1st Test

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All characters belong to RR & VR

Beatrice POV

"They're jumping off!"

I lift my head. My neck aches. I've been curled up against the wall for at least half an hour, listening to the roaring wind and watching the city smear past us. I sat forward. The train slowed down the past few minutes, and I see the boy who shouted is right: The Dauntless in the cars ahead of us are jumping out as the train passes a rooftop. The tracks are seven stories up.

The idea of leaping out of a moving train onto a rooftop, knowing there is a gap between the roof and the track makes me want to throw up. The faction transfers lined up.

"We have to jump off too, then" a Candor girl says. She has a large nose and crooked teeth.

"Great," a Candor boy replies, "because that makes perfect sense, Molly. Leap off a train onto a roof."

"This is kind of what we signed up for, Peter," the girl points out.

"Well, I'm not doing it," says an Amity boy behind me. His cheeks shine with tears.

"You've got to," Christina says, "or you fail. Come on it'll be alright."

"No, it won't! I'd rather be factionless than dead!" The Amity boy shakes his head.

He sounds panicky. He keeps shaking his head and staring at the roof top, which is getting closer by the second. I don't agree with him. I would rather be dead than factionless. Then a new voice speaks up loud and clearly.

"I won't let any of you fall, I promise, I'll go last and give you pointer tips on how to do it." Percy says.

"Like you've done it before" the Candor boy sneers, "I won't take advice from amateurs."

"I've done things similar and more dangerous than this." Percy replies. Before the Candor boy can reply the roof is here.

"Jump as hard as you can and when you approach the ground tuck in your shoulder and roll, it will help with the impact." Orders Percy "Go!"

Christina and I grab hands and count to three, one! Two! Three! On three we jump and behind us Percy launches us onto the roof top. As we land we let go of our hands and tuck in our shoulders and roll. Percy was right, it helped with the impact.

"Well" Christina says breathlessly "that was fun."

Behind us I hear a scream. I turn and a Dauntless girl is falling and another is screaming while a Dauntless boy is holding her waist to keep her from falling off the roof. Suddenly a mass of black and gray shot out of the train and grabbed the roof with one hand and the falling Dauntless girl with the other.

"Percy!" Christina and I screamed. We ran over to him and grabbed his shaking arm. With the help of the Dauntless girl and boy we pulled them both to safety.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Screamed the two Dauntless girls hugging him while the guy, man hugged him. "You saved her/my life!" They gave him one more hug before backing off to the group forming at the other end of the roof.

"Listen up! My name is Max! I am one of the leaders of your new faction!" Shouts a man at the front of the group.

He is older than others, with deep creases in his dark skin and gray hair at his temples, and he stands on the ledge like its a sidewalk. Like someone didn't just almost fall to their death from it.

"Several stories below us is the members' entrance to our compound. If you can't muster the will to jump off, you don't belong here. Our initiates have the privilege of going first."

"You want us to jump off a ledge?" Asks an Erudite girl. She is a few inches taller than I am, with mousy brown hair and big lips. Her mouth hangs open.
I don't know why it shocks her.

"Yes," Max says. He looks amused.

"Is there water at the bottom or something?"

"Who knows?" He raises his eyebrows.

The crowd in front of the initiates splits in half, making a wide path for us. I look around. No one looks eager to leap off the building-their eyes are everywhere but on Max. I glance at Peter. He is picking at one of his cuticles. Trying to act casual.

Then there's Percy, he doesn't look afraid, just as if he's waiting for something to happen or someone to go first. Earlier while Max was talking I saw a look of understanding pass on his face.

I am proud. It will get me into trouble someday, but today it makes me brave. I walk toward the ledge and hear snickers behind me. For some reason the snickers stop instantly and some people even gulp loudly. I glance behind me and immediately wish I hadn't. I turn and face the front again and keep walking. Percy was glaring everyone who snickered down and it was scarier than jumping off the train and this ledge combined. Power swirled in his eyes and all you could seem to focus on was his eyes. Pouring power and exploding your insides.

Max steps aside, leaving my way clear. I walk up to the edge and look down. Wind whips through my clothes, making the fabric snap. The building I'm on forms one side of a square with three other buildings. In the center of the square is a huge hole in the concrete. I can't see what's at the bottom of it.

This is a scare tactic. I will land safely at the bottom. That knowledge is he only thing that helps me step onto the ledge. After a few tries I manage to undo my shirt and pull it off my shoulders.

