Chapter 30-Her Sacrifice

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Disclamer: I'm very sorry for not uploading chapters for a year.. I kinda lost some inspiration in writing add to that I'm not native in english so I struggle in making these..So I'm sorry again..enjoy the chapter..

Inside the Schnee Manor, an old woman hugged the silver haired girl with tears  . The old woman felt helpless. She had nothing left. Her husband left her to rot, her step son never liked her, and her daughters left to chase their dreams. She was  alone. But....she only had wish left to do before she can rest. 

She wanted to see her daughters safe. Living wonderful lives without the SDC destroying their future.

After some quick thinking, Ruby reluctantly nodded her head. She still had some grudge for her old teammate, but maybe she could get some favors from Ms Schnee.

The woman hugged the girl tighter while thanking Ruby between her sobs.

"Thank youu *sob* so much." Ruby could only stare at the crying schnee while patting her on her back. After a couple of minutes, Ms Schnee came back to her senses and gave Ruby a paper.

"Um..Whats this?"

"Its an invitation party for the upcoming anniversary of the of the Atlas Kingdom. its usually held every year in the city capital. But this year, it will be held in the city of Asagi.
It seems that the capital is still trying to stabilize the situation because of the ruckus you caused with many of their factories destroyed and the death of many scientists, workers ,and soldiers alike. Good job by the way of getting rid of them. Anyway, the Yotsuba clan wants to announce the return of their princess."

"its Miyuki isn't it?"

"Unfortunately, yes."

"I swear when I get my hands on Sinon.." Ruby spat while her eyes for a spit second changed to crimson.

"You will get your revenge soon. I'm giving this letter to you so you could enter the party if you want. I heard from many of my sources that many of the officials will be at the party including most of the clans leaders."

"So what do you want me to do?"

"On behalf of Otto, Hiriko and myself. I want you to kill the Yotsuba leader."

"That can be arraged. but what about Miyuki?"

"Killing the leader will be the top priority, Unfortunately, you and I know it would be impossible to rescue Miyuki in the party.

'This will be difficult' Ruby thought while scratching her head.

"I'll think of something." Ruby said to her.

"Alright, need to get out from here. My husband will be back, thirty minutes from now. My butler will escort you back to the bullhead."

"Thank you." Ruby thanked the old lady and walked out the schnee manor. She boarded the bullhead and asked the pilot to head straight to the city of Asagi. Ruby had no plans whatsoever. But she had a goal. She'll destroy the Atlas government ,once and for all.


She arrived at the city at midnight. With her guns in her pockets and her sniper on her back, She went to find a good place to stay for the night. 

Ruby's POV

the place was cramped, but it will do..

I looked out from the window and saw the beautiful city, it was modern, thats for sure. Yet it felt lonely, cold and heartless at the same time. If you look closely, a couple of faunuses were being beaten down, insulted, and even some of them being raped. If I could kill these bastards right now, I would. Yet I need to focus on my mission. Looking at the big building located in the center of the city, I saw a ton of security surronding the building.

According to the invitation, the party will be held tomorow. Quite convenient. 


Miyuki's POV

I felt helpless.....trapped..and heartbroken...

Why?...why has it come to this?

I sat inside a room decorated with luxurious furniture. But I wasn't happy. This place is my torture. My death bed. I don't like this place one bit. Tears were still flowing down my eyes as a looked upon the stone cold floor.

Suddenly, the door opened revealling my brother and her.. I looked away from them as they walked in. 


My brother tried called me, but I ignored his calls. He was worse than any person I ever met. How can a person throw away his sister for the military? He wasn't there when I was a child, he wasn't there when our parents were killed. He wasn't there for me when I was tortured. 

He tried to touch my shoulder but I slapped his hand away. I spat at him and shouted

"Don't touch me!"

"Miyuki...please listen to me..." Sinon tried to help my brother but I will have none of it.

"Listen what here you bitch. You and him should get out of my room!"

