Chapter 1: (Y/n)'s New Gift

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A/n: This is what your door looks like. Cool, right? Kind of look like Camilo's door.❤

Second Person P.O.V

Two weeks later

Today is your birthday and you would receive your new gift. Your family, Estrellas and Mirabel's family, Madrigals are calling your name. Why? Because you are hiding. You hid in the hole in the bottom of the tree near the lake with waterfall companied by the animals.

Why are you hiding you may ask? You were so afraid and worried that if you won't get a gift and the door by the candle after Mirabel didn't get her gift two weeks ago, your family and Mirabel's family would disappoint you, especially Abuela Alma.

You don't know if your abuela, (Gm/n) would disappoint in you. She would never disappoint in you. She's very supportive for everyone, especially you and Mirabel. Abuela (Gm/n) loves you so much along with Mirabel.

The night when Mirabel didn't get her gift, you and Abuela (Gm/n) comforted Mirabel in the nursery. You're also very supportive to Mirabel because you are her best friend. You loved her as her sister. Abuela (Gm/n) told you and Mirabel,"Gift or no Gift, you are just as special as you are like the rest of your families. Remember, always support and love for your families and each other."

You remembered the most important thing what Abuela (Gm/n) said to you. "Always remember: Help and support Mirabel, (Y/n). Strengthen her heart, Mi amor. Like I always helped you, supported you, and loved you along with our families."

When you got your courage, you came out of the tree. You saw the (F/Color) butterfly fluttering towards you. It landed on your nose as you giggled. You lifted the butterfly off your nose with your finger as you look at it in admiration. The butterfly took off and fluttering away.

It flew up a tree and passes the macaw couple teaching their baby macaws to fly. The baby macaw began to flap its wings rapidly, but it slips off the branch and fell. You gasped as you saw the scene and caught it with your cupped hands right on time. You look down at you hands, the baby macaws curled up in your hands as it closes its eyes, shaking in fear.

"It's alright", you cooed to the baby macaw as you gently brush its head with your thumb. "You're ok. You're safe."

The baby macaw stopped shaking. It relaxed by your touch and looked up at you. You gave a baby macaw a gentle smile.

"Don't flap too hard. Fly from your heart." You said meekly to the baby macaw.

A baby macaw slowly nodded and sitting up straight as you straighten your hands out to the tree where the baby's parents are. It looked back up at you, unsure and scared.

"Don't be afraid. I know you can do it", you promised.

It began to flap its wings and flew up in an air successfully. It landed between its parents who embraced their baby. A baby macaw squeaked down at you in thanks.

"You're welcome! I knew you can do it!" You praised, waving happily.

You loved animals so much, even when you play pretend what animal you are with your siblings and friends. Which you good at pretending what animal you are. You love to hang out with animals for your own free time. You also help animals in need, like building their new homes, teaching baby animals' new things in baby steps, and rehabbing injured or sick animals with a help of Tía Julieta.

Speaking of friends.


As you turn around, you get attacked by the arms with a hug tightly. You looked up to see who's embracing you. It's your other 5-year-old best friend, Camilo.

"Hi Camilo." You giggled as you hugged him back.

You two broke out a hug and look each other with your (e/c) eyes and his greenish hazel eyes.

"I'm glad I found you, chica bonita. Everyone and I been looking for you everywhere." Camilo said.

You blushed when he called you pretty, but you don't mind. You and Camilo been best friends for a while. He likes to call you pretty, because he had a crush on you that you didn't know about it.

"Sorry. I-" You got interrupted by someone else called your name.


You both turn to see Mirabel running towards you and gave you a tight hug as well.

"Hi Mirabel." You muffled with giggles as you hugged her back.

Mirabel let go of you and asked, "Where have you been? Why are you hiding?"

"Yeah." Camilo agreed. "Why are you hiding, Hermosa?"

You looked down, fiddling you fingers. "I-I was hiding, because I'm afraid."

Mirabel and Camilo blinked. They both glanced each other, then back at you frown.