I hear cat calls and whistles that again are silenced. This time I dared not to turn because I already know what silenced them. Underneath I wear a gray T-shirt, I ball up the outer shirt an throw it as hard as I could at Peter. I look into Percy's eyes hoping to gain some confidence, but then warmth and hope flow through me again... just like at the Choosing Ceremony. I swallow hard. I don't think. I just turn, bend my knees, and jump.

The air howls in my ears, the hole surrounds me and I drop into darkness. I hit something hard. It gives way beneath me and cradles my body. A net, there's a net at the bottom of the hole.

"A stiff is the first jumper?" A woman said obviously surprised.

"Stiff's can be tougher than you think, Lauren" a young man defended.

"Apparently under these circumstances Four." Lauren said. Four reached out a hand and hauled me out of the net onto the floor.

"What's your name?" He asked. I was about to say Beatrice when he spoke again. "

Think carefully because you don't get to choose again." I thought about it and Beatrice didn't seem right in Dauntless.

"Tris" I said, "My name is Tris"

______________________Line Break__________________________

Percy's POV

As soon as Max was explaining the test I understood what Zeus meant by let her jump first. So I waited... then she walked forward through the crowd of Dauntless. When she walked forward everyone exploded in snickers. I grew angry, is it wrong for Abnegation to be brave? I gave everyone who snickered at her my I'll kill you later glare.

Immediately everyone stopped, they all had different reactions to my glare. They either looked away, paled and averted eye contact, gulped loudly and looked down, or backed up a few steps, paled, and swallowed loudly. If this is how they react to this glare then they won't survive long if I get angry.

Let me explain, I have 4 glares. From least to greatest is my I'll kill you later glare, Wolf Stare, You hurt my friends/family and I'll hurt you glare, and my You hurt Annabeth, DIE! The one I gave them was the least scariest.

On Tris' way to the ledge she noticed the silence as the snickers stopped instantly and she glanced back to see why. She took one look at me, paled, and walked faster toward the ledge. Obviously the glare unnerved her so I stopped. She stood at the ledge and started to take off her outer shirt, once she got it off I was surrounded with catcalls and whispers.

All it took was another I'll kill you later glare and they shut up effectively. I inwardly smirked, wait till initiation actually starts, they'll be running from me. Tris breathed in deeply, I sensed her nervousness so when she turned and looked in my eyes I gave her the feeling of warmth, hope, and calmness just like at the Choosing Ceremony to help her. Then she jumped.

"Ok, who's next?" Max called out. I walked forward towards him.

"Another Stiff?" Max said, "You all shouldn't be so cowardly to let TWO stiffs go before you all." He said addressing the crowd of initiates.

"If your so brave stiff then why'd you let the girl go first?" He asked mockingly. I gritted my teeth and replied.

"She had to earn her reputation, first jumper tends to stick in your head, especially if they are a stiff." I said the slang word for Abnegation people like it was poison in my mouth.

"Alright then kid." Max said mockingly, "Show me what you got."

I smirked at him. "Gladly."

With that said, I took off my gray Abnegation jacket showing my muscles from years of training and fighting monsters, Titans, Giants, primordials, and angry Annabeth's/cousins. Beneath the jacket I had a regular gray shirt on, I wouldn't dare wearing a T-shirt, because it would show parts of scars that a regular shirt covers.

"Oh look" the Candor boy Peter called out,"Another Stiff's showing skin."

I rolled my eyes at the boys antics for bullying. I did what Tris did and threw my jacket at Peter.

"Hang it up for me, will you?" I taunted. I turned back to where Max was standing on the ledge.

"Ready to see what I got?" I shouted.

Not giving him anytime to respond I ran at the ledge. Once I reached it I jumped straight up over the hole. When I started falling downwards I flipped 6 times for the 6 of the 7 that died. As I finished my last flip my back hit the net and I flew up once again and landed back down in the net.

"Another stiff?" A girl asked surprisingly. "Did no one else transfer?" I crawled out of the net not accepting any help offered and went to stand next to Tris and the young guy next to her.

"Good job with first jump Tris" I told her. She looked surprised I called her Tris instead of Beatrice. Before she asked I explained.

"I figured you would get to change your name since you jumped first and Tris is a nickname of Beatrice." She nodded her head in acceptance. We turned back to the hole just in time to see Christina fall through screaming in joy.

Tell me what you think...

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