DC Headcannons 1

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This is so far, the majority of the headcannons I could think of, I hope you're okay with that....


-He actually has eyebags underneath his eyes, but covers them with makeup.

-Secretly suffers from PTSD due to his past missions.

-He's an orphan. (Lost his parents as a child)

-He keeps a blue-mooned necklace which was a last memory from his dead parents.

-Tom used to be afraid of failure because of his past, bur is learning to try and recover from it.

-Is a big fan of Gorillaz.

-He, Gabby and Aiden sometimes like ti quote random "Night in the woods" quotes to each other. (Aiden got him into the game)

-Tom has a fond for astronomy. (He got it from his dad when he was a kid)

-Has a Greyhound as a pet dog.

-Tom doesn't wear his mask anymore thanks to Jake.

-Has a lot of experience in treating injuries in the past.

-Used to do Hacking, Assault and theft in the past.

-Tom used to keep a pocket knife. (And he does, but... only uses it for... emergencies)

-Mostly dresses in hoodies a LOT, especially after All-Stars.

-Is quite more socially-awkward than Jake. (Gets flustered easily)

-Is quite a huge tsundere.


-Likes birds, a lot. (He likes to go birdwatching with his grandparents as a child)

-Once tried to commit suicide for his bad relationship with his ex, his bad relationship with his past friend, his dad, etc.

-The real reason he came to Disventure Camp as recommended by his family to clear his mind from his issues.

-Has a little sister named Connie.

-Used to do smoking, but doesn't do it as much as before. (He still does, but only in minor ocassions)

-Allergic to cats.

-Once beated up someone with a bat for harassing his sister.

-Has more knowledge in "The dirty stuff" but, gives Tom some consent if he wants to.

-Jake is sometimes more affectionate and sometimes get jealous easily.

-Jake has kept in contact with Miriam and Ashley after All-Stars.

-Tries to tolerate Ellie whenever He and Tom go on double dates.

-Jake and Ellie spend most of their time roasting each other, but the one thing they bond over is just teasing Alec. (Don't worry, It's not something severe)

-Sometimes likes to do his sister's hair or sometimes Tom's hair. (Has learned from experience thanks to his mom)


-They sometimes like to go on Chinese dates.

-After All Stars, Tom and Jake talked about their issues together back at the motel.

-Sometimes Whenever one of them (Mostly Tom) has nightmares. They would usually cuddle with each other to comfort each other.

-They're both switches whenever they do Act. 34 (It's my way of saying whenever they have s*x)

-Both of them found out about each other's issues at the motel. (Tom having PTSD and Jake formerly doing self harm)

-Both of them went to therapy after the show for both of their issues. (Jake for his trust issues, and Tom for his PTSD)

And that's some of the headcannons I had in my mind. Hope you enjoyed..... I guess..

Keep in mind they're just some headcannons, AKA NOT Canon. So... If some of them may have offended you... I.... Sorta apologize...

And now, Another picture of Jam.

(Sorry for poor quality image)

I want you all to comment on this, Please.

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