4. To Avoid, to Enjoy

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To be continued ...

"Sanskar, I understand everything. I understand your anger. May be I will never know what you are feeling but you have to think about your life that you are going to start with Eshika. For whatever reason, however she is here. Let it be. Don't let it ruin your happiness. But obviously untill or unless, she does anything wrong this time. But on second thoughts, I don't think she will take any chance to create anymess. Who knows if she is just here to attend her cousin's wedding?" Rivaaz said.

"It will be better for her to stay away from me." Sanskar said trying to supress his anger.

"For sure. Anyways just forget all about that not so important person, and enjoy your free days before wedding. Just chill and calm down buddy. The groom should be chill and relaxed. It doesn't suit him to be angry and furious like he is going to kill his fiancee." Arav said in cool tone trying to make the atmosphere somewhat better.

"Look who's talking?" Sanskar muttered under his breathe and shook his head unbelievably but trio heard it. Rivaaz and Laksh chuckled while Arav made annoyed face.

"My case is different and you all know that. Ok?" Arav said in annoyed tone.

"Just look at your face. What happens to you even with the indirect mention of her. You are also getting married in few months and you are behaving so indifferent." Laksh said.

"You know the reason. It's just messing my mind and... I just can't take. And, can we please don't talk her? I really don't want to think about her right now." Arav said being pissed off a bit.

Laksh and Rivaaz shook their head as they know him and his problems very well. Sanskar looked at him and then eyes at Rivaaz.

"For now you can avoid the topic but Arav, your fiance is coming tomorrow." Rivaaz said looking at him while he looked shocked.

"What the hell!!!" Arav literally shouted.

"Who invited her?" He blasted looking at Rivaaz as if he is going to eat him alive.

"Why are you asking me? It's not my wedding and I don't have authority to invite anyone." Rivaaz said shrugging his shoulder.

Arav narrowed his eyes at Laksh who showed his hands up in defeated way.

"Look, I know Sanskar is my brother and I am friendly with her because I don't behave rudely with girls. But that doesn't mean I will invite her because my life is more important to me." Laksh said.

Arav then look at Sanskar who sighed at the angry creature who was giving him advice to chill and relax just a few minutes ago.

"Come on Arav, she is your fiance and Eshika's friend too. Then oviously she will come. Why would you think she won't be invited here. Her family is also our family friends." Sanskar said.

"Just Perfect!! Can this wedding be more dramatic than this?" Arthav said and shook his head.

"Arav." Rivaaz held his shoulder who was having angry expression on his face.

"You don't want to feel suffocation with a relationship and I am feeling that. And the worst part, I can't do anything about it rather waiting and counting the day she will be tied to me." Arav said gritting his teeth.

"Arav, just relax." Sanskar said and hugged him side way.

Arav nodded and took a deep breath nodding his head.

"What else I can do? Now that you have invited her, welcome her tomorrow. But just don't expect me to behave like a typical Sanskari guy or perfect loving fiancee. I am here to enjoy my best friend's wedding. Not to welcome his not so important guests." Arav threw these words at him making him chuckle.

"I won't. But I expect you not to behave like a jerk." Sanskar said.

"Well, you know I can't promise you that." Arav said with chuckle.

"Yeah, as he is already the one." Rivaaz said.

"I agree on that.. haha" Laksh said and he gave hi five to Rivaaz and laughed together only to get smacks on their stomachs from Arav.

And they all laughed. The moment was finally light a bit. But then only Sanskar phone rings. He sees the phone. It was Annapurna. His badi maa. He takes the call.

" Ji badi Maa,.. ji.," He said and then hear from the other side.

He was smiling but suddenly his smile started fading away and he looked at Laksh with serious expression who also looked at him being confused. Rivaaz and Arav also sees him.

"Ji Maa, okay sure. " He said and disconnected the call.

"What happened Bhai? Is everything okay?" Laksh asked confusingly.

Sanskar nodded but he knows his brother well.

"What happened buddy? Is something serious?" Rivaaz asked. Arav was also confused.

"Nothing, Actually,... (Sighs) Laksh just don't overreact. Ok? And calmly listen. " Sanskar said and before he could continue further they heard Laksh.

"Uh, I get it. So, the Princess is gracing us again with her presence. And I should go and pick her up from the airport tomorrow, right?" Laksh said sarcastically and nods his head unbelievably.

