What if....bolt never meet mittens

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In a realm where destinies dance to an altered rhythm, we ponder a divergence in the tale of Bolt, the intrepid canine.

The guide looks up then looks down where bolt is seen running.

Bolt Runs off and gets his head stuck in the bars, He looks up to see he's lost in the city. He tries to pull his head out.

The tv show canine tries to find his way back home.

"Why can't I bend these stupid bars?" Bolt grunts.

A pigeon named Vinny flew down, "Oh, buddy. You got your head stuck pretty good, huh, guy? Hey, guys, come here. Check this out. He's got his melon stuck"

Then two more birds named joey and Bobby flew down, "Yup, that is one stuck melon" joey says.

Bolt tries yanking himself out, "Hey, hey, buddy. Take it easy. Slow down" vinny says.

"I will not take it easy, pheasant. I'm missing my person" bolt says.

"Hey, buddy, relax. Like this. Turn and pull. Turn and pull. Forget about it. You'll be out, no time" vinny says.

Bolt Twists and pulls his head out, "What are these things? They've weakened me" he sees a styrofoam peanut on him.

"Oh! Those are Styrofoam packing peanuts" vinny explains.

"Styrofoam? This has the Green-Eyed Man written all over it. Have you seen the man with the green eye?" Bolt asked.

"You know, I gotta say something, if I could say something here. You look familiar. Joey, look at this guy's mug" Vinny says.

"Yeah. You know, I could've sworn I've seen this guy before" joey says.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah" then Bobby.

"I gotta tell you, I never forget a face" vinny says.

"He never does" says Joey.

"Oh, yeah, yeah. Yeah, he's real good with the faces and such" bobby says.

"Listen, listen! The man with the green eye, tell me what you know, birds!" Bolt was getting impatient.

"I know this dog" vinny starts to recognize him.

"Yeah, yeah, me too!" Bobby says.

"I gotta remember. It's gonna kill me. Hold on" vinny says.

a bus rolls up with Bolt's logo drives by with the women next to it watching.

"No, I don't know. I thought I knew"

"Hey, you ever hang out down on 14th Street with a stray named Kelvin?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Kelvin, the Labradoodle"


"You gotta give me something here, 'cause this is ridonculous"

"Absolutely ridonculous"

"Capisce, ridonculous. You know what that means?"

"You pigeons are useless. I need someone on the inside, someone close to the Green-Eyed Man. A cat"

"Oh... A cat?"

"Yeah, a cat. And when I find him, ooh, when I find him, I'm gonna make that cat wish he were never born"

"I think we know just the cat" the pigeons smirked.

But Picture a reality where the fateful encounter with Mittens never weaved its threads into his story.

Yet, destiny, ever the master storyteller, has another chapter in mind.

What if bolt never met mittens...instead....what if.....he met a different cat

In an alleyway, a Persian cat is seen grooming herself, she has blond fur with purple dye on the top of her tail and head. She was beautiful with a mole on her right check. The Pigeons give her food.

"Right on time, Saul" she is voiced by Cree Summer "Come on in" Saul lays a bit of hot dog down, "Okay, Saul, nice work. Let's find some mustard next time. Okay, babe?"

"Yes, Stella. Thank you, Stella" her name was Stella.

"Ooh! Is that an everything bagel, Ted? Attaboy"

"Good day, Stella" Louie lays down a single seed but gets caught.

"Louie? What is this?"

"Well, It was a slow week. That's half of what I got"

"Oh no no no, you know the ain't gin a be much there's got to be more, you don't wanna have to get the claws out do ya"

"Not the claws! Please!"

"I'm holding the girls back, best I can, but the thing is, it's not up to me. I'll give next week then all your food comes to me"

"But that's not our deal. I bring you half, you give me protection. That's our deal"

"Yeah, well, the deal just expired. Now get lost"

"Mark my words, Stella. One day someone's gonna stand up to you. Someone's gonna teach you a lesson"

"Yeah. I'm really scared now" then she gets tackled by bolt

"You should be!" Bolt growls.

But instead of being afraid she just stares at him, "Oh good your here you're late but I'll make an exception just wait for me in the box and I'II get ready" she gets up heading to another box.

"Uh, excuse me" he is going to be so confused

"You know, the thrill, you get in the box and wait" Stella says.

"Do you have any idea what's going on?" Bolt asked.

