6. Someone to understand

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Sitting in the lobby, she was lost in her thoughts looking at the beautiful fishes. Pretending to smile for so long and helping Suchitra, she got tired a bit. But it was not physical tiredness that was bothering her. So many guests praised her for her beauty and her polite nature. She heard a couple of aunties whispering about her and some alliances for her. Her mother Shomi took interest in that topic but she avoided it which made an impression on then that she got shy with the topic of her marriage. In all this, she didn't miss when she heard her father asking Gautam about some marriage proposal of a guy. Gautam said that the family is coming on the wedding day of Eshika. So, they will meet with them and introduce Swara with them. Shekhar agreed which made her heart clenched in pain. But, she couldn't even express sitting in between so many people. She was just faking smiles to everyone and answered if anyone asked something in few words.
After what it felt like eternity, She heard Suchitra asking her to get some rest. They will meet at dinner . May be that kind lady saw some tiredness on her face. She gave a genuine smile to her after looking at shomi who also nodded at her. She was going back to her room when she passed by the lobby and saw an aquarium there. She smiled looking at so many beautiful fishes. Her feets took her there and she sat on the couch along with aquarium.

She traced her hand on the glass wall and the fishes moved along her fingers movement. She felt some ease in that moment. Just like she used to feel early morning after feeding birds. She was lost in her world when Sanskar who was going downstairs talking something with Laksh stopped and saw her. Laksh followed his eyes and looked at Swara. She was facing her side look. Her hairlocks were almost covering her face. Laksh looked back at Sanskar, who diverted his eyes and clenching his first, he made his way out of there. Laksh followed him giving a last look to Swara unaware of the fact that, she had already noticed their reflection on the glass and squeezed her eyes as soon as they were gone, letting that tear fall which was blurring her vision.

On the other side,

"Finally, my princess is here. How are you beta? Why did you take so long to come this time?" Annapurna asked cuping a girl's face.

The girl was wearing a traditional kurti and had a overwhelming smile on her face. She hugged Annapurna and said.

"Maa, It was final year. I was busy with my exams, you know that already. And now I am here na? Aren't you happy about that?" The girl said and looked at her with smile.

"I am more than happy to see you, Ragini. It's just that we miss you so much." Annapurna said.

"I missed you all so much Maa." Ragini said and hugged her emotionally.

That's when Laksh came along with Sanskar. Laksh saw Ragini and his mother hugging her. He rolled his eyes.

"Ahh!! That was only left to see!!" Laksh muttered to himself. Sanskar looked at him 'like what?'. Laksh just shrugged his shoulders.

Arav came to them and before he could say something. He heard Laksh.

"So, how was the experience of being a driver to her highness?" Laksh asked sarcastically to Arav who gave him a look to shut up.

"Well, this was worst way to say thank you for doing your work. This was the last time I had helped you." Arav said narrowing his eyes to him.

"I would rather very thankful to you if you would have left her in some jungle." Laksh said and gave a tight smile.

"Lucky" Sanskar said and looked at him giving a look.

"Yeah whatever!! Anyways, I am leaving because I am least interested in this melodrama going on. Catch you later." Laksh said pointing toward Ragini and his mother talking to each other something.

"I don't know what to do with this guy?" Sanskar muttered to himself.

"Leave about him, speak for yourself. Your mood is looking so good as if someone had became victim of your kindness?" Arav asked in sarcastic tone looking at Sanskar raising his eyebrows.

"I lashed out on her. Answer to your question. Now, I am leaving." Sanskar said with hard expression and left from there leaving Arav baffled.

Then he just shrugged his shoulders and turned around and his eyes caught someone laughing on something what Eshika said. And the person was none other than Riya Saxena, the girl he was least interested and the girl he was forcefully engaged to. He thought to just leave from there when Riya looked at him. Her face brightened up with beautiful smile as soon as she saw him.

"Hi Arav, how are you?" Riya asked smilingly.

"Hi, I was good but can't really say after your arrival." Arav said clearing giving ideas how much he liked her presence.

Riya maintained a fake smile as Eshika was also there but she was hurt.

"Arav, this is not good. Why didn't you picked up Riya from airport? She said, she came with driver." Eshika asked trying to avoid Arav's reply.

"So?" Arav asked as if doesn't matter at all.

"Eshika, it's nothing. Let it be." Riya said.

"Yeah, it was nothing. And anyways, I had to go to pick up Ragini from airport as promised to Sanskar and both flight had 3 hours gap. So, I send the driver. " Arav said gave not so caring look.

"Thank you." Riya said.

"You should have said to the driver." He said looking at Riya and then looked at Eshika and gave a smile before saying.

See you Eshika." He said and went from there.

Riya hold her both hand together and looked down taking a deep breathe.

"Why are you doing this to yourself? Why are you getting married to someone who doesn't even want you in his life?" Eshika asked looking at Riya.

Riya gave a small smile and then say.
"I don't know Eshika. I just know that I fell in love with him and this feeling will never change. I.. I know he doesn't believe in love because he has a reason. He had seen his best friend heartbroken and sufferings. So, it is definitely hard for him to trust love thing. But I believe that one day, I will make him believe in my love. He will love me back." Riya said with hopeful eyes.