"Sister..please...I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what? for betraying my trust? For making me lonely? for letting our parents die?! there's nothing for you to be sorry!" I shouted at my so called brother with malice. When suddenly he grabbed his pistol from his holster and pointed it at me.

"Miyuki, I don't want to do this." Do you think that would scare me!?

"Hah..Shoot me..I dare you.." I said as I smiled at him. He reluctantly put his gun down and stared at me.

"Miyuki...what happened to you?" This fucker..Has he gone mental!?

"Nothing happened...Nothing for you to worry about." I said to him.

"Tatsuya..just drop it..we're not going anywhere with this."

"You're right..I'm sorry Miyuki..For betraying you...I know what I did was wrong...but is all for you.." He said with a caring voice. That piece of shit!

"GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!!!!" I shouted at him while more tears burst from my eyes.  What the fuck does he think he is?...


Pain...that is all I felt after that day....the day when my brother decided to join the military and left me to rot...

It was a dark and cloudly morning. All those years ago..

I was there..siting in the front porch, of my lonely house..It was once a happy one..Having the time of my life with my parents and my brother. We played games, cooked dinner and had movie night. But it all went down the drain with my brother leaving our little family to join the military. Me and My parents clearly denied him to go there...But my controlling aunt insisted him to join the Atlas Military.

After he's gone, an accident happen killing my father and my mother. I was then inlisted to the financial branch of the military and was thought there. I was technically the last heir of Yotsuba family so I was trained to become the leader. Yet, I didn't have any friends, anyone really to help me push on. I was even beaten up by the other kids.

Then, I became one of the governors of the city of mantle. There...I found many atrocities associating with the Atlas military. However, when I was looking around...I found a classfied file containing a secret project to transform my brother into a war machine. I first felt rage when my brother was made into a war machine but in the files, it states that my brother accepted and gave plans to kill our parents because they were in the way. 

That file made me hopeless, lost and more angered. 

I cried in my room every time I sleep......

I didn't know what to do.......

So I went against  Atlas.. 

I joined the resistance and fought for the freedom of the lower class and the minorities. I had a her with me all the way. 

...Yet she betrayed me. I knew she was suspicious because of her past but I didn't think it that far that she was a double agent.

The only time i felt true happiness is with my team..With Ruby and Neo, and also resistence leader Hiriko..They understand me..For a short time we've been friends..I loved them with all my heart.

Hiriko, the brave and serious faunus who's brave enough to fight the government. I've always wanted to have some coffee with her and chat without a care in the world. She's quite funny once you get to know her very well.

Neo, the bubbly ice cream loving girl..Sometimes I wish we would spend more time eating ice cream. She's such a cute girl.

Ruby, the silent leader who kills without remorse..Athough she looks like she doesn't care..She was the most caring out off everyone I met. She protects us and even doesn't sleep...just to watch over us. Sometimes I want to share stories with the silver-haired girl...

But I know future plans with them will never become a reality if Atlas continues living....

I know what I have to do to end my suffering...

It..isn't going to be clean..but it will finally end everyone's suffering...

I'm Sorry Hiriko...........

I'm Sorry Neo.........

I'm Sorry Ruby.............

But..I must do what must be done..all those years ago...


3rd POV

The looming night covering the skies of Asagi, The silver haired girl watched from the rooftop as many officials and leaders went inside the building. She already positioned her sniper at the rooftop. Watching as multiple targets entered the building, She saw her main target walking out from a car with Miyuki and Sinon on toll. 

She calmed her mind and watched them through her scope.

They reached inside to the ballroom as Ruby watched them from the glass windows. Her target was talking with many officials with Miyuki and was guarded by Sinon.. It was diffcult to get a clear view.


When Ruby saw Miyuki from her scope she saw her smile....

it was a gratefull yet hopeless smile.....

her eyes watered as suddenly.....


The ballroom exploded with fiery smoke...


The princess killed herself with her semblance with mixing ice and inferno, causing a combustion and powered it with all her might in killing everyone around her and herself.....


Ruby stopped looking from her scope and kneeled down...

Her eyes were blank with tears streaming down her face....

..she lost...a good friend....

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