just occurred almost made your nerves jumble in your stomach. You tried to push Flint's words from your mind, but you couldn't seem to ignore the artful way he kept smirking at you.

After stopping to ask for directions at least five times, you finally stood before the paneled doors of Sunyshore's gym. The gym itself was in an isolated spot in town, much like the supposed reclusive nature of the leader himself. As your fingers trembled on the door handle, you heard a voice call out from the sidewalk. "Sorry, miss, if you are seeking Volkner, he isn't inside at the moment." An older gentleman strolled toward you, pushing the mirrored frames of his glasses up his long nose. "I'm the gym's official greeter. Our electrician is at the top of the lighthouse at the moment. The city just had a major outage. Now that the power has been restored, he should be back momentarily. You are welcome to go to the lighthouse and find him yourself."

"Thank you. It is beautiful here. I'm sure the visions from the top of the lighthouse are phenomenal." You reveled in the idea of enjoying the panoramic views the lighthouse offered. It didn't hurt to play tourist a little bit and collect yourself before the battle.

If there would even be one.

"Yes, I encourage you to enjoy all Sunyshore has to offer. There is a great poke ball specialty shop that will decorate your poke balls and give them personality." The greeter nudged his glasses upward once again. "Or... you could train a little more. It wouldn't hurt if you're going against Volkner. He is not one to hold back."

You snorted. "Neither will I. Thank you, sir."

"Good day, miss."

It was as you walked toward the lighthouse that you realized one minor issue.

You didn't even know what Volkner looked like.

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It took 350 steps to reach the top.

As you finally reached the vista of the lighthouse, you scoured your surroundings. There were a couple of rambunctious kids playing with a Bidoof. A young couple, sitting on a couch, cozied together in a sickening display of public affection.

A few seniors, one of whom had a sharp-looking Hound Doom asleep by his leg.

Then there was a man looking out at the ocean.  You decided your safest bet was beside the man. You walked over, standing next to him and gasping as you looked at the opal ripples of the crisp waters below.

"Oh wow!" You exclaimed rather loudly. "How could anyone be depressed while living surrounded by such beauty?"

"Come again?" The man beside you glanced your way; his eyebrows hovered above his eyes in a way that made his expression seem hollow. What unnerved you was the blue in his eyes, which were as breathtaking as the view below you.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't realize I was talking out loud."

His stance remained unimpressed as he hopelessly stared at the boats floating on the expansive horizon. It was as if he wanted one of them to rock in this direction and take him away. He kept his hands concealed in the safety of his deep pockets, like they would catch fire if he removed them and exposed them to the air. A chain that dangled from his hips jangled as he quickly swiped his hand through the razored spikes of his blond hair, returning it to the security of his pocket.

He then responded. "Sometimes, you become immune to beauty. A day like today is one that most people would celebrate because it is so disgustingly beautiful. Yet here I am, standing and waiting for a storm, so I may appreciate the way the lightning strikes the sky and the ocean roars as if it has been violated. To me, that is beauty."

He had no real emotion behind the way he spoke, yet his words were deeper than the farthest point of the ocean. You weren't sure how much deeper he could go.

"Beauty is, at best, subjective." You nodded in awkward agreement.

His tone still held an air of disinterest as he continued to converse with you. "What's beautiful to you?"

That was an easy question for you. But your answer was too intimate to tell a complete stranger. Sensing your hesitation, he added, "It's hard for me to see beauty anymore. Perhaps another perspective can help me. Please."

"My hometown." His eyes lifted, and his stare seemed to jostle you into divulging more. "I'm from Twinleaf town. In Sinnoh, it's a nothing town. But when I tell you there is something magical about waking up to the way the leaves danced outside my window and cast shadows on a patch of sunlight on my bedroom floor." You found yourself smiling at the image while embracing the feeling of homesickness it conjured.

"That does indeed sound magical. Why did you leave that beauty and come here?"

