Evil like me?!?

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Malia's P.O.V

We are in the Limo i got out my skatch book i started to Draw this

I moved my arm because the day before my Mom hit me because i wasn't Evil enough

"Malia how's your arm?" Mal asked with a worried look as Evie Jay and Carlos stop what they were doing and looked at me

"Guy's I'm fine really it's nothing " i said as i kept Drawing I'm not the kinda of person who talks about feelings and mashy stuff i saw them looked at each other worried they know i didn't want to talk about it so we moved on its not like I'm the only one who gets hit by are parents Evie does too if she isn't pretty enough Jay gets hit too Carlos gets treated practically a salve Mal gets hit too i saw Jay and Carlos fight over candy i rolled my eyes

"You looking a little bit wased out let me help you out" Evie said chancing the subject she was trying to put Make up on Mal

"Ew stop I'm plotting" Mal said annoyed Evie rolled her eyes and got out to Candys that where like rocks

"Well it's not very attractive Malia want one ?" Evie asked me waving a purple one in my face i laughed a little

"Fine give me " i said as Evie smiled i took a bit yum it's sweet but Cruncy

"Oh these it's salty like nuts but it's sweet like i don't know what" Carlos said as we looked at him and by we i meant Me and Jay

"Let me see" Jay asked as Carlos open his mouth

"Ew!" Jay said as he hit Carlos

"Ow!" Carlos said as they started to fight typical

"Look!" i heard Evie say we turned around and saw water coming towards us

"It's a trap!" Carlos yelled we all screamed me and Mal hugged each other we waited for water but nothing happen

"What just happened?" i asked confused as i let go of my sister

"It must be magic" Evie said happily

"Hey did this little button just open the magic barrier?" Mal asked the diver

"No this one opens the magical barrier that one opens my garage and this button " The Diver said as he pushed a button and the little window closed we all looked at each other smiling a bit

"Okay Nasty i like that guy" i said as we burst out laughing i looked out the window and saw a sign

"Welcome to Auradon where goodness doesn't get any better cheesy" i muttered to myself as i took a bit of the rock candy the limo stop the door open and Jay and Carlos started to fight again Carlos fell out as the door open

"Oh! Ah! Ow! Stop! You got everything eles why do you want whatever this is ?" Carlos asked as they did a tug a war Evie step out then Mal then finally me i had my hand on the door looking at everyone looked at us i went and stood beside Mal and Evie

"Cause you want it!" Jay yelled

"No! Give it to me Ow! Let go!" Carlos yelled Mal stoped them

"Guy's guy's we have an audience" Mal whispered to them as They stop i put my hands on my hips

"Just cleaning up " Jay said laughing nervously

"Get up" Jay said as he picked up Carlos

"Leave it like you found it and by that i mean just leave it " a preppy voice said Jay walked up to a girl

"Hello foxy the names Jay" Jay said as the girl laughed a little

"Welcome to Auradon perp I'm fairy godmother " The lady said that got my attention

"The fairy godmother as in Bibbidi bobbidi boo?" i asked while waving the candy rock i had perending it's a wand as Fairy godmother smiled

"Bibbidi booidi you know it " Fairy godmother said i smiled a little Mal walked up

"Yeah me and Malia always wondered what it felt like for Cinderella when you just appeared out of nowhere with that sparkly wand and warm smile" Mal said i nodded

"Oh?" Fairy godmother asked

"And sparkly wand" i said acting innocent while playing with my hair

"That was a long time ago and as i always say don't focus on the past or you'll miss the future" Fairy godmother said i pouted Prince Ben came up he's kinda cute wait what

"It's so good to finally meet you all I'm Ben " Prince Ben said no duh i rolled my eye's

"Prince Benjamin soon to be King" Pinkie said i rolled my eyes at her

"You had me at Prince my moms a Queen which makes me a Princess"Evie said smiling i smiled at my best friend

"The Evil Queen has no royal status here and neith do you" Pinkie said Evie glared at her and step back i glared at her how dare she

"This is Audrey" Prince Ben said i just smiled fake

"Princess Audrey his girlfriend right Bennyboo?" Audrey asked i glared at her I saw Mal and Evie smile at each other

"Ben and Audrey are going to show you all around and I'll see you tomorrow the doors of wisdom are never shut but the libray hours are from 8:00 to 11:00 and as you may have heard i have a little about Curfews " Fairy godmother said as she walked away with the band following her

