Chapter 11: Behind the Walls

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A/n: Enjoy the chapter, Shining Stars! 

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

Mirabel and I ran upstairs and follow the rats along the upper walkway. But as we turn the corner, they're gone. We looked around for any sign of them.

Then, we heard a noise and saw a glimpse of a single rat tail disappearing through an opening under a large painting. We looked at each other and approach the painting. Mirabel cautiously bends down and studies it. Then, she slowly pulled it open like a door, revealing a passageway within the walls.

"Since when did we have a passageway?" I questioned.

"Well, we're gonna find out." Mirabel said.

We climbed into the passageway between the walls of the house to find that although it was murky. We could see the inside covered in cracks, which undulate malevolently.

A rat squeaks as it scurries past our feet and away with a glowing shard into the darkness. We watched the green glow retreat into the empty space and then float up as if someone was lifting it. We squint to get a better look.


A bolt of lightning lit the room and revealed...Bruno, who holds the shard with a sinister look. Mirabel and I gasped at the sight of him, frightened and shocked.

We and Bruno stare at each other for a second. Another flash, he was gone! His shadow streaked down a corridor.

We raced after him, knowing this is a chance to know the truth about the vision.

"Hey!" Mirabel shouted.

"Wait!" I yelled.

We turned every corner to catch up to Bruno. He swings up to the higher level as we swing down to the lower level. We looked up as we still chasing Bruno. As he came down still running, we slid down breaking through the high level and continues to chase Bruno every tight corners.

Third Person P.O.V

Meanwhile on the other side of the wall in Pepa's room, Camilo is trying to calm his mother down.

"It's okay, Mami, deep breath in, deep breath out..." Camilo said as he going to give Pepa her tea.

Mirabel ran into a wall hard as (Y/n) ran into Mirabel, causing Pepa to jump at the impact and zap Camilo with a lightning bolt, causing Camilo to shiftshape random people as he yelps in pain.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

As we recovered, we catch up to Bruno.

"Stop! Stop!" Mirabel shouted as she and I are getting close to Bruno.

Suddenly, Bruno jumps a chasm and ran away, causing us to stop the tracks. The hole looks deep to fall. Maybe I'll try to shiftshape into a bird without glitching myself.

"I'll go first to see if I can make it to the other side without glitching myself." I volunteered.

"Are you sure?" Mirabel concerned.

"I must try. I promise I'll be ok." I promised.

I took a couple steps back with my determined eyes. Then I ran and jumped, turning into a bird flying successfully. When I almost made it to the other side, I started to glitch but made it to the other side as I change back to myself, groans as I landed on myself.

"Are you ok?!" Mirabel calling out, shocked and very worried.

"I'm fine." I reassured as I got up.

"Ok, good. I'm coming across next." Mirabel said.

She took a couple steps back and jumps to the other side, made it.

"You made it!" I exclaimed in relief as she nodded.

But the floor below us broke as we fall. Mirabel grabbed the piece of edge while I grabbed her other hand, tightly. As we are hanging on, we yelped as the piece of the edge starting to break.

"No, no. Help! Help! Casita?! Casita?!" Mirabel cries out, hoping the House will help.

"Casita, please help us! Please!" I cried out, desperately.

But the House can't help.

"Help us! Help us!"

Mirabel couldn't hold it much longer and began to fall.

Suddenly, we stopped in mid-air. We looked up to see Bruno holding on Mirabel's hand.

"You're very sweaty." He said to Mirabel.

Then, Bruno collapses too. Mirabel grabs onto a loose board as I catch Bruno. We all three dangling from a pit. As Mirabel and I looked at Bruno, a rat popped from his cloak, we got startles and I accidentally drop Bruno as he screams to his death.

"Oh no!" We gasped, fearfully.

But Bruno pops out from the mist, looking ok. He waved his hand clear the mist, revealing a floor just a few feet beneath us.

"Hm." Bruno hummed, surprised.

Bruno climbs up the wall as he helped him up. Then he looked down a hole and took a long look at us. He didn't look tall or look scary like what people said. He's the same height as us and he looks tired and timid.

"Bye." He turned, walking away.

"What? No—Hold on!" Mirabel marched after him.

"Wait a minute!" I called out, following them.

"Wait, wait—Ow!" Mirabel bumped into something.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

"I'm fine." Mirabel said and turned to Tío Bruno, following him. "Why did you take the vision?"

Bruno stopped and knocked on wood. "Knock, knock, knock. Knock on wood." Then he held his breath and crosses his fingers as he is walking.

"What does it mean? Is it why you came back or--? Tio Bruno?" Mirabel keeps asking questions.

"Please, tell us what the vision means." I spoke.

Bruno exhaled his breath and knocked on wooden pipes. "Knock, knock, knock. Knock on wood. You two were never supposed to see that vision, no one was."


"A little salt." Bruno throws salt behind his back on Mirabel's face as she sputters on salt.

"Sugar." Then he throws sugar on my face as I sputter on sugar.

As we are following him, we pass an area with tons of patched up cracks as Bruno muttering in Spanish as he does the hop skips and jumps over the cracks on the ground.

"Wait, have you been in here...patching the cracks?" Mirabel asked.

Bruno looks up at all the patched cracks. What? No, no, no, no, no, I'm too scared to go near those things. All the patching's done by Hernando."

We were going to ask. "Who is Hernan—"

Bruno pulled on his hood. "I'm Hernando and I'm scared of nothing." He said in a low voice.

We blinked at him.

Bruno takes off his hood. "It's actually me." He said in a normal voice. "I used to say my real gift was acting. Heh, heh, heh."

Mirabel and I looked at each other and looked back at Bruno, who is now wearing a bucket over his head.

