Chapter 18- A duel to Understand

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3rd POV

the cold air of Atlas in the night, darkness covers the sky, the perfect time to sleep....but not for these two the dark alleyway of Atlas Academy, a resemblance of a rose and a crow stares at each other with blank faces..One is holding a gun and the other holding a sword....Ruby, not knowing who she is facing, she asked

Ruby:"Who are you? How do you know my name?"

??:"foolish don't know who I am? let me tell you something...Im related to you in some way, to your mother and father."

Ruby:"My family? I don't give a damn about them...hmm...I resemble my are my sister's mother, aren't you?"

??:"You guessed it...I'm the mother of your so called sister and a sister of your drunken uncle, Raven Branwen. You intrigue me Ruby.....I don't how to call you...My niece or my have become more ruthless than your mother...even better....You've fallen to darkness and power Ruby..your the ideal person that I want for Yang."

Ruby:"It doesn't matter that I changed...I don't care for my past Raven and what I've become.. but the biggest question is, Why are you here?"

Raven:"well you caught my interest Ruby. Your a killer. You are different than anyone else in the family now. You don't hesitate nor you show mercy. You are strong. I like strong people Ruby. I like those who can fight without mercy, without remorse. The weak die. The strong live. those are the rules, Ruby."

Ruby:"How did you come here Raven? How do you know where I am?"

Raven:"I can't reveal all  my secrets Ruby. But I can reveal one.... you have your fathers blood...My semblance can connect to those that I connect to."

Ruby:"If you're have a goal..what is your goal Raven?"

Raven:"I like to test you.."

Ruby:"And how are you going to do that? want to fight me..."

Raven:"you certainly are right on the money..shall we begin?"


With her semblance, Ruby aims her gun and quickly fire bullets at Raven. Raven unsheathes her sword and blocked all the bullets with precise movements with her sword. Jumping high to the rooftop, Raven starts to run from Ruby. Ruby jumped wall to wall and gave Raven a chase. they were now on the rooftops. Raven stops and faces Ruby, holding her sword right at Ruby and places her mask on her face. Ruby brings out her knife and dual wields with her pistol...

The cold breeze of the night, the shattered moon shinning light. It was a site to see two people fighting on the rooftop of Atlas Academy. The two of them faced of, ready to pounce at each other. 

without warning, Raven rushes with her at Ruby using her maiden abilities to boost her speed. Ruby shoots a couple of shots at Raven causing Raven to block the bullets. With some advantage, Ruby pulls her knife and tried to slash her. Raven blocked and clashed with Ruby. they clashed on the rooftop, blocking and attacking with speeds that cannot be seen with the naked eye. The two seemingly have the same strength to counter each other..

..A knife and A sword...

it looked to be a big disadvantage for Ruby...but because of her speed and strength...a sword cannot hinder Ruby or any kind of weapon in any matter...because no one can understand a weapons advantage and  disadvantage other than ruby...Maybe being a weapon fanatic is not bad after all? If you can utilize it of course...

with a couple of minutes of clashing to no end they came to a deadlock. Raven with more strength than Ruby had the upper hand but Ruby broke the deadlock with shooting her gun at Raven's chest but in the nick of time, Raven dodged the bullet. They clashed again with Ruby using her gun to stop Raven from rushing at her. Since Ruby didn't have her mp5 and sniper, she can only use her knife and pistol. Raven jumped again to another building, with Ruby following in pursuit.

In the distance , general ironwood was in his office with Winter helping him handling the amount of paperwork of the Academy. it was a busy day for them. Organizing the papers were boring but it was mandatory.

Ironwood:"Winter, can you pass me the other papers for the academy?"

Winter:"Certainly general."

Winter hands Ironwood the stack of papers to ironwood.

Ironwood:"Thank you, Winter. So, how was your day?"

Winter:"It was fine general. I did my duties. There were a few accidents at the city, mostly car crashes but there is no other problems."

Ironwood:"Thats good. Are there any development in the military?"

Winter:"Not that I know of sir, but some scientist are developing a new technology for a new type of gunship."

Ironwood:"Ahh thats good news. Is there an-"

suddenly he heard clashing of metal outside of his office. he and Winter looked outside and saw two figures fighting on the rooftops. Ironwood first didn't know the two figures so he looked closer and what he saw shocked him. It was the student that defeated Winter,Rain, fighting someone that he didn't recognize because of the grimm mask.

Winter:"Sir, its an intruder!"

Ironwood:"Yes, and shes fighting with Rain! set the alarm!"

Winter:"Right away sir!"

