Chapter 6-Extinguishing a Torch

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3rd POV

After the exchange of words with team JNPR , Ozpin was tired and frustrated. He can't believe this happened. He didn't want to contact Qrow about this because he's going to freak out and come back to Vale. The only hope that Ozpin has is to find Ruby and reassure her that someone special has come back to love her.

One week later...

After a week, there was no news about Ruby. Many of the staff searched for her around Vale but there was no trace. Ozpin even assigned teams to find her. He was really worried. He thought' Why can't i find her? Where has she had gone? With those negative emotions.... no... the worse case scenario is shes dead! killed by grimm! this is bad...this is really bad than before. The only place near beacon that has a lot of grimm is at emerald forest! I need to dispatch a team there.' Ozpin immediately called an available team, team CFVY.

they came from the elevator and Coco asked about the mission.

Coco:"So professor, do you have a mission for us?"

Ozpin:"Yes...You are to go to emerald forest and find Mrs Rose."

Velvet:"Wait... Ruby's missing?!"

Ozpin:"Yes, it has been a week and I found no trace in Vale at all about her disappearance. She maybe is in emerald forest. I want your team to find any trace of her."

Team CFVY set out their journey immediately to emerald forest. splitting up to cover more ground, they tried to find any sign of Ruby. Coco was walking through the forest and she saw something quite disturbing. It was a fabric, a red fabric, it looked like to belongs to Ruby, but the shocking part is theres dry blood on it. The whole area of trees was covered in blood, it was dry but Coco can see it clearly.

On Velvets end was more shocking, she saw a burning house in the horizon, she ran at the house and saw the place was burning to the ground. She called her team to gather but the others will need some time to get there. The house was already in ruins. Minding her step, she saw a corpse of an old woman that was burned, she was shocked. In seconds she vomited really badly. The corpse was really gruesome to say at least. But when she looked around she saw something she would never forget. Ruby's weapon, Crescent Rose, was under some Rubble. She cleared the Rubble and picked it up. She quickly realize something. Nobody can be saved by a fire in that magnitude. She didn't want to accept it, but she can't deny it either. Ruby is gone.......

When the rest of the team came, they saw Velvet crying while holding something. They came close and like Velvet, they were horrified. They saw Ruby's precious weapon. They realize that she didn't survive. If she did, she would have brought her weapon with her... It was a sad story. They huddled up and hugged each other.

Ruby's POV (attack on base)

After we found the information of Roman's exact location, we went straight to the base. Using my semblance , I carried Neo to the location. We at the outskirts of the base. We walked up a hill near the base and took a good look of the white fang base.

It was huge, with airstrips and a couple of bullheads stationed at the base. How in the world did the government never see this base? There are so many soldiers, It could be around 100 people. they were packed with knifes, rifles, pistols and even machine guns. We are utterly outnumbered.

Neo:"Ruby, what are we gonna do?"

Ruby:"Easy, I pick them off."

I set up my sniper on the hill.

Ruby:"Neo you will be inflitrating the base while i provide sniper cover. You can start killing people, when I give the signal."

Neo:"what kind of signal?"

Ruby:"a sniper shot. You ready?"

Neo nodded and she started descending the hill. I followed her movement with my sniper rifle scope.

3rd POV

Neo silently sneaks through the base defenses. The base was covered with spotting lights and stationary weapons. The base really looked like a front line camp for war. Neo snuck through with ease and was at the west side of a hangar.

The soldiers were looking really tired. Probably because it was in the middle of the night. They had to work for at least 24 hours. There is night shifts, but the lack of men made the soldiers have to guard the base 24/7. Knowing this, Neo snuck in easily trying to find Roman. Ruby with her sniper counted every single hostile that can be sniped from the hill. She counted and confirm 54 soldiers were outside the camp and can be shot. The targets are to many so she needed to devise a plan to kill as many as possible to make Neo's job easier. She saw barrels of gas for fueling the bullheads, she had an idea. She will shoot at the barrels for the signal.

Without warning, explosions can be heard, destroying many bullheads, buildings and killing many soldiers in the process. They were foolish to think that their base was save. They were really dumb not placing the fuel barrels in a save place. They were asking to be attacked.

The soldiers were stunned and shocked, they were unorganized to face surprise attacks. The base was well hidden, So they were shocked that someone outside knows the base location and is willing to attack it. Neo using the situation attacked the soldiers with ease, killing them left and right with speed and skill. She killed over 10 men in a minute. Ruby was doing really great, she shot many soldiers with her sniper, totaling over 20 kills with her sniper. Some of the men realizes that they were sniped. They tried looking for the sniper who were shooting them, but when they stop to look at who's shooting, they were vulnerable to Neo's killing spree and Rubys onslaught.

Roman was inside one of the barracks,he suddenly woke up to hear explosions, fire, and screams of soldiers. He looked outside and was horrified, their base was in ruins, bullheads are destroyed or on fire. Almost all the white fang soldiers outside are dead, only a couple were running away to the forest, or cowering in fear. Many of the soldiers still doesn't realize that there was a sniper. Ruby suddenly stopped shooting so Roman didn't have an idea that there was a sniper in the first place.

Roman looked out and saw his enemy, his former henchman, Neo. Neo's body was covered in blood, blood of the soldiers that she killed, she was uninjured, Her umbrella was still extended. Roman looked at her with the eyes of hate, despair, and betrayal. He couldn't believe that she could come this way, and attacked a big White Fang base to have revenge. It looked impossible. But seeing it in front of his eyes, it is to good to be true. Neo has killed many of his soldiers and destroyed many equipment for the war against Vale. The explosions were really loud. It is only a matter of time, the people of Vale will notice and in time Beacon will be there.

Roman:"well would look at former henchman...You traitorous Bastard. Wheres little red? Did you bring her back to Beacon? No lets talk about something else.You came back for revenge have you? ? "


Roman:"You already betrayed me and now you want revenge?I helped you Neo!! Since you were a kid and you do this to me!? Destroying all of my progress!! Cinders going to kill me!! But... Before she can end my life...Im going to end yours. You WILL PAY FOR WHAT YOU'VE DONE!! I WILL RIP YOU TO SHREDS!! YOU HERE ME NEO! YOUR A DEAD WOMAN!"

Roman rushed at Neo with rage. Roman and Neo fought exchanging blow after blow. It seems they were equal at skill. Roman tried using his cane to shoot her, but as always Neo blocked it. Roman rushed again with his cane swinging left and right. Neo dodged it and tried to stab him in the neck. Roman sidestepped and tried to hit her head. Rolling out the way, she opens her umbrella to reveal a blade. She rushed at Roman, using her semblance to make illusions. Unfortunately for her, Roman can see through her illusions... grabbing her neck, he tossed her to the side.

With heavy breathing, Neo rushed at Roman again, but with the same strength their weapons came flying away. Roman kicked Neo in the face and punch her in the gut. Neo can't move, she was hurt. Roman laughed maniacally and stomped her chest. Neo coughed up blood.


Roman grabbed her neck and strangle her. Neo was having a hard time to breath. She was feeling that her life was beginning to fade away.

Then a loud sound was heard. Roman used his hand and felt that his head was shot. dropping to the ground, he lays there, lifeless.

Neo, relieved, drops and laid beside her former boss, Roman. Blood was covering her body with Romans blood but she couldn't move. Ruby using her semblance came and lifted Neo up.

Neo:"Hey Rubes?"

Ruby:"Yes Neo?"

Neo:"Is it over? is it finally over?"

Ruby:" is just the beginning....."

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