Chapter 20- Exploiting the Chaos part 1

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Ruby's POV 

After killing my target, I walked away from the scene. I didn't kill her partner...because I want to make him suffer....he will live forever alone...

Since the streets were in chaos, the guards cannot spot my location. I better contact Hiriko...the night is still young...maybe I can get more missions to help the revolutionaries. i ran from rooftop to rooftop and found a good place to contact Hiriko. I opened my scroll and contacted her.


Ruby:"Hello, Hiriko...the mission is completed."

Hiriko:"That was really didn't hesitate to kill the target. did you kill her partner?"

Ruby:"No....Its better to make him suffer without a companion...that punishment is worse than death."

Hiriko:"Yes Ruby, that is certainly brutal..but be prepared to face him once more."

Ruby:"He will be destroyed when I'm done with him...."

Hiriko:"Expected from you Ruby....So I have some missions for you tonight..can you handle them?"


Hiriko:"In that case, let me give you the briefing of these missions. there are 3 missions to complete. All of them involves destruction. Because of the chaos happening in the center of the southern part of the city, We are informed by our insiders that many officers have been pulled from the other parts of the city to control the chaos there. This will give us time to wreak havoc across the whole city.

First mission requires you to go to the east and destroy some of the factories. I will send you some coordinates for your equipment. But, before you destroy it, find information about their factories and even get blueprints of their weapons. Maybe we can exploit it. 

The Second mission is another assassination mission, but this time we have multiple targets. You will be killing two people that has connections to the white fang and Atlas. They are the Fujibayashi sisters. They are high ranking officers of both white fang and Atlas. Find more information about them and find the connection between the white fang and atlas. Other targets are all the guards guarding them, there cannot be any witnesses. I will tell you the location of your targets after you have done your first.

The last involves cutting all power in the city. This will generate chaos across the city. With the chaos we can sneak in more people and equipment under their noses and infiltrate them in their commanding structure. We will destroy them inside out. The location is near the second mission.

Tonight will be the night of destruction...and your going to be the catalyst Ruby...Good luck. I will guide you when you find anything interesting. Just use your scroll to photo it and I will do my best to give you information about it."

Ruby:"Seems that I will be busy tonight....Do not worry, Hiriko. The deed will be done."

Hiriko:"I trust you Ruby. But don't you want to contact your teammates for support? This is a big mission after all."

Ruby:"Even though they are skilled, I prefer to work alone."

Hiriko:"If you say so Ruby. Hiriko out."

3rd POV

Ruby turned off her scroll and looked east. She waited a couple of seconds and felt that her scroll vibrated. She opened her scroll and see the coordinates of her equipment. Using her semblance she ran to the location.

A couple of seconds later, she arrived at the location.  she was in an alleyway. She looked around and saw a couple of trash cans and a dumpster. She opened all the trashcans and found nothing but trash, but when she opened the dumpster and saw the dumpster is completely empty except for a suitcase. She lifted the suitcase from the dumpster and opened the suitcase.Inside there were equipment especially designed for Ruby to finish her mission.

 5 packs of high explosive bombs that can level a building, a map folder to keep every documents that are gathered in the mission, a usb driver that is specially designed to copy all information, and some interesting stuff for Ruby. A black trench coat with a scarf, perfect for cold weather in Atlas.

and one of the most notorious weapons ever used to spray and pray, the tommy gun. and as Ruby liked it, silenced.

she got a total of 6 drums of Ammo for the gun with one already loaded. She then saw that her knife is replaced by a new one.  She wore the trench coat and scarf and packed all the things that was given by Hiriko. She stuffed her sniper inside the suitcase wanting to use only the tommy gun for the mission. Before she put the suitcase back in the dumpster she, notices a note inside the suitcase. She picked it up and it read,

Dear Ruby,

these are the things that you need to complete this mission.

Feel free to take the gun, its yours! 

its a gift from me to you for helping the revolution.

Good luck.


After Ruby read the note, she put it inside the suitcase and put the suitcase with her sniper inside the dumpster. 

The wind flows through the alleyway, swaying Ruby's silver hair. It is the time for Ruby to show Atlas their mischievous ways will cause their downfall. Using her semblance, Ruby with fast speeds went to her first mission.


In Atlas Academy, inside the office of General Ironwood, The general was furious. It only has been a couple of minutes since the chaos happening in the southern part of the city, and the chaos is still escalating with the Atlas military having a hard time to control the crowd.

Ironwood:"How can this happen....Winter! status report."

Winter:"Yes general! Some officers are rooted from the other parts of the city are trying to help with the situation. We still don't know what caused this chaos."