The alarm was heared throughout the Academy and Ironwood announced to all personnel to apprehend the intruder on the rooftop. Hearing the sirens, Raven jumped away from Ruby, while Ruby pulls up her pistol and shots 3 rounds at Raven. two of them were blocked by Raven, but the last shot hit its mark on Ravens right shoulder. 

But Raven wasn't going to go down that easily.

She rushed at Ruby again with a new found rage and with a swift motion, she slices Ruby's pistol. The pistol was destroyed leaving Ruby to use her knife, but that didn't stop her for doing something very dangerous.

she rolled back from Raven and threw her knife at her. Raven blocked the knife with ease but was surprised with Ruby......who now looks to be running from her? Raven gave her a chase running in the rooftops but Ruby was at the end of the line. It was the edge of the rooftop.

Raven, finally had the upper hand smirked under her mask. Ruby faced Raven with a blank face.

Raven:"Its seems that you have lost.................You have much to learn, Ruby."

But in a weird way, Ruby began to smile, she was smiling. but then, she began to laugh maniacally.


Raven:"whats so funny?"

Ruby:"Dont you see? you have lost, look whats behind you."

Raven looked back and saw Atlas airships and multiple Atlas teams at the rooftops. 

Winter:"Surrender intruder! You are outnumbered!"

Raven faced Ruby again with a smirk under her mask. 

Raven:"You are right..I am outnumbered. We will met again Ruby....but next time, we will finish our battle."

Raven slashes her sword and opens a portal to the branwen Tribe. Ruby stared at her knowing that she has a new rival, a rival that is as fast and as strong as her, a rival to see who is the most strongest in the world.


Ruby's POV

It has been a couple of days after the battle with Raven and the academy has been trying to interrogate me about raven but I didn't give them any details. I don't even know her that well so whats to say about her? Right now I am in the dorm with Lisbeth to talk about the next step of the mission.

Ruby:"So Lis, whats our next step of our plan?"

Lisbeth:"Well, at the end of the month, there will be a party of the ten master clans. It can be the perfect place to assassinate your target even the second one.

Ruby:"You said that this party his held for the master clans right? So in theory we are not invited."

Lisbeth:Yes....the party is only held for the families but luckily we are friends with Mayumi, soooo we are invited to the party! but you must know that any suspicious movement will be problematic. And you must know that I cannot help you in anyway. It will blow my cover."

Ruby:"Noted. Lis, do you know where is this party held?"

Lisbeth:"It is at the Grand Palace of Atlas. the center of the city."


Lisbeth:"why is that Ruby?"

Ruby:"It will be the perfect stage for the deaths of heirs and in the end, it will be the start of a revolution. A revolution that will never end."

Lisbeth:"I'll be rooting for ya Ruby."

Ruby:"Can I ask you something Lisbeth."

Lisbeth:"Yes?? What is it Ruby?"

Ruby:"Why do you want to betray your leader Lis, I know that you've been with her for a year. Why betray her?"

Lisbeth face turn pale. With a tearful face, Lisbeth told Ruby why.

Lisbeth:"Why did you have to bring that up?

Ruby, my friend. Mayumi maybe is my leader but..

..she is never my friend...

...what she did to my family is unforgettable..

.me, my mother as you know as Shino and my Father, Otto we were once a happy family but when the Atlas came.....

they destroyed our lives.

.and you know whats funny? the one who destroyed our lives is the Saegusas!

 Mayumi's fucking family!..

..She maybe is the sign of peace of Atlas, a princess of the throne..

.but She doesn't understand our struggle, our pain, our.....suffering. 

Under that beautiful facade, lies a pit of darkness....

She encourages peace that we can life happier lives and make a world a better place..

.. but what does she do to the poor...

... nothing!nothing at all....

 She doesn't let her father to stop the labor forces, even though they have enough resources to make automated robots to work in their factories, they kept the labor forces and starve them to death.......

....She never cared for anyone other than herself.....

....... She maybe a symbol of the shinning Atlas, but she is just like any other heir.....

 She is just a spoiled brat with a pretty face. and thats why I did what i have to do. I become a member of her team and even if you fail your mission, I can still kill her..

..limb by limb.."

Ruby:"So thats your story Lisbeth." 

Lisbeth:"Yes....Thank you for listening me ranting Ruby, its a relief to get that out of my chest."

Ruby holds Lisbeth's hand.

Ruby:"I promise that this continent will be liberated, to a new era."


Lisbeth hugged Ruby and cries on her chest. Ruby holds Lisbeth and patted her head to comfort her. Ruby's face showed a genuine smile. This was the first time Ruby showed any kind of affection to someone. Maybe it can be the first for many but the future will not be soooo lucky.......

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