Chapter 22 - Spilling Secrets

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Time had stalled for Melinda ever since Jeffrey left. She had Ingrid to talk to, of course, but Ingrid was just one person, and she was far from the love of her life, even though she was still dear to her heart. Ingrid tried her best to console her despite all their disagreements because they still had somewhat of a good relationship, but Melinda also tried her best to hide her pain, constantly worried about how the negotiations between Jeffrey and Maria would go, fearing for both of their lives, and Ingrid simply had to accept that there was nothing she could do. 

Luckily for both of them, he returned after exactly three days, and Melinda wasted no time when it came to embracing him passionately and crying tears of joy on her shoulder, immensely relieved to see him return to her alive and well, even though there was something suspicious about the way he refused to look at her.

"My love," she cried out, attempting to break the awkward silence between them. "Are you alright? Did the negotiations go well? How is everything going?"

"You wouldn't understand," he said, shaking his head, trying to push himself away from her, but her muscular build blocked his only slightly strong build from breaking away. It was clear what she was doing from the look in her eyes. He used her common excuse not to talk to her, which made her mad because she didn't like it when other people tried to pull that trick on her.

"No, you really wouldn't understand," he persisted, though her gaze remained as stern as ever. "The negotiations are secret, and we can't tell them to anyone, not even you. It's not because I don't trust you, but it's just... Everything is so complicated nowadays. It's risky, but I believe we can manage it together. Don't worry, it will only aid you in your quest. We are severely hindered by Maria sleeping with a man who is not her husband and putting her reputation at risk, but at least everyone will be distracted while we continue our mission."

"What?!" Melinda gasped after hearing that last part. "She's cheating on her husband?! With whom?"

"I don't know," he said numbly. "If I knew, I would have said so."

"Okay... So, what exactly is your role here?"

"Stop questioning me," he said, overwhelmed by her curiosity, and from the way he walked away from her, it was obvious that he still hadn't forgiven her for what she did to Amanda and that he was walking on eggshells around her, fearing the uncertainty of what she could do next. With a sigh of resignation, she sat alone in her corner until Amanda knocked on her door again.

"Hey," she chirped, standing up the moment Amanda opened the door. "It's my favourite lieutenant. How are you doing?"

"I have no time for false politeness," Amanda said with an emotionless voice. "Come with me. I have something important to tell you. I want to talk with you in private because I don't trust them enough to tell them this information."

And yet you trust me? was what Melinda thought and wanted to ask, the same as everyone else, but they were careful not to say the wrong thing around her. Instead, Melinda simply smiled brightly as she took Amanda's hand and left the room, leaving the others to sit in silence and ponder all the sudden developments of their situation.

A few minutes later, when they arrived at their destination, Melinda noticed it was the exact same room she had her lessons in. Maybe it was a coverup. Maybe she was about to tell her something she wasn't supposed to know, using teaching her a new spell as an excuse, and given how many spells they had already covered over the course of that turbulent year, a spell here or there would make no difference. 

Melinda also noted that the room was a really good place for discussing private matters due to its isolation from the rest of the house and its general desolation as she waited for Amanda to stop casting soundproofing spells. It was over in around a minute, after which they both sat down on the floor to talk, Amanda releasing a heavy sigh as she prepared herself for a conversation she wasn't very fond of having at all.

"You see, Melinda, the reason why I brought you here is because I need your help," she said defeatedly, struggling to look her in the eye. "Sure, our relationship is complicated, to say the least, but I genuinely believe that your reputation of being a good person who's always willing to help those in need was rightfully earned."

"You believe in that?" Melinda said, laughing darkly. "Even I have difficulty believing in that anymore. After everything that I've experienced, I'm starting to think that Hemingway is right. There is a darkness inside of me, and I cannot fight it, so why don't you just write me off as a piece of garbage and be done with it?"

Amanda glared at her, though it was clear that there was something hidden beneath that glare, even if Melinda wasn't sure what it was exactly. "This is no time to give up, Melinda Grey. People are dying, and the last thing I or anyone else needs to hear about right now is your darkness. Your darkness is not special, no matter what you think. Sure, you may be better and more important than everyone else, but there is darkness within all of us, and yet we still go on, fighting the rising tide each day. Have you ever considered how my sister and I are doing?"

"Yes, I have, though it wasn't a priority..." Melinda said awkwardly, finding it hard to tell the truth but having a feeling that this woman trusted her despite everything, which motivated her to give their relationship an honest try. "I'm sorry."

"Don't worry. Your perspective is understandable. Now, I'd like you to stop talking and listen to my story because we don't have much time left. It will be relevant later, trust me."

She's telling me her story? Melinda thought, her eyes widening suddenly. I can't believe it. Why does she trust me so much? I guess I'll just have to wait and find out.