"Being optimistic and being blind to look forward are two different things Riya. It's only couple of months left, when will he realise? I don't want to say this but What if he never does..? Come on Riya, everyone knows that he doesn't even talk to you properly until or unless his mom or dad is there. You can't live in a loveless marriage. It will only hurt you." Eshika said.

"Only two months left for wedding but for his love, I can wait till my life." Riya said and smiled.

"I hope he won't get so late." Eshika said placing her hand over hers.

"You are also getting married to Sanskar even after knowing that he doesn't love you. Why?" Riya asked looking at Eshika.

Listening to her, Eshika's face expression changed but then she composed herself and said.

"Yes, you are right. And in this marriage, I don't even have belief that he will love me someday. But what matters the most is respect. We respect each other. That's enough for a marriage to sustain rather than love. But can you expect the same from Arav? No Riya. I know he is very decent and respectful to everyone expect you." Eshika said trying to make her understand.

Riya sighed knowing whatever Eshika was saying wasn't wrong but her love for Arav make her weak everytime. Eshika notices her sadness.

"Still Riya, I just hope that your belief come true. You both are really nice and I will be happier to see you both happy together." Eshika said and gave her a smile.

Riya also smiled at her but Eshika's words eshoes in her mind. They went from there to hall where everyone were talking to Ragini.

Ragini met with whole family then she also met Eshika's family who blessed her. She was so close to Durgaprasad and Annapurna. Also, with sujatha and Ram. Eshika introduced her to Riya who greeted her politely.

"Beta, you get fresh n up and take rest. We will talk on dinner. Hm?" Sujatha said cuping her face.

"Ji chachiji." Ragini said politely with smile.

Eshika called someone to help Ragini. Ragini said thanks to her and then she left with servant who was carrying her luggage and leading her to her room.

She was walking in corridor after climbing stairs and looking around the beautiful palace when her eyes caught a girl sitting near the aquarium and busy in her own world. Like she has nothing much to do rather than looking at the gold fish in aquarium. She was so beautiful. As if she felt a gaze on her, she lift her eyes to look at her. Ragini smiled and waved at her. She saw the servant was going inside the room next to lobby. So, that was her room.
She walked toward Swara and say.

"Hi, myself Ragini Mehra." Ragini came to her and extend her hand toward Swara.

Swara looked at her confusingly but then she also gave her usual smile and shoo her hand with her.

"Swara Gadodia." Swara said with smile.

"Oh so you are Shekhar uncle's daughter. Eshika's cousin right?" Ragini asked remembering the conversation she had downstairs with Suchitra who mentioned about Eshika's cousin and Mama, Mami.

Swara nodded but was confused. How did she know?

"Don't get confused. Suchitra aunty just told me about you and your family. " Ragini said understanding her confusion.

"Anyways, talk to you later. Have to get fresh n up. Long journeys sucks!" Ragini said making faces.

Swara nodded at her and smiled at her. Ragini was about to go but she stopped and say.

"By the way, you are really very beautiful. And... if you will smile with your heart then you will look even more beautiful Swara. " Ragini said with smile making Swara surpised. Then Ragini went toward her room leaving Swara amused.

Later that evening:
Everyone had dinner, talking and Enjoying themselves as they know each other. Swara talked to less as usual and maintained her distance from Eshika and didn't look at Sanskar for once which was too difficult for her. While on the other hand, Sanskar intentionally stayed with Eshika. He looked at Swara for couple of time but she seemed to be lost in her thoughts and hardly talked or smiled. Ragini was having good time with her family as she met them after so long. She also got blessings from shekhar and Shomi. And Laksh ignored her like she didn't exist just like Arav ignored Riya's presence. Rivaaz was calmed and composed a bit but somewhere he was also lost in some thoughts. He looked at Sanskar and Eshika and then at Swara with serious expression. Arav eyes him asking what happened but he nodded nothing giving a smile.

After dinner, Swara was going back to her room as mostly elders retired to their rooms when Ragini came to her.

"Hey Swara, Listen." Ragini called her from back.

"Yes Ragini." Swara said.

"Umm.. nothing much. I just wanna ask if you don't mind then can we have walk in central garden. It's beautiful in night light." Ragini said excited.

"Me?" Swara was unsure why this girl want to go for a walk with her.

"Yeah, obviously. I asked you only Swara." Ragini said with chuckle.

"No, I..." Swara tried to say but before that Swara interrupted.

"Come on Swara. It's not too late that you will go to sleep. Let's have a walk na. It's so refreshing. Please, please, please. Let's go." Ragini said and held her hand giving her pleading look.

Swara's lips unknowingly curved into smile.

"That smile means you are coming right?" Ragini asked.

"Yeah, let's go." Swara said.

Ragini literally dragged her along with her. They went outside. The central courtyard was actually looking breathtaking. They started walking. Ragini talked a couple of things but Swara was silent. She just gave nod or hmmed in between. Ragini looked at her and say.

"You don't like to talk much or you don't like those people who talk much." Ragini said with chuckle.

