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I put the best Disney song through Google translate 100 times. You know what this is.

If you think that another Disney song is better than Hellfire, tell me so I can disregard any and all musical opinions you have.


Translated Lyrics (Latin Chanting) [Actual Lyrics]

Mary...  [Beata Maria...]

I said to God. [You know I am a righteous man.]

Our country is important...! (men too) [Of my virtue I am justly proud... (And to you, Father)]

Mary...  [Beata Maria...]

You know... [You know I'm so much purer than...]

A lot of people are sad, angry and angry (I'm guilty of this). [The common, vulgar, weak, licentious crowd! (That I have sinned) ]

Who makes Mary? [Then tell me, Maria!]

Why has my life gone from your presence? [Why I see her dancing there? Why her smoldring eye still scorch my soul...?!]

Been gone! I detection! ... [I feel her, I see her!]

Star guilty bird hair! [The sun caught in her raven hair!]

Green day angry puppet control (noun, verb) [Is blazing in me out of all control! (In thought.)

Like fire! [Like fire!]

Listen! [Hellfire!]

My skin is hot... [This burning in my skin...]

make fireworks [This burning...]

Buying... [Desire...]

i have... leave... [Is turning me.... To... SIN.]

It's not my fault (My bad) [It's not my fault! (My fault)]

It's not my fault (My bad)[I'm not to blame! (My fault)]

The witch burned the girl (big mistake) [It is the gypsy girl, the witch who sent this flame! (My most grievous fault.)

It's not my fault...! (I'm not right) [It's not my fault...! (My fault)]

God bless... (beard) [It's in God's plan... (My fault)]

He created a soul, not a spirit (my big mistake) [He made the Devil so much stronger than a man! (My most grievous fault)]

Thank you, Mary [Protect me, Maria!]

Don't think of yourself as an assistant! [Don't let this siren cast her spell!]

Shoot, he won't eat...! [Don't let her fire sear my flesh and bone!]

Please contact me kind of fire [DESTROY ESMERALDA!]

let me go It's not dark yet...  [And let her taste the fires of hell!]

or me Afternoon...!  [Or else let her be mine and mine alone...]


Fire sword...! [Hellfire!]

Mean fire sword...! [Dark fire!]

the shit I want to go out...  [Now, gypsy, it's your turn...]

Nothing happened without me! [Choose me or your pyre!]

May you live long and descend forever. [BE MINE OR YOU WILL BURN!]

an illusion... Yeah yeah... [God have mercy on her...]

an illusion... Oh yeah... [God have mercy on me...]

BUT WE WILL BELONG [But she will be mine!]

Go to heaven! [OR SHE WILL BURN!]

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