🔥🩹🩸💢Akito Angst HCs 💢🩸🩹🔥

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(Warning: Mentions of very, very dark stuff here... Cause... This was actually the most hard to write.)

-Akito has a very bad relationship with his parents for tons of reasons.

-The main reason why was because they neglect him and favor his older brother over him. (He doesn't hate him, but he just wishes his parents would pay attention to him more.)

-They always call him useless, worthless, stupid, not good at anything and always compare him to his older brother a lot. (Including throwing the whole "Why can't you be like your older brother" )

-His dad always yells at him for minor mistakes and calls him a dissapointment over anything, including when he gets bad scores over anything.

-He always wanted to be a musician or a writer when he grew up, but his parents always diminished him and found his dreams to be worthless.

-He secretly envies his brother despite caring for him, because his brother was loved by his parents no matter what he does, while whenever Akito tries to do something to make his parents proud of him. (Like getting good scores, good grades, etc. They would always neglect him and only favor his brother's achievements.)

-Akito used to get bullied by tons of kids in his previous schools, making him gain severe trust issues and anger issues.

-He didn't have a lot of friends back then, and some of his friends treated him like shit and badmouthed him behind their backs.

-He was severely bullied by a bunch of kids in his school, from middle school to high school. He couldn't even ask the teachers for help because they would neglect him and even punish him unfairly for it. (Which made things even worse for his parents as well, who began to even view their son as worthless and a dissapointment.)

-He finally snapped when he found out that one of his former friends was involved with the bullying, (One of them had sent a video of him getting assaulted by a group of kids in the locker room and another involving him puking in the bathroom after being a victim of a gross prank to the bullies and the public.) And beat them up in a fit of rage, including his bullies to the lockers, thus giving them severe bruises and injuries. The students were so scared of him that they never bothered him again, which is why he became the agressive hothead lone wolf he is today.

-Thanks to that incident, He became even more aggresive and more cold and distant thanks to his "friends'" action, and developed tons of trust issues with anyone, including his brother. (Which deeply left a huge strain on their relationship.)

-He still had tons of bruises and scars from his previous bullying experiences, but always covers them up since he knew they wouldn't care anyway. (Karmen found out he had them when he was hanging out with them one day in the arcade.)

-He wanted to impress his parents and make them proud of them, but gave up after several years of neglect because he knew he saw no point in impressing people that weren't going to be proud of you anyway.

-Despite Akito's agressive behaviour, he's incredibly insecure of himself and always sees himself as trash because "That's what everybody thinks of me anyway".

-He and his brother, Atsuhiko got into a fight one day when he began to question Akito's behaviour lately and began to ask him why he was acting this way. They got into a heated fight afterwards before Akito shouted that he hated him because he was their favorite for many years, acting like a nice guy while also enjoying his parents' special treatment, while also shouting that his brother never cared about him, not when he was bullied, not when he was neglected, not even when he was being abused at all, shouting that He NEVER ever cared about him at all and told him to "Stop pretending like you care about me, because it's made clear that you never cared about me at all!!! If you don't care about me to begin with, then just say it, because clearly I don't care about you either!!!" His brother was shocked, and felt like he wanted to cry, before they both left on bitter terms, but not before Atsuhiko said "I did care about you this whole time.... But I guess, You just didn't even care to notice that..." After Atsuhiko said that, Akito began to contemplate himself.

-He and Atsuhiko didn't talk for the majority of the school year, until the end when he was coming home from school when he overheard his parents fighting with Atsuhiko one day and overheard what happened. It turns out that his parents have been forcing Atsuhiko to cut ties with Akito and not talk to him or even get near him because they did not want Atsuhiko to give up his reputation for that brat. Atsuhiko yelled at them claiming that they never cared about him and only cared about him for his grades and pressuring him to be the very best with no breaks, including forcing him to cut ties with Akito for no reason other than to protect their reputation. He was so shocked after he heard this and began to feel VERY. VERY ashamed and guilty for treating him like shit and saying that Atsuhiko didn't care about him, when in reality... He did.

-He felt so guilty and ashamed of himself that he began to blame himself for treating Atsuhiko like trash without hearing him his side of the story. It got bad to the point where he began to vomit himself out of guilt for what he did and at one point, punched himself in the mirror before smashing his head in the mirror in a fit of guilt. When Hannah saw this, she screamed and called the ambulance on him, sending him to the hospital.

-When Akito woke up in the hospital, He was greeted by Karmen, Hannah, Davis and Atsuhiko who began to ask him if he was okay and if he was hurt or anything and he assured them he was fine.... Before they began to berate him for smashing his head against the mirror and trying to hurt himself, making them worry them to hell. Atsuhiko included, who began to call out Akito for trying to hurt himself like that and telling him off for making me worry, before saying. "JUST BECAUSE I'M MAD AT YOU, DOESN'T MEAN I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU!!! YOU'RE MY BROTHER, YOU IDIOT!!!!". After Atsuhiko shouted, he calmed himself down at first, apologizing... Before Akito hugged him while breaking down in tears while apologizing himself.

-Akito begin to cry loudly, claiming that he's sorry for putting his loved ones through hell and for making them a burden, including Atsuhiko who he apologized HUGELY for treating him like shit, for saying that he never cared about him, for making him a burden and for being a mistake like his parents said. Atsuhiko hugged him back and apologized for not being there for him earlier and for letting him suffer through the pain.

-After Akito was let out of the hospital, Atsuhiko decided to sign him up for therapy while reconiciling their relationship in the process. After they got therapy and graduated, They cut ties with their parents for good.

Fun fact: Some of the backstory was a bit inspired by some parts of a manga called "Is it my fault I got bullied" ? (It's a really good read, and I recommend it if you have time.)

Not so fun fact: This was the most depressing thing I have ever written in my life... Don't worry guys, They're okay now... I'll go make something light hearted to cheer up for a bit... This got depressing real quick.

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