"Uh the usual, you wait in the box I get ready and you pay ne to be your girlfriend with food"

"Ugh, Where is she?"

"She?" Stella was clueless as he was.

"You know why I'm here. Where is she?!"

"Yeah, you're here to have a good time right" she nuzzled underneath his neck.

instead of mittens, bolt meets a sultry cat who has it bad for dogs she even tries seducing and flirting with him but he's proven to be too strong for her.

He was disgusted and pulls away, "Looks like we're gonna do this the hard way"

Bolt grabs Stella by the nape of her neck and holds her over the traffic.

"... Hey, Joey. Did you go too far in this?" Vannie asked.

"You kidding? This is the best day of my life"

"You work for the men in black, who work for the man with the green eye. They've taken Penny. Where is she?"

Stella just stares blankly at the highway and back up at him.

"AH!" She starts screaming.

"This is becoming tiresome, cat. In fact, I feel a yawn coming on"

"OH YES, yeah" but he was shocked when she instead was afraid, she was thrilled and intrigued and aroused
By him.


"You know I know usually play hard to get with other dogs and they try to impress me, but you...you aren't like the other dogs, you like to play rough, AH! And I love that in a dog"

"Ugh, that just gross. I am not that kind of dog. I just wanna know where the green eye man is, now tell me where he is?"

when he asked to take him to the green eye man
"Sure I'll take you to him"

"Huh really? FINALLY!"

but instead she takes him to a green eye old man who feeds stray cats. Stella smiles but she turns to bolt who looked shocked.

"What?" Stella asked.

"What is this?" Bolt asked.

"What you said you wanted to see the green eye man and this is him" Stella says.

"That is not him, ugh I'll never find penny" bolt groans.

"this penny girl, must be a very special to you" Stella asked.

"she's my human, she means the world to me" bolt says.

"Hmm, I think I know someone who can help" Stella was intrigued by him.

"Alright but I'm keeping an eye on you cat" bolt threatens her.

"Oh so bold and brooding, what's your name handsome"

" sorry but I'm not speaking"

"Whatever you say baby" she glanced at his collar.

As Bolt treads uncharted paths, a different feline presence emerges, casting shadows of curiosity upon his heroic journey.

Stella takes Bolt to an RV park, "you sure this is the place?" Bolt asked.

"Trust me baby, I think I know someone who might know where your human is"

In another RV, hamsters are hanging out. One of them is in a ball flipping through channels on the TV. Then he heard tapping on the glass, he turns to see Stella, he opens it.

"What up?" He asked casually.

"I have a dog here you might be interested" Stella turns her head to bolt

Rhino Gasp, "Do my eyes deceive me? Is this some apparition I see before me? Or could it be my hero? Oh, my gosh, oh, my gosh, oh, my gosh! You're Bolt, the Superdog! You're fully awesome!"

Stella was even more intrigued, "so you know this dog?" Stella asked.

"Are you kidding, it's bolt the super dog"

"Super dog huh, ugh I just love famous celebrity pets"

"He is fully awesome"

"Bolt was it, this is Rhino"

"The hamster?" Rhino says. "We have before us a legend, Bolt, the Superdog. He can outrun speeding missiles and burn through solid metal with his heat vision. Oh! And best of all, he can obliterate large structures with his superbark!"

" superbark?" Stella asked.

"Have you been observing me?" Bolt says

"Oh, yeah! I watch you all the time"

"That's incredible"

"Oh, it's nothing, really"

"But I'm always so vigilant. No one can evade my detection. You're a phantom"

"Uh... If you say so. Hey, check it out. Take a gander at this Bolt action. Scary, huh? It's like we're twins"

"Nice tattoo" Stella admire bolt's bolt.

"So, where's Penny?"

"You know about penny?" Stella asked.

"She was kidnapped by the Green-Eyed Man"

"Kidnapped? This is terrible! She could be in grave--"

"Grave danger. I know. But I've captured this cat"

"An agent of the Green-Eyed Man, I presume?"

"An agent? Rhino you know me" Stella was getting annoyed.

"You presume correctly. She's taking me to Penny"

"You, you are vile vermin. How do you sleep at night? Penny's the most wonderful person ever, and she loves Bolt. And he's awesome, and you're a monster! How dare you disrupt their relationship with your evil! Die! Die!"

Rhino jumps after Stella. But she presses on his ball to hold him back.

