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He is the one who chose the man in the chair, who watched as that man was beaten. Tell me what you know, he said. Tell me everything. He stared the man down, looking into wide eyes for any signs of lies or deceptions. It doesn't surprise him that every word the man said was a lie.

Lies lead to truth eventually. It's just a matter of chipping away at that resistance.

There are many ways to coerce someone. The simplest, of course, is to beat it out of a person. But he knows that beatings are a blunt tool, and to penetrate a web of deceit, sometimes a scalpel is needed. He is a surgeon, dissecting their words and their behavior. Finding their fears, which he uses against them with the utmost precision. He is never the one inflicting pain, but he's the one they fear most.

He walks back out to face the thirteen men. Silent, all of them, the one he spoke to not even daring to move. He scans their faces. There is terror on every one, but the sparks of defiance are still there, a fire for him to smother. That one, he thinks, looking at a man staring at the ground. Yes. Him. His men grab the unlucky one.

Now... pain threshold always makes this complicated. Not enough pain and the interrogator will be met with scorn and no answers, but too much and the interrogator will be met with an unconscious man and still no answers. 

But he's had practice.

The points of view will be 'him' and 'you' for the rest of the story. Writing in second person isn't my favorite, but I like it for this story from a psychological aspect.

Let me know what you think.

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