Kenny McCormick x Reader

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Our love story could be kinda gory
Far from boring,
We'd meet a post-apocalypse.
(If you want to make up an outfit of your that is fine)

Another day in the middle of a zombie apocalypse, lucky me....

Anyway I do have a backstory though but I don't remember much, I wonder though...

Do I even want to remember??

Now back to the present time!

I'm currently walking through a ghost town with blood and dead bodies everywhere but the only thing that's on my mind is finding some food -_-

Yeah I'd be slowly walking,
In a group stalking
You, you'd be the only woman alive
That I could not resist.

Luckily for me I found an abandoned gas station but sadly it was surrounded by zombies inside and outside so being me and super hungry I shot every zombie I saw
And finally a tall blonde boy who only stared
I kept him at gun point incase he tried anything
I noticed he had an orange collar around his neck and a leash on the floor

He smiled at me picking up a bag of cheetos handing it to me

"Oh um.. thank you"
He walked around the place looking for something until finally he finds an orange backpack

He stuffs it full of food most of them I don't have to heat with fire then grabs the leash on the floor

Hesitantly I take it from him snapping it on the collar

After we load up we head out to find my group

"So.. What's your name?"

He pointed to his throat

"You can't speak?"

He nodded
I digged around in my bag and found a notebook with a pen in it holding it out for him to take it
"Here, now you can communicate without using words"

He took it writing in it

"Kenny huh? I guess your staying with me, better get to know each other. Do you have any questions?"

'Where's your family?'

"Dead. First it was my mom then my little sister then finally my dad, I have a big sister but I don't exactly know if she's okay considering she lives with her dick of a boyfriend somewhere, I'm kinda looking for her but if I had to guess she's probably dead too"

Then all of your friends,
They'd try to kill us
But only because
They'd be jealous
That our love is deeper than
Edward and Bella's

We walked until we found the giant house I found months ago
I ran up to the door knocking on it
"Guys it's me, y/n!"

A voice asked
"Are you bitten?"

"No, but I did make a friend on the way"

The door opened revealing Stan and Kyle

If I were a zombie,
I'd never eat your brain.
I'd just want your heart.
Yeah, I'd want your heart
I'd just want your heart.
Yeah oh,

If I were a zombie,
I'd never eat your brain.
I'd just want your heart.
Yeah, I'd want your heart
I'd just want your heart.
Cuz I want ya.

Both boys looked piss
"What the hell is wrong with you Y/n?! He's a zombie!"

"I know, Kyle, but he's a good zombie and look he's on leash!"

"That doesn't mean anything! He could infect us with whatevers going around or worse"

Kyle tried to reason with me in every way possible but I was NOT about to leave Kenny behind so later I grabbed all my belongings and left


"It's not your fault Kenny"
You'd be hiding in
A second floor apartment
Knocking all the stairs down
To save your life
From the undead

Double-barrel shotgun
Taking out the slow ones
Then you'd see the passion
Burning in my eye.
And I'd keep my head.

A bunch of zombies were chasing us and Kenny led me in a building with stairs  while at he same time we were shooting zombies down

Finally we were safe
"Never thought I'd be running with a zombie to get away from zombies"

He silently laughed nodding his head

Then all of your friends,
The try to kill us
But only because
They'd be jealous
That our love is deeper than
Edward and Bella's

If I were a zombie,
I'd never eat your brain.
I'd just want your heart.
Yeah, I'd want your heart
I'd just want your heart.
Yeah oh,

If I were a zombie,
I'd never eat your brain.
I'd just want your heart.
Yeah, I'd want your heart
I'd just want your heart.
Cuz I want ya.

Later on everyone in my old group was after me and Kenny but I wouldn't give in so easily, we hid and Stan called out

"Come on out Y/n we know you have the zombie with you so either hand him over or you're glong down with him"

I looked at Kenny and he smiled at about to get up until I grabbed his arm pulling him back down
I shook my head no grabbing an object I threw it as hard as I could for as a distraction letting them run towards the sound it made then we made a run for it

And I'd try
Not to bite and infect you
I'd respect you too much.
Yeah that's why
I'd wait until we got married.

And our happiest days would be spent
Picking off all your friends
And they'd see
A love this deep
Won't stay buried

We made it somewhere safe and away from the others

Kenny looked a little different

"Kenny are you oka- KENNY!!"

Before I could ask he fell to the ground
I tried to find what was wrong and slowly I noticed he was human again


He looked up at me and smiled
I cried a little and he surprised with a kiss

I was shocked at first but at the same time I was happy

Kenny was no longer a zombie but he is mine

If I were a zombie,
I'd never eat your brain.
I'd just want your heart.
Yeah, I'd want your heart
I'd just want your heart.
Yeah oh,

If I were a zombie,
I'd never eat your brain.
I'd just want your heart.
Yeah, I'd want your heart
I'd just want your heart.
Cuz I want ya.

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