Swara looked at her and gave a weak smile before saying.

"I don't have much people who would like to talk to me. It's nice to meet you Ragini." Swara said with a kind of pain which she tried to hide.

Ragini's smile fade away looking at Swara and hearing her.

"If you don't mind, may I ask you something?" Ragini asked.

Swara nodded at her.

"Why are you so silent? I saw you since the time I came. Not even at dining table. I know, everyone is not so extrovert but your silence is at disturbing level for you. You smile but there is some sadness in your eyes." Ragini said.

"It.. it's nothing like that. Its just I don't talk too much." Swara said.

Ragini smiled looking at her she didn't say anything understanding she won't tell anything. Swara didn't hear anything for couple of minutes. They continued walk. So, she thought to talk to her. This girl is really so nice.

"Ragini, tell me about yourself." Swara said.

"What do you want to know?" Ragini asked and looked at her.

"Anything, your life , your family. Anything you would like to share." Swara said

"Me and my life? (Chuckled a bit sadly before starting) I was a happy, chirpy and very naughty daughter of my parents. My father used to say that I completed their lives. But I forgot what life is when I was 6, when my parents left me alone in this world." Ragini was saying with painful smile and sighed.

Swara was shocked and she stopped at her place.  Ragini felt that and she also stopped. She looked at her. Swara hold her hand in her both and say.

"I am so sorry." Swara said feeling guilty to ask about her family.

"Please Swara, don't be sorry. It's just my fate. One can't change, right? And don't worry, My parents left me but I got a family. They all took care of me. Maheshwari family. Annapurna maa and papa were very good friends of my parents. They had some partnership in business too. Maa, took me to Maheshwari mansion. For next two years, I was in maheshwari mansion. I was so so disturbed that doctors said I might fall in depression but They took care of me like their own daughter. I got better with time. There was another reason too. (Smiled a bit). But after two years, I insisted to go to hostel and study there. Maa and papa disagreed but I made them agree on condition that I will visit them on every vacations. Since then, my life was like that, firstly I completed my school, then graduation and then master in business with scholarship from a reputed University. Maa and Papa always supported me at every step of my life. I can't express what they are to me. So, that's my life. I don't know why I shared all this to you but I felt really nice. I felt I can trust you. So, thanks for listening." Ragini said and gave a smile to Swara.

Swara heard her patiently and say.

"You are really very strong girl Ragini. Your parents must be proud to see their daughter. They might not be here but their blessings will always be with you." Swara said.

Ragini nodded.

"I know, I am special." Ragini said in dramatic whisper and winked leading Swara to chuckle.

"Everyone must be happy to see you back in maheshwari family after so long. They all are very nice." Swara said.

Hearing this, Ragini smile fade away and she said.

"Not everyone is happy to see me Swara. Not everyone like my presence." Ragini said with a hurt look.

"What? Who and why?" Swara asked confusingly.

That's when Ragini's eyes caught someone behind Swara who was standing in balcony and talking to someone on phone. Her lips curved into sad smile.

Swara also turned around to follow her eyes only to find Laksh then looked at Ragini.

"Let it be Swara, I will tell you some other time." Ragini said.

Swara nodded at her. There must be something.

"Anyways, I told you my story. But you didn't." Ragini said and raised her eyebrows at her.

Swara got little uncomfortable yet again. Ragini noticed this and placed her hand on her shoulder and say.

"Relax Swara, I am not forcing you to tell me anything because I know When you will able to trust me, you will share your story. But there's a lot hidden in your eyes. And I already got a friend in you Swara. So, we are friends right?" Ragini said and then extended her hand with questioning look.

Swara gave a thankful nod for understanding her and then shake hand with her.

"Ofcourse, We are friends Ragini." Swara said with smile.
Ragini smile brightly and hugged her in excitement leading Swara to chuckle at her and she also hugged her back.

They were hugging each other when Ragini lift her eyes once again and looked at Laksh. This time, he also looked at her with the expression and rage she was familiar to. While on the other hand, Swara who was smiling looked up only to find Sanskar was walking toward them at some distance doing something in his phone. Her expression changed to hurt and pain. Sanskar also looked up from the phone and saw her only to get back to stern face.

Looking down and blinking her eyes to avoid tear, Swara breaks the hug. Ragini also composed herself.

"Umm, Ragini I m tired. I m going to my room. " Swara said trying give a convincing smile.

"Yeah ok, I also need to go to Sujatha Aunty room, she has asked me to come for something." Ragini said smiling or better pretending.

Swara nodded at her and then they wished good night to each other and they walked in opposite direction. While Sanskar and Laksh were opposite direction to each other. All four in four different directions.

As soon as Swara turned, she wiped her tear away and pressed her lips. While Ragini squeezed her eyes only to let a tear fall from her eye. Laksh gripped the railing tight before hitting it hard and went inside the room in anger while Sanskar closed his eyes taking a deep sigh fisting his palm and walked away from there.

To be continued....

I have posted this one before completion of Target but next won't be posted before that. I am trying to take out time to write and I don't get response then is this good? You only answer. 
Anyways, I hope you liked this part.

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