"So..." Amanda began, snapping her back into the real world. "It's hard to say it out loud, but I have to say it. My sister and I were born into poverty, and we watched our parents die very, very young, which meant that we had to do anything to survive. We lived in the slums, and it wasn't a walk in the park, to say the least. 

Fortunately, a master thief who called herself V took us in, but unfortunately, she died of old age very soon. It happened when I was sixteen and Cecilia was fourteen. If you recall correctly, it was the age of the Igniters, you know, what Hemingway calls his cult. He was a charming young man who has always been exceptional for his age. His expertise in magic and politics was unbelievable. 

And he wasn't actually the one to start the cult, either. I don't remember what the name of the original founder was, and I doubt many people do, either. It wasn't that bad, to begin with. They called themselves the Igniters because they would ignite change in a stagnant, corrupt system that is bloated with bureaucracy and bribery. I'm sorry for saying that. I know that you're a royalist, but this is how most people would feel after making the grave mistake of having been born into poverty and rejected by a cold, uncaring system over and over again.

The cult didn't seem that bad when Hemingway led it, either, though it noticeably became very extreme. It's easy to believe in extremes when you've known nothing else, especially in this turbulent political climate. Off with their heads and all that. They also loved and cared for us very much. That's why we found it easy to forgive Hemingway for being arrogant and reckless for so many years. He gave us everything we never had while making us believe that we were on the side of justice. Our misery never went away, but it became easier to manage, until one fateful day...

You see, we were isolated from the rest of the society, which we didn't see as much of an issue at first because we had come to despise society. After a while, it had begun to wear on us, and we went outside and explored while making sure Hemingway doesn't notice. And, soon enough, we discovered his book. It made me realize how evil he truly was deep down inside. My sister and I are Draconians, so it made all the more sense to us. He had been using us as tools this whole time. 

We were soon found out and told to go along with his demands or be dead. If we were some plain, low-level cultists, I don't think he would have minded that much, but, as you may or may not have noticed, we are his best assassins. That's why we taught you so much about assassination. 

Anyway, I think that my sister hates me now, though she cannot leave me because she can't live without me, and yet, after all that I have gone through, I refuse to give up. Every sunset, every lark, every pleasant conversation with another person makes me remember all the good in the world, and I would give anything to be able to live just one day as a normal person. Anything... Even my soul."

As soon as she was done talking, she burst into tears, which made Melinda embrace her tightly. "I'm sorry to hear that, though it doesn't surprise me very much. I always knew there was something deeper beneath the surface, and now, I am glad to have believed in your goodness. I hope that someday, you will be able to live as a normal person. I will give you that day, no, I will give you a whole new life to fill with happiness and joy! But why did you tell me all of this?"

"Thank you..." Amanda said, still sobbing, unable to control herself. "Thank you for believing in me... I will never forget how you tortured me, but it's all in the past now. You were driven far past the point of despair, and you got punished for it, so it's all in the past. I have always known and revered your trust in people, even when I was on Hemingway's side, and I respected you as a noble enemy. My sister and I need your help. He's planning something huge, and I think he may very well kill us both."

"What?!" Melinda gasped, sharply flinching while still holding Amanda in her embrace. "What is he planning?!"

"He's planning to set the kingdom on fire."


"Yes, you heard that right. He says it will 'help his ideals rise' or something. I think he wants to take over the kingdom and reign supreme or something. It makes sense, really. I think I read about something similar in the book, about the concept of the 'dark lord' and all that. There were few who tried it throughout our history, but I think he will be the first to truly make an impact."

"Well, he won't take my throne," Melinda said angrily, marching out of the room and preparing to notify everyone, but Amanda stopped her dead in her tracks when she stood right at the front door, which caused Melinda to groan and roll her eyes.

"Come on," Amanda pouted, clearly betrayed by seeing Melinda's lack of trust again. "What are you hiding? Come on, you can tell me! I just told you my whole life story. Why can't you just trust me?!"

"I'm sorry," Melinda said with a heavy sigh. "I simply have plans that most people wouldn't understand. According to Hemingway, it's actually my fate to become a dark lady. It's why he's taken me in as his apprentice, you know? And, to be quite frank, I can see that happening. The book calls my name every day, telling me that I'm more qualified to use it than everyone else, and every day, I find it harder and harder to ignore it. It seduces me every day! But I will take the throne, no matter the cost, but I also want to marry Jeffrey, and every day, things become harder... Now if you'll excuse me, I have to do something about it."

Her jaw clenching as she began to release hidden tears, Melinda marched out of the room, leaving Amanda to be stunned by the terrible fate that awaited her new friend as the whole world waited for their next move.

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