"I'm afraid if I don't get a Gift, everyone would disappoint in me and reject me, after what happened to Mirabel when she didn't get her gift." You admitted, sadly.

Mirabel and Camilo frowned deeper with sympathy. They came to you and gave you a biggest group hug and let you go of you as they smiled at you in reassurance.

"(Y/n). You don't need to be afraid. Like Abuela (Gm/n) said, 'Gift or no Gift, you are just as special as you are like the rest of our families.' Everyone won't disappoint or reject you, after I don't get a gift. We will always be proud of you." Mirabel said, encouraging you.

You looked up. "Really?"

"Yeah!" Camilo agreed. "Everyone loves you. You're sweet, kind, and had a good heart. How's everyone gonna disappoint or reject sweet, pretty girl like you?"

You turned your head away, blushing. "Oh, stop it, you guys."

"Oh, c'mon. We know you are." Camilo said grinning. He shifts shape into you and said, "If I were you, I'll be yelling", As he spinning around really fast. "'I'm the sweetest and most pretty girl in the world and I'm special like the rest of my family!" He got really dizzy and fell on his butt as he shifts shape back to himself. You and Mirabel laughed out loud at his antics.

"You're really funny, you know." You giggled as you reach you hand to help him up.

He grabbed your hand as you pulled him back up. You both begin to stare at each other, still holding hands. A throat clearing got their attention. Mirabel smirked with her arms crossed.

"I'm right here, ya know."

You and Camilo let go of holding hands and looked away, blushing.

"C'mon, guys. Let's get going." Mirabel said as she walks pass you two. You and Camilo looked each other one more time with a smile and started to follow Mirabel, holding hands again.

Third Person P.O.V.

The three kids made it back to Casita and went inside. Mirabel and Camilo takes (Y/n) to the foyer as the "backstage" where her family, the Estrellas waiting for her. They gathered around (Y/n) to cheer for her.

"(Y/n)! There you are!" (Y/n)'s father, (F/n) exclaimed in relieve.

"Here's our birthday girl!" (Y/n)'s Tío (uncle), (U/n) smiled.

"(Y/n)!" (Y/n)'s mother, (M/n) gasped. "You got dirt all over you! You're filthy!" (Y/n) looked down to look at herself and looked up to her mother with a sheepish smile. She didn't realize she had a dirt all over after she came out of the tree where she had been hiding.

"Here. Let me clean you up." (M/n) place her hand gently on (Y/n)'s clothes and her hair with one touch each to clean her. "There. All clean." She grinned, satisfied. Then she grabbed (Y/n)'s face and kisses all over on her cheeks lovingly. "My baby girl is growing up!"

"Mom!" (Y/n) whined playfully as (M/n) let her go of her face.

"I can see the fire burning bright inside of you in your heart, la hermana menor.
I know you can do it!" (Y/n)'s older brother, (B/n) praised.

"Thanks, gran hermano." (Y/n) smiled.

"Remember, little sis. We love you no matter what if you have a Gift or not." (Y/n)'s older sister, (S/n) advised.

"Your sister is right, mi vida." (Y/n)'s abuela (grandma), (Gm/n) agreed. "We will always love you and always proud of you." She handed (Y/n) a small (F/Color) box. (Y/n) takes it and looks at it with her curious (e/c) eyes.

"What is it?" (Y/n) looked up to her abuela, curious.

"Open it" Abuela (Gm/n) whispered.

(Y/n) unwrapped her box slowly, she opened the lid and softly gasped. In the box, there's a necklace with beautiful handmade glass turtle pendant with implosion shell.

"It's beautiful." (Y/n) awed as she held her necklace up.

"Your Abuelo (Gp/n) gave it to me." Abuela (Gm/n) said. "He gave it to me on our first anniversary of our marriage before he died. I am giving it to you to remind you that you're special as you are and how much I love you."

(Y/n) teared up. She gives her abuela a big hug and whispered, "Thank you, Abuela."

"You're welcome, mi amor." Abuela (Gm/n) whispered back as she hugs her back.