Ironwood:"Maybe the news reporters can give us some information.. Winter, turn on the news."

Winter:"Understood general."

Winter turned on the news, and it was broadcasting the news.

Mikaro:"Breaking news! chaos in the 5th main street. In a few minutes, a gunshot was heard and the people are in chaos. Atlas military are trying to control the situation but now it seems to be futile. Now, we will go to Johan in the airship observing the situation."

The screen changes to see a person on a helicopter observing the chaos below.

Johan:"As you can see, the situation is in chaos. Even though the Atlas military are trying to control the situation. It seems that we have a report that one death has occurred in the streets. The victim is an officer of the Atlas Military, Shiina Mashiro. We advise the viewers all to stay in your homes and lock all your doors, back to you Mikaro."

Mikaro:"Thank you Johan for the coverage, thats all we have about the recent news in the Capital, in other ne-"

Winter turned off the news and faced the now furious general. General Ironwood was more furious than before. One of the most youngest youths are killed by an unknown assassin, and theres nothing that he can do to stop it.

Ironwood:"Winter...I want you to help the officers in the city. You will go now."

Winter just nodded and left his office.

Ironwood sat down on his chair and think what had happen. But unknown to him, the chaos is just the beginning.


Ruby's POV 

I arrived at the factories that Hiriko mentioned. I was on the outskirts of the factories. the factories are a whole complex to build Atlas sophisticated machines. It seems this part this city is deserted...strange.. 

I jumped over the fences and saw a some guards walking to my area... I hid near some containers and tried to listen to their conversation.

Guard#1:"Man....I wish I was the one sent to help out the chaos...this is boring as hell."

Guard#2:"Hey, man be glad.. its better to be save and sorry, besides, we can have a break after this."

Guard#1:"Finally!! guarding this place is so boring.. hey, Jerry...You know are the military making inside the factories? I never went inside before."

Guard#2:"I don't know either...the scientist seem to be really secretive about the project...I heard its going to be a new combat suit, but I can't confirm."

Guard#1:"A well, its better to know something."

Hmmm...its seems that the factories are making a new combat suit...Better get more information about this...what to do with the guards..they're going to be killed anyway from the explosion so its better to kill them now.

the two guards were still talking and I snuck behind one of them and pulled out my knife and sliced the neck of the first guard. The second guard was shocked, giving me time to quickly snap his neck. that was easy.

I drag the bodies to the containers and opened one of them. I tossed both of the bodies in the containers and continued my mission. I walked through the alleyways separating each of the factories while hiding my presence from any of the guards. I saw a an entrance of one of the factories unguarded, so I went inside.

Inside, I was amazed. I am in the exact place that I needed to be. The research facility. The place was full with scientist. They are experimenting with technology and dust. They seem to not have noticed me coming inside. I quickly hid myself behind a pile of boxes. After some scientist past me I sneaked my way avoiding the scientist as much as possible.

I went to another area of the research facility and found something disturbing...

Why are their humans and faunuses inside those tubes...are they experimenting with them...That is disgraceful. This area seems to be closed off with bulletproof doors. I need to get information about what they are experimenting.

I snuck behind corners and boxes and finally I arrived near a database. I plug my usb and downloaded information. Luckily the scientist are not near this database computer. They were only two scientist inside the area that I'm at. After I downloaded the information i snuck out of the area and went to a secluded place in the facility. I went inside a storage room and plugged my usb drive to my scroll. I sent the information to Hiriko. Then I contacted her.

Ruby:"Hiriko, Ruby here. I found information inside one of the factories."

Hiriko:"Hmmm...let me see....Oh my oum....this is brutal....this is inhumane...what has this world become?!"

Ruby:"What is it Hiriko? What have you found."

Hiriko:"Ruby, what have I read will shake you to the core.....these scientists are not human....they are robots, mindless souls..What they have been experimenting is disturbing beyond comprehension. They were experimenting to make the perfect species...the perfect gene...the perfect race out of all.....They have kidnapped many people to experiment with them without their consent. The victims were experimented in extreme conditions, either with extreme weather or being in the verge of death. They have experimented over 300 victims, none of them survive. Through these victims, they research their flaws and blessings and created the perfect DNA and put it inside a body, a body of a modified girl.

The Scientist named her, Hatsune Miku-01. The perfect human, with an unknown semblance and they have a way to control her. 

Ruby, find a way to save this experiment and help her. Even though she is 'made by man' she is still a person, safe her and try to find a way so no one can control her mind. Bring her back to these coordinates. I advice you to kill every single one of these no mercy...they have not just experimented with countless of victims, but they have broke every rule of humanity...they treated they're own kind as make them the fastest path to hell,Ruby."

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