"I can take her, Bolty! Let me at them! Die! Die

"Easy, easy, Rhino. Easy"

"Ugh, will you knock it off rhino, she's in Hollywood"

"You're right. We need her alive"

" "We,"?"

"Yes! Bolt, I can be a valuable addition to your team"

"I'm listening"

"I'm lightning-quick. I have razor-sharp reflexes, and I'm a master of stealth. Plus, I'll keep the cat in check"

"The road will be rough"

"I have a ball"

"There's no turning back"

"Guess I'll have to roll with the punches"

"Easy won't be part of the equation"


"I gotta warn you. Going into the belly of the beast, danger at every turn"

"I eat danger for breakfast"

"You hungry!?"

Rhino cracks his neck, "Starving!"

"Welcome aboard!" Rhino cheers

"So rhino, how do we get to Hollywood" she Gets pushed by Rhino.

"Move it, prisoner. We're losing daylight" she rolled her eyes.

"I agree. Now, we need to find a fast set of wheels"

"I've got a better idea. Follow me" he sings happily.

Bolt, Rhino, and Stella arrive at a moving train.

"Okay. So what we do here is we give the target a quick flyover, we adjust the trajectory and then land dead center. Am I missing anything, Rhino?" Bolt asked:

"Just the knowledge that every minute spent in your company becomes the new greatest minute of my life"

Stella looks down, "looks intensely" she shuttered seductively.

"Calm down, cat. You're with me. So just hang on tight" bolt says.

"Whatever you say baby" she leans closer to him but he pushes her back.

"Would you relax? Every time he did this on the magic box, it was awesome!"

"... Magic box?" Stella asked as she gets yanked over the edge.

"Let it begin. Let it begin! LET IT BEGIN!!!"

Bolt jumps over the edge and swings across the train. The other string snaps and they swing over the train again. Bolt crashes while Stella is being hung on a ladder. Rhino nearly falls off.

"Stella! Stella, take my paw! I need you alive! Take my paw! I'll save you!"

As they reach out, The ladder falls. Stella panics and jumps across. But the leash is caught. One of the bolts is coming loose from the ladder and bolt tries to help.

"Hang on Stella" The other bolt to the ladder comes loose. It leans to one side.

"I can't hold it!" He shouts.

Stella yanks and tugs until she finally gets free. All three of the animals fall off the train and into someone's yard.

Bolt Gets up and limps, "Ow. Ow"

Then he heard Stella laughing in a tree, "ah, you are so intrigued so intense so....daring, I like that in a dog, you are incredible" she smiled at him seductively.

"Get down here, cat. We don't have time for this"

"I'll get a ladder" rhino says.

"Now get down here" bolt barked.

"Here's an idea, why don't you, come up and get me" she purred.

"so help me, I will superbark you out of that tree"

"Go ahead"

"You leave me no choice" Takes position and barks. Nothing happens so Bolt Starts barking incessantly.

Suddenly the animal catcher shows up, "uh oh bolt look out!" The animal catcher snags Bolt then He grabs both Bolt and Stella and throws them in the truck. He drives off. Rhino sees them leave. Meanwhile...

The animal catcher is driving along. He notices the truck needs gas. Bolt is pushing against the metal door.

"Must be made of styrofoam" bolt grunts.

"Easy baby, you don't wanna get a head injury do ya"

"Stop worrying, Stella! I'll get us out of here"

"You can't, Bolt! The only way out is the one place they're taking us...and that is the a place called: animal shelter where pets get taken in" Bolt is staring at the door, hoping to melt it. "They always pick the cute ones. The ones that look like you and me" she puffs up her fur, "Bolt. But the rest of them never come back out. I mean they just" she used her paw to represents neck slicing.

"I said I'll get us out of here, all right?" Headbutts the door, but knocks himself out.

"Baby please it'll be ok, you need to just give up, it's ok to give up..."

Rhino Follows the truck all the way to the gas station.

"Ring, ring. Who is it? Destiny? I've been expecting your call" Opens his ball up and steps out. He climbs up the truck to open the door Bolt is in.

Bolt Slams against the door, "Owwww"

"Bolt honey, don't beat yourself up, you'll just hurt yourself" Stella says.

"I cannot be contained in any container. Watch this!"

Rhino opens the door as Bolt headbutts it. But instead of bolt escaping, it was Stella that falls out into the grass.

