6. Marking me aye?

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🌟Your POV

While I was walking through the hallways I could hear someone following ME! By Tay tay, it was obviously Harry, duh. Before I could opened the door he pinned me on the wall, "Oi, Whatcha doing weirdo?" I cringe, "Pinning ya, isn't it obvious?" He smirk, I stop myself from blushing, "Are you trying to take me back by pinning me?" I asked without stuttering- thank God because he always did this before when we were together, and I think it's hawt.

"Can you let go?" I asked. He pretended to think, "Lemme think..." He says, I rolled my eyes, "Careful, Don't hurt yourself you might have a headache from all that thinking." I teased and made a 'pfft' sound at the end. "You're so adorable," He murmured. "Why thank you. Could you let go now?" I asked. "Nah, unless you give me a kiss." He says and I shrugged, I leaned in and kissed him, he kissed back, as I kissed him sneak my hand over to his keys and dagger. I grabbed it and and opened the door behind me, we exchange places and I pinned him on the wall and started to attack his neck, I left a bite mark, he smirked. "Marking me aye?" He grinned, I grinned back and pushed him inside the room and locked it from the outside, "No, it was just a distraction." I told him.

"Good one, (y/n) but did ya forget I have the keys with me." He says smirking, I pulled out the keys, "Really now?" I smirked back at him. His face drop, I giggled and walked away, but I could still hear him yell, "(y/n) Get back here and open the damn door!" I laughed and went to the dungeon. I opened the door, I walked in and quickly closed it. "Where have you been?" I heard Ben asked, I ignored his question and I cut him loose with the dagger I stole.

"Uma wants the wand... They're going to exchange the wand for you." I whispered. "I have the keys," I told him and the door opened revealing Gil with someone behind him, and then Uma. "We found this gal trespassing." Uma says, pushing the red head inside, "Maria?" Ben and I asked, Maria looked at us and chuckled, "Hiii..." Uma walked up to me and grabbed the keys (plus my spare keys to the ship) "That's mine..." I pouted and she smirked, "I know, where's Harry?" She asked after shoving the keys inside her pocket. My lips curved up into a smile, "We played hide and seek, now goo-" I said pushing her out of the room and closed the door.

I'm turn back to the two, "How'd you end up here?" I asked Maria, "Well... I went to your dorm to check if you were there, then I saw the others sneaking out of the school and followed them, I hid in the trunk and ended up here in the isle." She explained, Ben wasn't having this, "Great, now the three of us are stuck here." He muttered, Maria looked at me with her brow raised.

Uma's POV

"She's really good at acting," I told Gil, "It's nice to see her mess with people again." I continued while gil nodded beside me. "Can't wait for the losers' reaction when they find out she's one of us-" "Uma?! Is that you?!" I took a step back and opened the door, "How'd you end up there?" I asked placing my hand on my hip. "(Y/n).." he groaned making gil laugh beside me. "Is that a bite mark?" I teased noticing the bite mark on his neck. "Whatever let's go." He said making me stop him with my hand, "Stop right there, I make the orders, not you... Get that?" I asked him and he nodded. I smiled and said, "Okay let's go."

Your POV

Ben was asleep and it was only Maria and I. "Hey, can I ask you something?" She asked while sitting down next to me. "Go ahead." I replied back. "While I was wondering around I saw graffiti works of you," she looked at me, "The pirate style really suits you," she smiles making me blush, "Uh thanks." "(Y/N) are you one of them...?" she caught me off guard, "No... well I used too... before I went to Auradon." I half lied. "Ooh... who's the pirate you kissed earl-" "I'll take a rest!" I blurted out and laid on the ground. I turn around but I heard her sign.

Made: Idk

Edited: November 2019

Published: December 24 2019


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