"It is so so good to finally me..." Ben said as he tried to high five Jay but Jay punch him in the shoulder Ben came to me we shook hands we started at each other for a minute then Ben went to Carlos

"This is a momentous occasion and one that i will go down in history...is that Chocolate?" Ben asked Carlos Carlos shrugged he shook Mal's hand then went to Evie

"As the day out two people's began to heal" Ben said i smirked

"Or the day you show five peoples where the bathrooms are" i said as Ben came to me and smiled i smiled back

"A little bit over the top? " Ben asked i nodded

"Maybe more then a little bit " i said as Mal hold my hand being the overprotective sister she is

"Well so much for my first impression " Ben said as we laughed a little

"Hey you two are Maleficents daughter aren't you yeah you know what i totally do no blame you for your mother trying to kill my parents and kidnapped my little sister and stuff oh my mom's Aurora sleeping" Audrey said as Mal hold my hand protective of me

"Beauty yeah me and MJ heard the name you know and we totally do not blame your grandparents for inviting everyone in the whole world but are mother to their stupid christening" Mal said as i glared at Audrey

"Water under the bridge" Audrey said as me and Mal smiled

"Totes!" we said as we laughed a little

"Okay so how about that tour yeah Auradon perp originally built over 300 years ago" Ben said as he clapped his hand and the statue changed from beast Carlos screamed and jumped into Jay's arms

"Carlos it's okay my father wanted his statue to morph from beast to man to remind us anything is possible " Ben said as i smirked

"Does he shed much?" i joked as he laughed a little

"Yeah mom wouldn't let him on the couch" Ben said as we walked in the school

"So you guys have a lot of magic here on Auradon like wands and stuff like that?" Mal asked as i looked around

"Yeah it exists of course but it's pretty much retired most of us here are just ordinary mortals " Ben said i rolled my eyes

"Who happens to be kings and Queens ?" i asked as Audrey looked at me

"That's true our royal blood goes out Hundred. Of years" Audrey said as i glared at her

"Doug Doug come down this is Doug he's going to help you with your class and show you the rest of your dorms I'll see you later okay?" Ben said the last part to me i looked at him confused while chewing bubble gum i looked at Mal and Evie and they where fangirling? 

"And if there is anything you need feel free to" Ben said as Audrey cut him off

"Ask Doug" Audrey said

"Ha!" Me and Mal said when Audrey walked away i put my hands in a chocking type thing

"Hi Guy's I'm Dopeys son as in Dopey Doc bashful happy grumpy sleepy and Heigh ho" Doug said as he looked at i smiled at Mal and she Smirked

"Evie Evil queen's daughter " Evie said happily

"Okay so about your classes i uh put in the. Requirements already history of woodsmen and pirate's safty rules for the internet and uh remedial goodness 101"Doug said as i walked behind

"Let me guess new class? Come on guys let's go find our dorms " i said as we walked upstairs

"Oh uh yeah your dorms are that way guy's " Doug said right we new that we entered mine Mal and Evie's dorm i dropped my bag in disaguest my mouth open

"Wow this place is so amaz..." Evie said as Mal cut her off

"Gross" Mal said i nodded

"It looks like a princess throw up on it" i said as Mal nodded

"I know right amazingly gross ew " Evie said but i can see her face

"Ugh I'm going to need some serious sunscreen E M" Mal said as we nodded and close the wundow we walked to Jay and Carlos dorm i walked in

"Whoo whoa ah whoa Malia come check this out man this is awesome" Carlos said as i walked up to him and he gave me the controller i was playing the game

"You call these villains take that" i said as I was beating Carlos

"Jay what are you doing?" i heard Mal asked

"Well Mal it's like buying whatever you want except it's free" Jay said as i kept playing the game

"Okay so you could do that or you could leave all of this here and pick it up when we take over the world " Mal said

"You sound just like your mom" Evie said

"Thank you" Mal said putting her hand on her heart

"You do it your way I'll do it mine" Jay said

"Die suckers Jay come check this thing out man it's awesome " Carlos said as i gave Jay the controller

"Guys do i have to remind you what we're all here for?" Mal asked as i went to Evie

"Fairy Godmother magic wand blah blah blah magic wand blah blah blah" Jay said as we laughed

"This is our one chance to prove ourselves to our parents to prove that we are Evil and vicious ruthless and curel yeah?" Mal asked as we nodded i moved my hair to my other side

"Evie Mirror me " i said as Evie nodded

"Mirror mirror on the...in my hand where is Fairy godmother want stand?" Evie asked as the mirror showed the wand