"I am a student of Professor Rowan. I am filling his pokedex, yet somehow I was lassoed into becoming a trainer and battling the gym leaders of Sinnoh. So, I am here in hopes that Volkner will battle me. Although I've been told he's very hard to get to commit to a challenge."

He rested his head against the window, turning his body to face you. You had a hard time meeting his eyes. You asked him, "Have you seen him? I was told he was here at the lighthouse."

You noticed the faintest ghost of a smile spread across his face. "He's on his way back to his gym."

"I missed him again. Maybe I'm not meant to battle him." You felt a wave of discouragement hit you until you remembered Flint. "But I told Flint I would."

The man's eyes shot open upon hearing you say Flint's name. "Flint?"

"You know Flint? Well, he is part of the elite four; I suppose everyone knows him. He basically told me he was trusting me to give Volkner a challenge that would electrify him. I don't see how I could make a difference. The number of challengers he must face must be exhausting for him."

"It isn't the number of challenges; it is the lack of challenge itself."

You let out a grunt of vexation. "The man is a certified electrician; I'm fairly certain he feels sparks all the time."

To your surprise, the man let out a slight chuckle. "He may be the most adept electric trainer in all of Sinnoh, but I can assure you he hasn't felt a spark in a long time."

As he said this, his eyes held yours, and you could feel your cheeks blossom with heat. You could feel the unspoken meaning reflected in his hard gaze. You came to Sinnoh to ignite a spark in a leader in despair; you didn't expect to have your own flash of ignition.

Enjoying the way it felt to have his eyes on you a little too much, you fumbled backward, and with a stutter, you decided to part ways. "Uh, um, thank you for the advice, and, um, good day to you."

You darted to the top of the staircase, not bothering to wait for his response. As you began to make the 350-step descent back down, you heard him call out, "See you around!"

What you didn't hear was his whisper, "A lot sooner than you think."

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With the young man's words fresh in your mind and a pep in your step, you burst through the doors of Sunyshore's gym, holding your head high, ready to persuade the disgruntled leader into a challenge. You saw the familiar face of the usher with the glasses that were a little too big for his slender face.

"Ah, miss, did you not find Volkner at the lighthouse?"

You frowned. "What? I was just there, and I was told he had returned."

The man caressed the ends of his mustache in thought. "Hmm, that's odd; I haven't seen him- oh." He took his glasses off and gave them a quick polish on the hemline of his shirt. As he hooked his glasses back onto his ears that were curved like overripe bananas, he declared, "Ah, why there he is!"

You heard the sound of a chain jangling as footsteps came toward you. An announcement in a voice you had just heard not too long ago sounded from behind you. "I've returned."

The melodious depth of the voice made you jerk your head over your shoulder and freeze. The same pair of scintillating and breath-stealing blue eyes had returned, locking onto your eyes once more.

He ran his fingers through his course blond hair, disheveling it yet again. Instead of his closely latched lips, which seemed too heavy for him to lift previously, they were now hoisted upward in the form of a mischievous smile.

You could feel your mouth flapping in the breeze that rolled in from the open gym door as it hung in astonishment. "You're... you're Volkner?"

"I played an unkind prank on you; forgive me. But how else was I to know what people were saying about me?"

He folded his arms in thought. "Well, Flint sees something in you; I suppose I should accept your challenge." He then raked his fingers through his hair a third time, in what you now considered a demonstration of nerves.

"Why don't we up the ante?" You felt yourself begin to sweat; you mimicked Volkner and messed with your thick, h/c tresses.

"If you win, you'll receive the Beacon badge as per Pokemon League rules, but if I win..." His mouth snaked upward in the same way Flint's had, and it suddenly became clear why they were friends.

"If I win, you'll award me with a date."

The sweat had now collected at your temples, and heat licked your cheeks.

"What do you say?" He asked with an electrifying smile of slightly off-white teeth.

You couldn't help but meet his grin, a current of lusty energy zapping you both. "For the first time, you've turned this into a challenge I actually want to lose."

⚡️ Edited: 3/22/24

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