They pulled away from a hug. (Gm/n) gently wiped (Y/n)'s tears off her cheeks and helped her put her necklace around her neck. She looks at her lovingly. "We'll see you at your door."

(Y/n) nodded as she watched her family and friends heading to the courtyard.

After Abuela Alma's announcement, Casita opened the curtains and the lights shining to reveal (Y/n) and made a pathway for her to the door as the crowd applause and cheering. (Y/n) looked around anxiously. She saw Mirabel and Camilo giving her an encouraging smile. Camilo mouthed, "You can do it."

She took a deep breath and started walking towards up the stairs where she can meet Abuela Alma and Abuela (Gm/n) by the glowing door. As (Y/n) made it to the top, Abuela (Gm/n) is holding a magical candle and bend down to (Y/n) as (Y/n) touched a candle with her small hands. (Alma and (Gm/n) takes turns by holding a candle each of their generations for an oath of the gifts).

"Will you use your gift to honor our miracle? Will you serve this community and strengthen our home?" Abuela (Gm/n) asked her granddaughter.

(Y/n) nods and (Gm/n) gestures to the door. (Y/n) walks towards her door. She turns to her abuela with worried face. (Gm/n) softly smiled at her with reassurance. (Y/n) turned back to her door. With hesitation, (Y/n) slowly reaches to the doorknob and touch it. The doorknob started glowing brightly along with her door. Everyone including (Y/n) awed in amazement. Suddenly, (Y/n) turned into a turtle which makes everyone surprised. Then she changed into hummingbird. Coati. Monkey. Butterfly. And back to herself.

"Whoa! I can shift shape into animals!" (Y/n) squealed in amazement.

Then the door forms the design of (Y/n) with her silhouettes of butterfly and hummingbird behind her. Abuela Alma and Abuela (Gm/n) looked each other with amazed smile and turned to the crowd.

"We have a new Gift!" They announced together.

The crowd begin to cheer loudly.

(Y/n) opens her door to her new room and went inside along with the crowd. Her room is like a Caño Cristales, except the river, trees and waterfalls are bigger. The river had a deeper water you can swim like a pool. Her bed is a hammock tied up the tree near the waterfalls. (Y/n) got ecstatic. She ran to the river and shift shape into a river dolphin as she dives into the water. She jumps up out of the water and shift shape into a monkey when she grabbed the near branch of the tree and began to swing branch to branch.

"Whoo-hoo!" (U/n) whooped for his niece.

"Go, (Y/n)!" (B/n) and (S/n) cheered for their little sister.
"Wepa, (Y/n)!" (F/n) and (M/n) praised for their youngest daughter.

(Y/n) shift shape into coati when she landed on the thick branch and started hopping branch to branch. Then she jumped off the last branch. The crowd gasped if she going to fall, but she shift shape into a macaw flying around. The crowd cheered. (Y/n) flying around the room and flying through and came out of the waterfall. She shift shape back to herself as she lands in front of the crowd where her family are. Camilo and Mirabel came out of the crowd, and they tackled her with a hug.

"I can't believe it, Hermosa!" You can shift shape like me, except you can shift shape animals!" He excitedly exclaimed.

"Yeah!" Mirabel agreed. "That was awesome!"

"I know right?! That was awesome!" (Y/n) squealed in excitement.

Abuela (Gm/n) walked towards to the kids. (Y/n) looked up to her. "I did it, abuela! I have my gift!"

Abuela (Gm/n) chuckled as she kneeled in front of her. "Remember, mi vida. Like I said, gift or no gift, we are always proud of you and always loves you no matter what you are." She gave (Y/n) a big hug as (Y/n) hugs her back.

"It's time for take a picture!" Abuela Alma said.

The Madrigals and the Estrellas gathered while (Y/n) is in the middle between Mirabel and Camilo (who is holding (Y/n)'s hand). Abuela (Gm/n) is behind (Y/n) with a smile. The families shouted as the camera took a picture:

"La Familia Madrigals y La Familia Estrellas!"

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding." Proverbs 3:5

A/n: I hope you like a first chapter. See you next chapter, shining stars! God bless you! ❤🌟

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