DC OCs 4

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Here are some more DC OCs I have with me.


-Bisexual Demiromantic/Asian-Caucasian

-24 years old

-Calm, Snarky, Good-Natured, Caring, Protective, Creative, A bit ditzy.

-He's Tyler's older brother.

-He's married to Michelle.

-He wears a bandage on his nose due to getting to a fight with a student once.

-REALLY good at drawing. (He carries a sketchbook with him a lot)

-Was once framed for doing drugs by Ricky. (He has a grudge on him for that.)

-He has trust issues with adults as well. (Except a few adults.)

-He works as a graphic designer.

-He sometimes like to tease Tyler playfully.

-Has a tattoo.



-26 years old

-Bubbly, Cheerful, Friendly, Affectionate, Fun-loving, Perky.

-She's Tyson's wife.

-Works as a party planner part time.

-Met Tyson during one of her parties.

-Has two dads. (Her dad remmaried after a divorce..)

-She LOVES hosting tons of parties.

-Met Tyler and actually finds him cool.

-She's actually really good at public humilation if provoked.

-She's a really good surfer and dancer as well.

-She has three siblings.

-Taught Tyler and Tyson how to commit public humilation on their tormentors.

-The necklace was given by one of her dads as a birthday present.

-She used to be popular, but decided to step down due to personal reasons.


-Bisexual Panromantic/Italian-Canadian

-26 Years old

-Chill, Laid-back, Caring, Charming, Rebellious, Good-natured, Has a bit of a trollish behavior.

-He's Nick's friend.

-He's the one who got him into winemaking.

-He works at a bar downtown.

-He HATES Nick's parents. (And he jokingly mentions about poisoning them.)

-He wants Nick to break out of his parents' control.

-Comes from a wealthy, but also fragmented family.

-Keeps his hair in a ponytail during work.

-Learned winemaking from his dad.

-Owns a pet cat named Genevieve.

-Allergic to oranges.

-ALWAYS has a backup spare of Non-Wine or Non-Alchoholic drinks in case anyone who can't drink want to join in.


-Aromantic Lesbian/Greek-African. (Gets it from her mom.)

-19 Years old.

-Aloof, Quiet, Prefers to keep to herself, Smart, Professional, A bit caring.

-She's atheistic, But she doesn't mind others' beliefs.

-Her family is abusive.

-She lives with her aunt and little siblings.

-She listens to rock music during her freetime.

-She likes going to the library a lot whenever she's depressed.

-She wants to be a journalist one day.

-She mostly helps out her aunt with her job as a florist.

-Surprisingly, She and Marco get along really well. (They both met at a bar one day.)

-Even though she can be stern, She can also be a bit goofy at times.

Hope you all enjoyed.

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