The Neighbors (#neighborhood)

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Sally felt guilty about sneaking around in her neighbors' shrubbery as night fell, peaking in the windows. But something was amiss.

Mrs. Parker had warned her two weeks ago when the newest members of their otherwise homogeneous neighborhood moved in.

"There's something about that new couple that doesn't add up," said Mrs. Parker wobbling a bit as she spoke. 

"Oh, don't be silly," said Sally. Mrs. Parker was always paranoid. She was also the neighborhood gossip. "They seem perfectly normal." 

Sally had  ignored the bad feeling in her gut when the new couple moved in next door. With three young children running, around Sally didn't want to imagine she might have to worry about her new neighbors.

"You know what I think they are?" asked Mrs. Parker frowning. She leaned in so close, Sally could smell the intoxicating substance on Mrs. Parker's breath. "Aliens!" she hissed.

"Don't be ridiculous!" laughed Sally. Mrs. Parker was battier than she'd thought.

The truth was that upon closer examination they were odd. Sure they were friendly enough. They had brought treats over to introduce themselves to Sally and her family. But they were socially awkward. They laughed at the wrong times. They had trouble making conversation. Even their movements seem stilted.

Worse yet, her children seemed attracted to them like magnets. They were constantly going up to them and talking to them. Or they knocked on their front door to ask for a sweet which the new neighbors always obligingly gave them. Sally told her kids to leave the new neighbors alone. But her husband laughed and told her she was being paranoid. 

Now Sally couldn't find her youngest child anywhere and she was in a panic. That is how she found herself spying into her neighbors' home at twilight.

The couple stood in their bedroom seemingly getting ready for bed. But then, to Sally's horror, they began peeling their faces off. Under their normal-looking blue exterior they had a sickening smooth pale beige skin and only four appendages. They staggered out of their disguises and walked on only two of thier spindly limbs. They had only two eyes and a tuft of hair on their heads. When they spoke it wasn't a form of communication that Sally had ever heard before. 

And to make the situation even worse, the couple didn't notice her son attached to the ceiling of their room– his twelve tentacles shaking with fear and his five eyes as big as saucers. 

Mrs. Parker had been right. These neighbors were aliens.

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