Sanskar nodded.

"Yes, she is coming and badi maa didn't tell you directly because..." Sanskar said but again Laksh interrupted him.

"Because she know how much I care for that princess of her And how I will strictly deny." Laksh completed sanskar in his own sarcastic way.

"Laksh! What's your problem with her? Why can't you just let it go?" Sanskar asked in serious tone.

"Because I just can't Bhai. She was never and will never be related to me. I have nothing to do with her And I really don't care about her." Laksh said in serious tone.

Rivaaz and Arthav said nothing but they understood what and for whom it's all about.

"Laksh, it's just for a week. Don't be a cold shoulder atleast." Sanskar said.

"Forget it bhai" Laksh said.

Sanskar sighed and said.

"Fine! I can't go to pick her from airport because there is some ritual. So, I have to be present here. That's why Maa wants you to go. But let it be, I will ask the driver." Sanskar said and he know his brother well.

Laksh turned his face away like it wasn't affecting him.

"Dont worry Sanskar. I will take care. I will go to the airport." Arav said giving a nod at him.

Sanskar nodded and gave a thankful smile. Laksh was getting angry and his mind drifted toward some thoughts. When Arav put his hand on his shoulder bringing him back from his riverie.

"Chill buddy. Don't stress yourself too much. I will take care if that's bothering you too much." Arav said.

"Thanks." Laksh said and hugged him sideway being relaxed a bit. Sanskar and Rivaaz smiled.

"By the way Someone said, he is not here to welcome our guests, right?" Laksh said raising his eyebrows.

"Yeah, but unfortunately you idiots are more than my brothers and I can't behave like jerk like he said. So, I have to help." Arav said getting back to his own self.

"But on the serious note Laksh, please. If possible don't be rude toward her. Maa and bade papa will be hurt too. You know that. Just stay away. Simple." Sanskar said.

Laksh nodded thinking a bit. Rivaaz sense everything was getting so serious. So, he said.

"Hey guys, it's Sanskar's wedding. Our best buddy's wedding. Come on. We should be happy, not make faces just because of few things." Rivaaz said.

"You are right. Let's just don't think about problems and enjoy the present." Arav said.

Laksh and Sanskar nodded with smile.

"And, we got something for us. Wait, I will just come." Arav said and ran from there confusing Rivaaz and Sanskar but Laksh knew and he smile.

In a minute, they saw Arav coming with a champagne bottle and glasses. He winked at them.

After sometime, they were having drink and cracking jokes and laughing on each other, pulling each other's legs. They weren't drunk. None of them was regular drinkers. They just drink occasionally.

While having drink, Sanskar thoughts drifted toward Swara but tried to avoid. Arav hugged him side way. Sanskar smiled.

"See, that's why Aunties tell me that I am most sensible and sane guy among four of us." Rivaaz said having a sip.

"That's because you still don't have any girl in your life to screw your happiness." Laksh said.

"That's true. I agree." Sanskar said.

"Me too, Mr. I will stay bachelor of Life!!" Arav said sarcastically.

"Yeah, that could be one of the reason but atleast I am the happiest one." Rivaaz laughed.

"Hey, watch out. I am also single." Laksh said.

"That's temporary dude. Did you forget the list of your girl.... Friends you have??" Rivaaz said sarcastically and chuckled joined by other two.

Laksh chuckled.

"Well that reminds me, how's Anya?" Laksh asked in teasing tone.

"Wohoo!! Yes, you didn't tell us how's Anya, Rivaaz? Arav asked teasingly.

"Not again Guys!!" Rivaaz said looking away.

"Ah haa... Some is blushing, huh?" Sanskar said looking at Rivaaz who just rolled his eyes.

"Not you too Sanskar. " Rivaaz said in irritated tone.

They laughed watching him irritated.

They were having fun and chilling out. Sanskar mood was light a bit with friends
So were others. That's when when a girl came cladded in sky blue colour suit salwar. But when she saw the scene in front of her, she smiled and was about to go back. But Laksh saw her.

"Hey Eshika!" Laksh called her.

Others also looked at her. She turned around and gave a smile to them.

"Hey Eshika, Why are you going? Come on." Arav said.

"No, I just came to talk to him. (Looking at Sanskar) But seems like you all are having the fun. So, enjoy. Will talk later."Eshika said and was about to go but Rivaaz stopped her.

