🥊❣💖 Kenneth Angst HCs 💖❣🥊

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(Warning: Mentions of rape, abuse and many dark stuff. Viewer descrietion is advised.)

-Kenneth's parents were rich elitists who were abusive to him and only cared about their reputation.

-His parents always controlled his life decisions and always controlled all of his life decisions, from his schedule to his clothing style. If Kenneth ever tried to defy them or object, They would ring a bell on him, forcing him to comply. (They used pavlovian-training on him.)

-His father was emotionally abusive to him, while his mother was physically abusive, as she would often lash out at him if he ever defied her.

-Because of this, Kenneth gets scared whenever he disobeys his parents and has troubles going against their others because he knows what they will say and do to him.

-One time, Kenneth got a 50% on his test and his mother was furious at him and beat him up with an alchoholic bottle before ripping his tiger plushie in front of him and sent him to his room as punishment. He agreed and he went into his room as he cried himself to sleep.

-If Kenneth got any bad grades or didn't suceed in his activities, His parents would sometimes lock him in a closet with no food until nighttime or give him cigarette burns on his skin.

-The reason Kenneth has so many trust issues with others was because of his ex-girlfriend and his fake best friend.

-His ex-girlfriend's name was Suzanne, but his relationship with her was not so good. (Didn't really help that his parents made him date her for the company's image and made an arrange marriage with her once high school was over.)

-Whenever Kenneth was modeling with her, She would always get... Rather touchy with him, and by that, he would always touch him from innapropriate places, from his arm to his leg, she would always touch him innapropriately, and whenever he told her to stop, She wouldn't listen.

-Kenneth gets so scared whenever he's around Suzanne, Because she would always touch him in innapropriate ways, whether they were in school or in class. And if Kenneth were to object to if, She would often fake crocodile tears to get him in trouble.

-Kenneth once told his parents about what Suzanne did, but they didn't listen and told him to suck it up, claiming he was making up excuses and forced him to be with her.

-He doesn't like any of his two friends because they always badmouth him behind their backs, and one of them would beat him up for being near Suzanne. (Let's say, The other one had an insane crush on Suzanne and was a psycho for her, even praising Suzanne as an angel and him as a demon, despite being fully aware of what Suzanne does to him.)

-Whenever Kenneth's mom would come home drunk from a wild party, she would sometimes verbally abuse him when he was little. Including saying some degrading words to him.

"I was beautiful, before I got pregnant.... You ruined me, Kenneth. You better grow up, to be something great. To make up for ALL the damage you've done."-Kenneth's mother.

-Kenneth had gained trust issues and major anger issues thanks to his parents and his girlfriend. But he mostly masks his insecurites with his vain and confident persona.

-Kenneth, deep down envies Jasmine because two of her friends love her unconditionally while Kenneth's friends hate him and make fun of him.

-Michelle found out about Kenneth's scars when she saw some scars in the changing room and asked him what was wrong. He refused to answer at first, because he knew no one would believe him. Not even his own friends or parents, but luckily with some convincing, he told her and she was heartbroken.

-The only people who believed him are Michelle, The Butlers, The Maids and the bodyguard. (The photographer on the other hand, was a different case.)

-Kenneth was once r*ped by his photographer during one of his photoshoots as punishment for ruining the photoshoot schedule. (Luckily, Kenneth reported the incident and he got arrested afterwards.)

-It kept going on for a while, until Kenneth snapped when he got into a fight with Suzanne, who was trying to force herself onto him again, and he told her to stop, but she didn't listen. He snapped when she gave him the whole "Guys like you, like this, huh?" Excuse. Kenneth then snapped and told her no, He did not like it and broke her wrist badly until her bones cracked, which gained the attention of the class. Prompting him and Suzanne to go to the principal's office.

-When the two had arrived in the principal's office, Kenneth then told the principal everything about what Suzanne did, including the attempted rape incident. Suzanne tried to hide it, claiming that Kenneth was lying, until Kenneth revealed it by showing off his scars and telling her everything about what she did, including his other two fake friends as well. When the principal checked the cameras for evidence, He gave Suzanne a two week suspension (With the threat of expulsion.) while Kenneth received detention for it, including his two fake friends.

-When Kenneth came home from school, he and his parents got into a fight over getting Suzanne into trouble and for trying to ruin the company's image. It kept going on for a while until Kenneth snapped and then told them off, claiming that they never cared about him or his well-being, but only for their reputation and their reputation only and told them he wanted nothing to do with them anymore, but not before ripping the modeling contract and cutting ties with them for good.

-To this day, Kenneth had gained several trust issues thanks to the incident with Suzanne, his fake friends and his parents and ended up gaining a fear over being touched and to this day, never told anyone about it.

Fun fact: Some of Kenneth's backstories were sorta inspired by Pacifica Northwest, Adrien Agreste and Bojack Horseman. (And not so fun fact: This was the most hardest one to write...)

Don't worry guys, I'll make something light-hearted to make up for it.

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