A Frozen Christmas

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All was silent in the Arendelle castle, that was, at least, until Olaf woke up.

"YAAAAAAYYYY!!!!" Olaf giggled.

Kristoff rose from his bed and let out a groan "Olaf, I'm trying to sleep" he yawned.

"But there's two days till Christmas and I gotta start lookin' for my presents!"

"Can't you wait till Thursday?" Kristoff asked with his tired eyes closed.


"Do we have to go through this every year?" Kristoff asked.


"Christmas is two days away. Santa is coming tomorrow night, so there aren't any presents yet" Kristoff explained, although he didn't believe in Santa, Olaf certainly did.


"Well, I'm going back to sleep" Kristoff fell back on his bed.

'Hmm' Olaf thought 'I wonder if Anna's awake'

Olaf ran across the massive hallway, slid down the stairs and arrived at Anna's bedroom, right across from Elsa's. Olaf turned the doorknob and tiptoed inside.

"Anna? Are you awake?"

"Yeah, I am now" Anna sat up and rubbed her eyes, then looked over at Olaf.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!" Olaf squealed "There's a monster on your head!!!"

"What, where?" Anna panicked. She ran to her mirror in her oversized shirt and looked at her reflection. She smirked.

"Olaf, that's just my hair"

"But it doesn't look like it"

"It's just my bed hair" she brushed her strawberry-blonde hair and put it in her usual two braids. "Better?" she asked the little snowman hiding behind her bed.

Olaf peeped up "Better" he strolled out and smiled.


"Yes Olaf"

"Where are my presents hiding?" He giggled.

"Santa has them"

"Humph" Olaf complained, sitting against a wall. "I wish Christmas would just come already"

"Me too" It was Elsa. She walked into Anna's room, looking as elegant as ever.

"Good morning Elsa" Anna smiled as she ran up to her older sister and hugged her.

"Hey" Elsa hugged back. As they pulled away, Olaf walked up to Elsa.

"Hello" he said shyly.

"Come here you!" Elsa laughed as she picked up Olaf and gave him a massive hug. Olaf was laughing happily. She set him down gently. "It's two days till Christmas" she smiled "Let's look for presents!"

She and Olaf began turning the castle upside down in search of presents.


Before they knew it, their day had ended. The blue sky had turned black and filled with stars.

Olaf hopped into his bed, which was beside Kristoff's.

"Good night Olaf" Elsa and Anna smiled.

"Night" Olaf yawed and fell asleep.



Olaf sat straight up. "What was that?" He threw off his covers and stepped onto the wooden floor.

"Psst. Kristoff? Did you hear that?"

"Hmm mm" Kristoff groaned before flipping over in his bed.

"Guess not" Olaf jumped up to the window sill and looked out into the darkness. Nothing..

"Probably hearing things"

Before he could jump down, he heard another bang. He looked out and was confronted by a face, smooshed into the window. It was...a reindeer? But it wasn't Sven. It was skinnier and had larger antlers and red and green reins.

"What?" Olaf furrowed his eyebrows. "It can't be"

The reindeer slid off the window.

"KRISTOFF! ANNA! ELSA!" Olaf panicked. They all came rushing in.

"Olaf! Are you alright? Is your nose pushed in too far? Did your flurry melt?" Anna asked, worried.

"No. T-there's a reindeer outside!"

"Sven?" Kristoff cocked his head.

"No! A-a different one! He ran into the window!"

"Olaf, are you sure you weren't dreaming?" Kristoff asked.

"I was not dreaming! Take a look for yourself!" They all hopped out of the window to be greeted by an unconscious reindeer.

"There haven't been any reindeer other than Sven at the castle in over a thousand years!" Anna exclaimed.

"What if he's Santa's reindeer?" Olaf worried.

"He's not" Anna reassured.

"How do you know!?"

"Because Santa's not real!" Kristoff said a little too loudly.

"Kristoff!" the sisters scolded.

"Yes he is!" Olaf defended.

"Sorry, my bad. He is real" he rolled his eyes.

"I've got my eye on you Kristoff Bjorgman" Olaf moved his fingers from his eyes to Kristoff's.

Kristoff crouched down beside the unconscious reindeer.

"Hey there buddy. Wanna wake up?" Kristoff knew he wasn't going to get an answer.

Suddenly the nearby bushes rustled. Kristoff walked over towards them.

"Kristoff, be careful" Anna worried. He continued to walk closer. He parted the bushes to reveal another shocking sight. Another reindeer. But this one wasn't unconscious. It immediately jumped up and bolted. It had the same reins as the other one.

'But he doesn't exist' Kristoff thought to himself 'Santa's not real. Is he?'

He shook the thoughts out of his head. "It was another one!" He yelled to the sisters and Olaf.

"Where could they have come from?" Asked Elsa.

'Santa' Kristoff thought once again. He shook his head.

"I have no idea"


To be continued....

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