"There it is!" Mal said happily

"Zoom out!" Carlos said

"Magic mirror not so close closer closer closer" Evie said

"Can i go back to my game I'm on level three" Carlos said i stop him

"Stop it's in a museum do we know where that is?" i asked as Carlos type something in the laptop

"2.3 miles from here" Carlos said

"Come on let's go" Mal said as she grabbed my hand and we ran off i saw Carlos wasn't following

"Carlos!" i whispered yelled

"Come on check your mirror " Mal said

"Is my mascara smudged?" Evie asked i rolled my eyes

"Yeah and hey while you're at it why you're at it why don't you see if you. Can find us the wand" i said sarcastically

"Sure this way" Evie said as we followed her we saw mom's spinning wheel

"That's your mother's spinning wheel?" Jay asked

"Yeah it's kinda dorky" Carlos mocked
I glared at him

"It's magic it doesn't have to look scary" i said as Mal got her spell book out

"Magic spindle do not linger make my victim prick a finger " Mal said as nothing happen

"Impressive " Jay mocked

"I got chill" Carlos said i glared at him

"Okay you know what prick the finger prick it deep send my enemy off to sleep" Mal said as the gurad fell asleep

"Not so dorky huh?" i asked while smirking a bit

"Stand back" Jay said as i grabbed my spell book

"Make it easy make it quick open without a kick" i said as the doors open and Jay fell backwards me Mal and Evie laughed

"Coming?" i asked as i kicked him we laughed and walked away

"So close" Evie said as we where raning down the hallway

"Come on go go go Up up up up up " Mal said as they ran pass a room i stop my friends came back

"Mommy?" Evie asked

"Killer" Jay said as he walked up

"I will never forget mothers day again " Carlos said as me and Mal went up to my are mom

"Well the wands not here let's bounce " Jay said as he left nobody followed him

"Let's go" Jay said as Evie and Carlos followed her

"The future of the free world rest on your shoulders don't blow it " Mom voice said as we look at each other

Look at you
Look at me
We don't know who to be

Mother is it wrong
Is it right to be a thief
In the night

Mal & Malia:
Mother tell us
What to do....

We sang as Evie came back

"Mal Malia come on " Evie said as she ran off

"Don't be so serious darlings" Mom's voice said as we saw mom's statue come alive

I was once like you my Children, slightly insecure
Argued with my mother too thought I was mature
But I put my heart aside, and I used my head
Now I think it's time you learned what dear old momma said

Don't you wanna be evil like me?
Don't you wanna be mean?
Don't you wanna make mischief your daily routine?
Well you can spend your life attending to the poor
But when you're evil doing less is doing more
Don't you wanna be ruthless and rotten and mad?
Don't you wanna be very very good at being bad?

I have tried my whole life long to do the worst I can
Clawed my way to victory built my master plan
Now the time has come my dear for you to take your place
Promise me you'll try to be an absolute disgrace

Don't you wanna be evil like me don't you wanna be cruel
Don't you wanna be nasty and brutal and cool
And when you grab that wand that's when your reign begins
Who wants an evil queen without a sack of sin
Don't you wanna be heartless and hardened as stone
Don't you wanna be finger lickin' evil to the bone

This is not for us to ponder this was pre-ordained
You and I shall rule together freedom soon regained
Mistress of the universe powerful and strong
Daughters, hear me, help me, join me won't you sing along

Maleficent & Mal & Malia:
 Now we're gonna be evil it's true never gonna think twice

Malia & Mal: 
And we're gonna be spiteful,

Yes spiteful that's nice
In just an hour or two our futures safe and sure
This mother daughter act is going out on tour
If you wanna be evil and awful and free
Then you should thank your lucky stars that you were born the girl you are
The daughters of an evilicious queen like me

Mom's statue turn back to normal

"What just happen?" i asked

"Let's not talk about this again " Mal said i nodded as Evie came in

"Hey i found the wand let's go" Evie said as we followed her Jay tried to get the wand

"Jay don't wait no don't ah" i said as an alarm went off

"A forced filed and that's just a little excessive" Carlos said as we ran off

"Carlos!" Mal yelled as Carlos wasn't following us

"You welcome " Carlos said as we ran away i glared at Jay

"Way to go Jay now we have to go to school tomorrow" i said as we ran in the school quietly

"Go go go"i said as went to are dorms me Mal And Evie went to sleep

To be continued.....

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