📋 Jocelyn Angst HCs 📋

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(T/W: Mentions of abusive relationships, reader descrietion is advised.)

-Jocelyn didn't have a good life thanks to her dad.

-Her dad was abusive to her and her siblings, treats them like slaves and always made sexist comments towards them. (Her mom was the only one who cared about them.)

-Her mom was the only one that cared about them, but was often busy with work, leaving her and her siblings alone with their dad.

-Her mom divorced her husband when she turned 15 and thus took the kids with her.

-She used to be bullied throughout her middle school life and high school life.

-Before she dated Vincent, She used to be in an abusive relationship named Levi.

-Her boyfriend was an abusive man who was emotionally abusive to her and was very controlling and judgemental of her life, from the way she dresses to the people she talks, etc.

-She and her boyfriend's relationship started out fine at first, but then it became horrible when he began to verbally abuse her, judge her clothing choices and even started to control her in any way. It's even to the point that he won't even let her talk to anyone else, not even her mom, her sisters or any of her male friends.

-Sometimes, He would even abuse her physically and would gaslight her into making her come back to him if she ever threatened to leave.

-It kept going on and on until she and Levi got into an argument over something and it ended up becoming violent over time to the point that he began to choke her in a fit of rage while yelling at her. She was so traumatized by this that she slapped him and broke things off with him for good, before telling him that they were done and that she never wanted anything to do with him.

-After the incident, She told her mom and sisters about what she went through and they gave her their love and support while also deciding to file a lawsuit against Levi.

-She was afraid of falling in love with others and entering a relationship with them because of what happened with her father and Levi, And didn't enter any relationship with anyone because she was afraid that it would happen again like last time. Luckily she met her husband and was able to overcome her fears after that.

-She had PTSD and depression thanks to Levi and her ex-dad.

-Part of the reason She became a therapist was so no one would ever experience the same trauma as her back then.

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