"Hey you guys talk. Anyway, we are having enough and were leaving only." Rivaaz said and nodded at Sanskar who nodded at him in agreement.

"Yeah, sure soon to be bhabhi ji. He is all yours." Laksh said with chuckle leading Eshika to smile but this time Sanskar felt something weird. He didn't feel it before when Laksh used to tease her calling bhabhi but this time, her Face  appeared in front of his eyes which he instantly jerked off his mind and gave a fake smile.

They went from their leaving both of them. Sanskar looked at her and she turned to look at him giving a small smile to him. No matter what she is going to be his wife and he unknowingly given more importance to anger on swara rather than her.

"Eshika I am so...." Sanskar was about to apologise

"Are you okay, Sanskar?" Eshika asked him before Sanskar could complete.

"What?" Sanskar was surprised.

"I asked, are you okay Sanskar?" She repeated with same concern.

"You are asking me this? I thought you must be hurt because of me." Sanskar said in amused tone.

"Come on Sanskar, I am your friend before your fiance and I understand what you must be feeling that moment." Eshika said with small smile.

Sanskar smiled looking at the girl in front of him. She was indeed very understanding.

"Unfortunately, I expected wrong person to understand me." Sanskar said feeling hurt a bit.

"Sanskar..." She said with concern.

"I am fine Eshika. And I am... I am really very sorry that unknowingly I am letting her affect me." Sanskar said and looked away from her feeling guilty.

"Sanskar you don't need to be sorry I know everything. If there's anything you want to talk with me. Then you can. You know I will always hear you. And I am really not hurt because of anything. You need your space. You don't need to explain anything." Eshika said.

Sanskar sighed. He looked at her yet again and held her both hand in his.

"Thanks for being so understanding Eshika. Thanks for being the way you are. I don't know what I would I done. Thanks for everything. Mom dad were forcing me to get married and I just couldn't drag any girl to spoil her life and mine too. And as a friend I knew you will understand me and you stood by me to support ne even after knowing everything. Eshika, I don't know if I will ever able move on or give you that place you deserve in my heart or my life. But I will be truthful to you always. I can't even say that I will be loyal to you because I am already betraying you by still giving place in my heart to someone who don't deserve and I am not able to keep her away from my thoughts. I just can say I can try and supress those feelings. But don't know if I will ever stop it. I need time Eshika. I can lie to world, not to myself, not to you." Sanskar said truthfully.

"Sanskar, we have already discussed everything na.. and I am firstly your friend, Nothing more. No fiance or soon to be wife. I don't need any filter when you are talking to me. Just stay the way you are. That's enough." Eshika said with smile giving a light squeeze to his hand.

"Thank you." Sanskar gave small smile.

"Not again Mr. Maheshwari! You are breaking the rule of friendship."Eshika said with fake angry tone.

They chuckled that when Sanskar's face turned and he looked at the person he would least want to see.

There she was claded in green suit standing near the stairs. Her opened hair and dupatta were softly floating with wind. But she was looking like a lost angel who has lost her way as if she didn't know why and what she was doing there. She was frozen at her place. Her eyes unknowingly diverted toward their joined hands and it wrenched her heart to pain. Slowly lifting her eyes gathering some courage, her eyes met his and she felt the venom in his eyes. He gave a stern and cold look that shivered her till core and she immediately turned around as if she has done some mistake by even looking at them. Her vision got blurry before a drop of water made its way down the cheeks from her eye. Her feet felt so heavy but she has to run, run away from there, from him.  Thinking this, she just ran downstairs and continuously ran till she reached her room. She closing the door and slide down the floor shattering into pieces once again. Her head felt heavy and she slowly slumped down to the carpet floor letting it soak the tear drops she was shedding right now. Her eyes were still open which she slowly closed and squeezed it tightly as if her tears will stop but she knew it won't help. One more night is waiting to hurt her, may be more than yesterday, may be more worse than what she felt till now.

On the other hand, Sanskar was looking at the way she went away and he was again back to furious mode.

"I am leaving. Good night Eshika." He tried to say in normal tone but failed.

"Good night." She said and he just made his way downstairs and straight back to his room leaving Eshika in his thoughts.

Eshika was standing still at her position and was thinking something. She looked worried and restless. She closed her eyes and clutching her both hands together, she prayed to God.

To be continued....

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