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chapter one ; a serpent in red

Bubble Tea.

Dasom never imagined a day where she would find herself marching down the street with a little girl, stalking every corner of the street for any boba tea shop, but here she was, experiencing exactly that.

"We have been walking for a while now, are you not tired?" Dasom ducked her head, taking a glance at the dainty figure just beside her, tugging onto yet another one of her coats. "Nu uh," the little girl mumbled in response, bobbing her head to the sides as she took a small swirl—an attempt to look for her target: bubble tea—almost tripping over her right leg.

Dasom let out a small chuckle, "you might fall if you continue doing that, Soya." It has been twenty-four hours since she was rescued from that manwhore. Dasom felt at peace when she noticed Soya getting comfortable in the agency building and talking to the rest of the people, and maybe stealing few almonds from Dasom's almond stash; the ultimate reason behind her so called big brain, was it?

"Miss, look right!" Soya tucked onto her jacket or the umpteenth time, attempting her best to drag an amused Dasom with her to the boba shop she just saw. Dasom laughed a bit, allowing her footwork to head to the said location. The bitter-sweet aroma of caffeine and matcha swirled in the air, making it harder for Dasom to not sneeze. Looks like someone is allergic to something afterall.

"What do you want, Soya?" Dasom scanned through the humongous menu plastered into the whitish walls of the shop. Unlike most of the cafes, this shop was located in the corner of the street, sandwhiched between a wall and a gigantic clothing shop, hence it stood almost invisible to the public. Soya brought her fingers to her chin, her brows furrowed and she thought of a suitable flavour. She stole glances around the shop and spotted a guy sipping onto some purple bubble tea, "I want that one!" She declared in curiosity, pointing at the purple bubble tea.

The said guy shot the duo a strange stare, continuously sipping his bubble tea without a break, which stood somewhat fascinating to Soya. Within a second, Dasom pulled the little girl away in panic. A small detail she noticed made the guy chuckle. "I will order your purple boba, you will stay put beside me and not roam around carelessly, am I clear?" The little girl let out a light hum, patiently waiting for her very own boba.

Dasom waited for the staff to finish making their order, a thousands of thoughts crashing her mind. Not long enough when Soya was pointing at the guy, Dasom did her quick superficial inspection. The stranger was dressed in obsidian shades, skinny black jeans, a black tee paired with a black leather jacket. The detail that hooked Dasom's attention was the the black cap that rested atop his head, shadowing his shiveled hair underneath. The cap had a small serpent at the centre, painted with the darkest shade of red.

Only classified assassins wore this cap. The guy was an assassin. Dasom's breath hitched but she maintained her composure. She could feel the eyes of the assassin piercing through her back. Dasom lowered her gaze to take a look at Soya, only to find an empty spot there.

Within an instance, she whipped her head panic rising down her throat as it went dry. "Soya?" She called out when she found Soya talking to the assassin. The little girl smiled, "miss, look his cap is so pretty! I want to get one someday," she giggled at her thoughts. The assassin chuckled at her silliness, "sure you will, one day," he whispered in a raspy voice that almost sent chills to Dasom, her imagination running wilder, her intrusive thoughts started having a concert.

"Um, I think that is enough, yeah?" She pulled Soya beside her, dragging her to the counter, unwillingly. "Here's your boba, now let's get going," Dasom handed her a medium-sized purple boba, grabbing a hold of her right hand, she walked out if the store. Dasom could have easily fought with the assassin if he proved to be a harm to them, but she opted to not risk as she is unarmed with just one bullet in her gun, not to mention a chaotic kid has been trailing around with her.

Dasom has never encountered any assassin outside the agency building. She herself was an agent and not an assassin, however, at multiple times Dasom has been hired as a hitwoman to finish off a few people. Her recent mission was a fusion of being a hitwoman and of rescuing the little girl. Now that she thinks about it, she chuckled at how the news did not take long enough to go viral.

Lee Chaesun, the famous entrepreneur and the father of the Lee twins has been assassinated in his very own house.

The horror on his face at the terminal moment of his life was struck in the permanent memories section of Dasom's mind. Her path to end a life was definitely cruel, but no human should be let free after performing such disgusting crimes, should they? Dasom knows it ain't her place to bring karma to someone, but she is getting paid a hefty amount, so who's there to complain?

Dasom scoffed when she remembered how the media concluded that the little girl was adopted by Lee Chaesun, now unfortunately kidnapped by some mobster, "people are really weird, aren't they?" Soya nodded, chugging onto her boba, biting through the mushy boba pearls and cube jello.

Dasom pulled out her phone from her pocket, the screen lit-up, a phone call being displayed on to it. With a tiresome sigh, she swiped her finger up and picked the call. "What is it now, Jass?"

"Come to the bakery soon. We have a new order. A special order." Dasom smirked at the code, "on my way, Jass. Keep the ingredients ready," she thought about today's encounter with that assassin. "He must be related to this order in some or the other way for sure," she hummed, "I should be more cautious, an assassin is on the loose."

This marks the end of chapter one. This was more of a fluff and realisation typa chapter after some action scene, xD.

Any thoughts over the assassin? Or maybe why Dasom is going to the bakery? (:

I hope you all would enjoy reading the first chapter. Votes and comments are always appreciated. Thank you for reading! Would try to update the next part asap.

Logging off, Ivy.

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