"Fully awesome! There's no truck that I know that can keep in Bolt and Rhin-oh no I opened the wrong door"

"Rhino? What are you doing here?" Stella asked.

"Oh, nothing. I was enjoying an evening stroll and thought I'd just pop the hatch on that containment unit to save bolt, but instead I just saved you" he groans.

She looked annoyed at him then she looks back at the truck that is containing bolt.


Inside, Bolt Stops to look at the lighting bolt on his side. It smears off on his paw.

"I... I can't do it..." he finally realized it, then he decided to give up.

Back with Stella, she remembered how he tried to save her.

"My hero, come on rhino, we got to save bolt" Stella prowls

"I'll get my ball" rhino says.

Rhino and Stella follow the trail to the animal shelter. Rhino is singing to himself.

Inside the animal shelter.

"Good night, Ester"

"Good night, Lloyd" The doors close... And then open back up.) Lloyd? Lloyd Spoon, you jump out and scare me, and I'm gonna pepper-spray you again! I swear, it's like I work with toddlers"

"Threat nullified. I feel alive!"

Bolt Cover's Rhino's "mouth" "Shh! Rhino we got to save bolt" she Looks to the room, "There's a guard"

"I'll snap his neck" rhino suggested.

"Or we could get him away from that door"

the look into the room with the dogs. Rhino throws himself in. The dogs go crazy, saying ball over and over again. The guard is annoyed by the barking.

"I'm just... I'm read... I'm just... Aw, just pipe down!"

The guard leaves as Stella sneaks in. She sees bolt looking down.


"Hey Bolt?"

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"We're busting you out" she uses her claw to pick the lock

"You... You came all the way back here for me?"

"Not just me, rhino too Are you ready for this?"

"No" she Opens up the cage.

"What why?" She asked.

"I'm not a hero, I couldn't gen free us both, I don't have my superpowers and without them...I'm nothing"

His sorrow has Stella concerned, "hey, you don't need superpowers to feel super, your bravery and determination is what makes "you" you"

"Hey, hey, hey! What is twisting your giblets? Hey, wait. Where'd you get that hamster? Give it. Give it. Hey, wait!" The guard was about to grab Stella when bolt barks and Jumps at him.

"Initiating escape!" Rhino Spins his ball super fast until the dog spits him out. The ball is covered in slobber.

"Hey! Lloyd! Block the door! Block the door, block the door, block the door!"

"Superbark. Superbark!"

Lloyd blocks the door. The animals stop. The guard slips on the dog slobber and hits Bolt as he yelps. The helium tanks explode and hits the sign outside, falling on top of one of the trucks. The animals escape.

"Sweet Sister Frances! What did you do to my new truck?!"

"You hold on right there!" Ester Pepper sprays him.

Guard screams in pain, "Golly, Ester!"

"Both you boys need serious help!"

"Spicy eyes!"

The animals run out into the road.

"I can't believe it! My whole life, I've wanted to see a real live superbark!" Chuckles in excitement, "You are legendary!"

"Not bad baby honey buns, that was exciting"

But then she see Bolt Sits down sadly, she approached him.

"What's wrong baby?" She asked.

"Stella? If... If I don't chase bad guys, then what am I? I mean, what..."

"Ah, don't worry about it. Being a regular dog is, like, the greatest gig in the world. Hey you know what you need?" She asked.


"A night out" then a truck stops by and they follow her as she jumps in the back.

"Come on" she says.

"Where are we going?" Bolt asked.

"To the greatest place on earth....las Vegas"

They passed by the sign, bolt looks around, he admires the lights and the wonders Las Vegas holds.

The truck stops and three jumps off, " come on" Stella says and they follow her to a party.

"Where are we going?" Bolt asked.

"You need to loosen up, have some fun, we're gonna party" Stella takes him on the dance floor.

"I don't know I still need to find penny" he hesitated at first.

"You need to relax, you been working so hard I think that you deserve a break, get a chance to see what a real dog lives like, you could find your owner or...you could stay and dance with me" she flashes her eyes at him.

"You're not like all the cats are you?" He says.

"No you could say that...I'm more of a cat who's into...dogs" she smiled making bolt smile and his tail wags uncontrollably.

"More than battles won or lost, it's relationships that truly define a hero. The people who shape them, their stories...with out mittens to help bolt go on a long journey to reunite him with his owner, bolt meets a different kitty who who's him the way of the party animal"

While the party goes on, they begin to fall for each other.

