The Southlands (Lion King)

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Yes, yes, I know. Another Lion King one-shot. I'm just so into making my own characters right now it's not even funny.

Which of these would you like me to post next?

1. Hiro x reader
2. Olaf and Sven get baking
3. Bambi Ever After
4. Another Lion King one (this one probably won't get the vote)

So get commenting, and whichever one gets the most votes gets published next! Happy voting!


It had been eighteen years since the Pridelands and the Outside merged, thanks to Kovu and Kiara.

Near the south end of the pride lands, was a little pride of it's own- the Southlands. Kembali, a light, golden lion with a mane as gold as the sun with streaks as dark as night running through it, was the main alpha lion. He had piercing, light blue eyes which could mesmerise any lioness, but he fell in love with only one, Kaisa. She was a beautiful lioness. Her fur was brown with tan features and mystical, green eyes. The two had a daughter. Perhaps the most unique lioness in the whole of Africa. She was the darkest grey you could find, with sandy-coloured features and the most striking, blue eyes imaginable. Her name was Zuri, which in Swahili meant "beautiful". How fitting?

Kito was her bestest best friend ever. A rather small cub, with golden fur, light, tan features, tan paws and a brown tuft of fur on his head - his mane was starting to show - and glimmering, green eyes. The pair were inseparable. Always at each other's side.

Nia was also their best friend. However, she wasn't a lion - she was a Kudu, an ungulate belonging to the antelope family.


"Woah!" Exclaimed Zuri as she peered over the edge.

"I thought you were told you not to come to the ravine" Kito was too afraid to look over, in case he fell.

"You though some rules would stop me from coming to see the place that separates us from the Pridelands? Pssh. Yeah right!" Zuri pulled Kito in beside her, the look of fear in his eyes simply too much for Zuri.

"Kito! You're a lion! Lions are supposed to be brave!" Zuri whined.

"One of the Great Kings once said that being brave doesn't mean you go looking for trouble" he squirmed out of Zuri's grasp, reciting the words of Mufasa, one of his ancestors.

"Wait, where's Nia?" Kito looked back.

The Kudu was nowhere in sight.

"Nia? Nia, where are you?" The cubs called for their friend. No response.

"Boo!" Nia bounced out of a nearby bush, scaring the cubs half to death. Nia was a bit older than the cubs, but only by a few months (few years in animal years).

"Don't tell me you chickened out about the ravine too?" Zuri sighed.

"No way! I just wanted to scare you guys first. Show me the view!" Nia followed Zuri closely and stopped right at the edge.

She looked down and gulped "You do realise that if we fall, it's a long and very painful way down?" She examined the jagged rocks and incredible height of where they were standing.

"Who cares? I'm a lion, lions are supposed to be brave" she looked over at Kito, referring to him as a wimp.

"As I said" Kito started "I'm only brave when I have to be. Being brave-" he was then cut off.

"Doesn't mean you go looking for trouble. Blah, blah, blah" Zuri finished. "I've heard you say that more than a million times Kito"

Kito slumped beside a bush "I don't care"

"I'm gonna jump to the other side" Zuri held her head up high.

"What!? Are you crazy!?" Nia and Kito rushed over to stop her from falling to her death.

"No! I'm not! I believe I can do it, so, I'll give it a go" she crouched down, about to jump "Actually, I'm completely and utterly about to lose my marbles"

The dark grey cub lunged forward, eyes closed.

Nia and Kito were so shocked that no noise came out when they tried to scream. Kito closed his eyes. He didn't want to watch his best friend die, knowing he could've done something to stop her.

"Kito, Kito!" Nia nudged him "Look!"

Kito hesitantly took his paws away from his eyes. His face lit up when he saw that Zuri had made it across the ravine! She was in the Pridelands!

"Come on you guys! Jump!" The others looked at her like she was mad. Hey, she was mad. She just jumped across the ravine! Kito shook his head vigorously and Nia took a big step back.

Zuri began mimicking a chicken "Why didn't the chickens jump across the ravine? Because they weren't lion enough!" She laughed.

"To laugh at yourself is to love yourself" Nia whispered into Kito's ear.

"Please Zuri, just come back before anything had happens" Kito pleaded.

"Okay fiiiine. You know, you're starting to sound a lot like my mother" Zuri complained as she jumped back over.

Then, a piercing squeal filled the air.

"ZURI!!" Nia and Kito panicked.

"Zuri! Hang on!" Nia called.

"Help! Please!" Zuri yelped, her grip slipping.

Kito grabbed her paws and looked deep into her eyes, a mad smile forming on his lips.

"Long live the princess"

Zuri remembered all the stories of how the Great Mufasa was killed, and Scar recited almost those exact words. Of course, princess was replaced with king.

Zuri's expression was of pure terror and her heart rate increased rapidly.

Then, to her surprise, he swooped her up onto the rocks. He opened his mouth and let out a what Zuri thought was going to be a measly meow, but instead, a soft roar came out, a quiet version of Zuri's father's roar.

"Wow!" Nia and Zuri smiled.


"I gotta go guys, my mum's calling me" Nia ran off towards the direction of the voice.

"Listen, Kito, I gotta tell you something" Zuri started as she and Kito sat down on a log.

"I gotta learn to listen to you more often" she smiled. Kito blushed and turned away, also smiling.

"You're the bestest best friend ever!" She pulled him into a hug, and he returned it.


That was the day Zuri and Kito fell in love. They may have been only young, but as they got older, they felt the feeling more and more.

Three years later, Zuri was now the queen of the Southlands. Kito was her mate. Nia was always at their side.

And they lived happily ever after.

Nah, that's too cliché.

According to later legend of the Southlands, Zuri and Kito were the greatest rulers the Southlands had ever seen.

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