"I'm Jorge, I make the spackle." Bruno said in the different voice, holding a spackle.

"How long have you been...back here?" Mirabel asked gently.

Third Person P.O.V

They in now in Bruno's secret room, where his stuff scattered all over the room filled with his crawling rats.

"You never left." Mirabel realized.

"Well, I-I left my tower, which was you know, a lotta stairs, and uh here eh? Bruno shows his food. "Kitchen adjacent."

"Real homey..." (Y/n) mumbles as she looks around, a little disgusted.

"Ooo, plus, free entertainment!" Then, Bruno picks up his rats and puts their faces through the cardboard cut-out which is makeshift rat theater. "So whattya like? Whattya like? You like sports? Game Show? Telenovelas? Their love could never be."

"We don't understand." The girls admitted.

"Well, because she's his aunt and she has amnesia, so she can't remember that she's his aunt, you see it's like a very forbidden kind of—"

"We don't understand why you 'left' but didn't 'leave'." Mirabel simplified.

Bruno looks down uncomfortably, avoiding eye-contact. "Oh, well...because you know the mountains around the Encanto are pretty tall...and uh—you know like I said, free food...and everything." Then he picks up his rat, feeding it with a food. "Yeah, you guys, you guys love the free food, don't ya? Always hungry, never satisfied..."

Mirabel and (Y/n) noticed a shaft of light coming through the wall. They follow it and peers through to discover the family dining room on the other side of the wall. They looked down to see Bruno has created his own table with a stenciled plate and his own chair. They realized that Bruno still wants to be a part of the family. They looked back at Bruno, who looked away embarrassed.

"My gift wasn't helping the family," he said, sadly. "But uh...but I love my family, you know...I just don't know how to...I just don't know how to..." Bruno shook off the sadness. "Well anyway, I think you two should go, because um—well, I don't really have a good reason, but if I did, you'd be like, I should go 'cause that's a good reason."

The girls walk over to him, gently.

"Why was I in your vision? Tío Bruno?" Mirabel asked, sadly. "I just...wanted to make my family proud of me...just once. But if I should stop...if I'm hurting my family and (Y/n)'s family...just tell us."

"Please, Tío Bruno. We need to know, for her. For us. For our families, including you. You are still part of our family." (Y/n) pleaded.

He looks at them and felt touch at the words what (Y/n) said. Then he finally debating revealing his deep secret. "I can't tell you."

Mirabel and (Y/n) sighs, frustrated.

"Because I don't know." Bruno takes the shards from his pocket and start to assemble them as the girls watching, closely.

"I had this vision the night that Mirabel didn't get her gift." He explained. "Abuela Alma worried about the magic, so she begged me to look into the future, see what it meant. And I saw the magic in danger...our house...breaking...and then, and then...I saw you, Mirabel. But the vision is different. would change...and there was no one answer... no clear fate. Like your future was undecided. But I knew how it was gonna look, I knew what everyone would think because I'm Bruno and everyone always assumes the"

"You protect me?" Mirabel asked in shock, holding a vision.

"Is that why you left to protect Mirabel from knowing everyone about the unknown future?" (Y/n) added.

"I don't know which way it'll go, but my guess...the two families, the Encanto, the fate of the miracle itself. It's all gonna come down to you." Bruno said.

Mirabel and (Y/n) looked down at the vision as Mirabel manipulates the vision, seeing it transform from cracks spreading to cracks disappearing.

"Or maybe I'm wrong." Bruno takes a vision from Mirabel as he shrugs and puts the vision down. "You know, it's a mystery, it's a mystery that's why this vision is pfffttt." He made a raspberry noise as he did a thumb down.

Bruno walked Mirabel and (Y/n) to a door. "Look if I could help anymore I would but, that's all I know. Good luck. I wish I could've seen more."

Bruno shuts the door, leaving them alone in the hallway.

"Yeah..." Mirabel nods, solemnly as (Y/n) puts her hand on her shoulder.

Then Mirabel lights up, having an idea. "Yeah."

"What?" (Y/n) furrowed her eyes.

Mirabel turns to (Y/n) with determination and excitement. "I have an idea! If Tío Bruno want to see more, he gonna see another vision!"

"Mirabel, that's a great idea!" (Y/n) cheered.

Mirabel and (Y/n) barges back in, which it scared Bruno as he threw his rat and food in an air.

"You 'wish you could've seen more.' So, see more. Have another vision!" Mirabel beamed.

"Oh, uh, no, no see, I don't, I don't do visions anymore." Bruno stammered, stumbling back from them.

"But ya could." (Y/n) pointed out.

"But I won't." Bruno keeps avoiding them by defending himself.

"You can't say 'the weight of the world is on your shoulders, the end.' If our fate's up to me, me says have another vision, maybe it'll show me what to do." Mirabel said.

"Look, even if I wanted to, which I don't, you two wrecked my vision cave, which is a problem 'cause I need a big open space." Bruno tells them.

"We'll find one." The girls said, confidently.

"Where?" Bruno asked.

"Use my room." The voice said. The three turn around to see Antonio with his animal friends.

"The rats told me everything." Antonio said, then shot a look at the jaguar. "Don't eat those." The jaguar was about to eat the rats, backed off.

Mirabel and (Y/n) looks at Bruno.

"Our family needs help." (Y/n) asserted.

"And you need to get gotta here." Mirabel added, looking around the room, disgusted as (Y/n) nodded in agreement.

Bruno looks to the rats cleaning themselves with his toothbrushes and looks back the girls with a shrug, understanding a point. "Mmyeh."

"For our present troubles are small and won't last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever! So we don't look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever." 2 Corinthians 4:17-18

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