They danced on the dance floor outside, rhino takes over as the show which surprised everyone, and as bolt dances with Stella it caught everyone's attention.

Techno music blasted loud then the DJ stops and says: release the foam.

as they dance to music the dance floor gets covered in several feet of suds, bolt of course is enjoying it.
Then he heads to an outdoor water fountain, he jumps in, causing Stella to laugh and she shakes the water onto her.

Then they heard to all different kinds of parties: a rave party, a backyard party, an Bachelorette, a night pool party which bolt jumps off a diving board.

In an alleyway, they eat a plate of spaghetti and meatballs, they eat the same stand of noodles then it brings their mouths closer they nearly kiss, but she pulls away causing him to him.

Then in an abandoned apartment, dogs cars and other house pets gathered to get to party, rhino bought a radio for music and bolt and Stella joined in.

Then on a boardwalk, Stella and bolt join in a moving ferries wheel.

And once they get to the top, they stare in each other's eyes then they lean in, close their eyes and their noses touched representing their kiss.

the next morning bolt is sleeping in a box, "ugh" he groans, waking up with a terrible headache.

"Ah" he gets up and finds himself in a box and with his collar off.

Feeling dizzy, he leaves the box and finds himself in an alleyway with boxes.

He was tired from all that partying last night, he approaches a fog bowl, drinking from it but he makes a sour face.

"Ah, that is not water, what is that"

Then he heard Stella chuckles and he sees next to his box was Stella's box.

"The humans call it champagne, it's a magical drink they have at parties, it's really good" Stella says.

Feeling confused and scared, bolt noticed a wedding ring on his paw. that's when he realized something. Bolt made a horrible mistake He has fallen for a cat.

"Oh no, no no no no no, what have I done" he panicked.

"You what did you do and it was wonderful" Stella stretched and she goes in another box to clean herself.

But then bolt downs sadly, "so that's it, I'm never gonna find penny"

It had Stella concerned, "this penny must be very important girl to you"

"She's my person, I love her more then anything else in the world"

he explains that he needs to get to penny Stella could see how much she means to him so has the idea so she takes him back to Hollvwood.

Stella and bolt were walking, "where are going" he asked still looking down.

"You'll see" Stella says.

Then bolt looks up to see they were at the studio in Hollywood.

"What is-"

"I'm taking you back to your owner, she's here" Stella says.

"Stella! This is amazing thank you" he ran down the hill.

"But unlike all romantic fairy tales, this one comes with an unhappy ending"

"Stella, what's wrong" bolt stops when he sees Stella wasn't following him, instead she was walking away but then he walks up to her.

"Where are you going?" He was worried.

"This is where we say our goodbyes" Stella say her goodbyes but bolt has grown attached to her, he really started to like her.

"you know she likes cats too, maybe you stay with us" He tries to convince her to stay with him.

"as sweet as you are I can't stay, I have a sister and right now she needs me it was nice meeting you bolt"

"But Stella...Stella?" He didn't wanted to leave her.

So she locks his noses as a final goodbye kiss, "goodbye bolt, I'll never forget you"

When she left it hurt him, bolt had to watch as the cat he loved ran out of his life.

But Then the fire accident happens.... Bolt slides under before the stage crashes. He navigates through the fire to find Penny.

Penny is becoming weak from the smog. Bolt follows the sound and starts barking to alert that he's there.

"Bolt!" She Runs towards Bolt and hugs him, "I knew you'd come back"

The stage continues to fall apart. Penny and Bolt dodge to avoid the flames and the falling bits of debris.

There's a rope on the ground. Bolt is determined to get Penny out.

"Bolt, zoom zoom"

Bolt runs through the debris to find the way out. But the smoke is getting thick and Penny is getting weaker.

He finds a vent that they could possibly climb out of. But Penny doesn't move.

"Bolt...Bolt, just go on out. Go... It'll be okay" Bolt refuses to leave her.

After taking so long to find her, he's going to lose her again. He tucks under Penny's arm.

"You're my good boy. I love you"

Firemen and ambulance keep piling through. Penny's mother is worried.

"Have you seen my daughter? Has anyone seen my baby?"

Meanwhile with Stella, she roams the grass sadly, she had to let go a good dog who loved her.

But suddenly rhino runs to her, "STELLA! STELLA STELLA!"

He caught her attention, "rhino, what's wrong?"

"It's bolt, he's trapped with penny inside a burning building"

Stella gasped, then she ran back to the studio to save her one true love.

Penny and Bolt are still inside. Bolt is now weak from the smoke. He starts barking at the vent, hoping someone would hear. There's nothing. He decides to do the "superbark" in order to be heard.

Stella maneuvers passed the panicking crew, she tries to find a way, then she hears his bark, she runs to a vent.

"BOLT!" She called him and he heard.

"STELLA! You came back for me!" He was overjoyed.

"Hang on baby, I'll get help" she ran to the crew trying to get their attention.

Then she claws at a fireman, "hey Quit it! Stop it, what are you-" She lures the firefighters to a open vent

The fireman follows her to the vent, "everyone quiet"They hear the superbark again.

"It's the superbark!" Rhino says.

"It's coming from over there! Go, go, go! Come on, let's go!"

Penny's mom saw and The firemen charge into the building. Bolt barks one last time before he passes out.
There's a bright light at the stage.

"Over here! We found them! They're here. We found them!" Penny is strapped into a stretcher as one of the fireman grabs bolt.

"All right, we got an RT coming through, people! Make a hole! For your own safety, keep moving away from the building!"

Penny Looks at Bolt, bearly wagging his tail, "Bolt..." he looks down to see Stella following him.

"Sweetie! You're okay. You gotta be okay. You're gonna be just fine" penny's mom says.

"She's stable, but we're gonna take her to the hospital just to be safe"

Little did anybody know, Stella and Rhino snuck aboard on the stretcher. The fireman lays Bolt on Penny.

Stella looks at bolt, she was concerned about him, she lays her chin right next to him and licking his nose.

"Thank you" penny's mom tells Stella and she smiled as Stella receives a head scratch.

"I'm so, so sorry this happened" penny's mom says.

Then the agent comes in, "I can't imagine what you must be feeling. No mother should ever have to go through something like this, but I promise you we're going to make this work for us" Penny's mom and Stella had the same annoyed look.

"I'm talking cover stories, production deals, executive producer credit. This is so great!"

Penny's mom turns to Stella who nodded at her and the agent gets punched out of the ambulance.

"We quit" she says then Stella hissed at the agent.

"No, no! Wait! Let's not make any rash decisions. Let's put a pin in it"

But women humph 😤 at him, during the ride, Stella looks at bolt as penny's mom looks at penny, Stella placed her paw on bolt, then Penny gets sent to the hospital. There is a heart monitor beeping.

Bolt wakes up, he sees Stella sleeping on a chair next to him, she wakes to find him up.


"Stella? You came back"

"Of course I did, I wanted to be sure you were alright" she puts her paw out and he reaches out and holds it.

"I am now that you are here...but what about your home, what about you're sister"

"You also my home and my family" she smiled.

After that Stella becomes part of his family, in their new house, penny, her mom, rhino, bolt and Stella were watching an alien scfi movie.

Bolt and Stella were resting in the same dog pet, laying their chins on each other, snuggling together.

"Is it everything a cat like you would want" bolt asked while looking down at her.

"Nope" she says.

"Ah" bolt looks worried.

"It's even better then ever" she nuzzled closer to him and he enjoys her company.

So I was wrong, this fairy tale like all others have happy endings, love blossoming. As children, both human and pets, say, together, they lived happily ever after...

Zooming outside, panning up to the stars the women was watching when she looks down to see it was morning, bolt and Stella were walking in an alleyway.

But wait...what's this?

"You ready to meet my sister" Stella asked.

"Ready as I'll ever be" bolt says nervously.

"Hey sis, I'm back" Stella shouts.

Coming out of the alleyway was a black and white cat, that seemed oddly familiar.

"Hey sis" it was mittens, the cat that next came.

"Hey mittens, how you been" both cats rubbed against each other.

"Where you been sis, you been gone for so long what happened"

"It's a long story, let's just say I been on a ride...with a dog"

"I keep telling you sis, lay off the dogs they can't be good for you" mittens says.

"But this dog is different" Stella moves out of the way, "and I think I just found a new home for us, mittens this bolt, bolt meet mittens my sister"

Bolt and mittens approach each other, "hi I'm mittens"

"I'm bolt"

Then back to the women in the sky, "hmm, it seems like some fairy tales, some stories come with a twist...I am you guide and this is....

What if...

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