AEW Championship presentation

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Later on the night, after the spectacular match between Rhodes Brother, Cody, and Dustin, Jake Whitehall is in the ring preparing to announce something.

Jake: Ladies and Gentlemen, here to present the AEW World Championship belt, the Best there is, The Best there was, and the Best there ever will be! Bret Hart!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The crowd went into shock as The Hitman comes out with a standing ovation. Holding the covered championship in his arm, Bret raised his hand as a show of thank you before making his way to the ring.

Once he arrived inside, he passes the title to Whitehall who passed him the mic. Bret's theme fades, but the crowd loudly chanted "Holy Shit!" as Hart stood in the middle of the ring.

Bret: Thank you. I just want you all to know how grateful and thankful it is for me to be here tonight. To be back in Las Vegas. 26 years ago, I defended the World Title here. It's a great honor for me to be here tonight for another sold-out World Championship wrestling match tonight.

The crowd cheers for the Hitman as he continues.

Bret: It's a real honor. I want to thank AEW for giving me a chance to be the first presenter of this absolutely beautiful belt.

The fans cheered some more as Jake teased them by opening the cover but not fully.

Bret: This is a beautiful belt that you will never find anywhere, and I'll be honored here tonight. So without any further a due, I like to introduce the winner of the Battle Royale. The one that's going to face Chris Jericho or Kenny Omega in the next PPV next month or a few months for now.

The crowd laughed, realizing he made an error as Bret laughs it off too.

Bret: It's been a while. But anyway, I want to introduce you to him. Come on out, Daikon Black!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The crowd pops as Daikon and Rosemary come out. Both made their way to the ring as the crowd cheered for Black and Rosemary.

Daikon sat on the middle rope so Rosemary could enter. He then enters as they approach the Hitman. They stare at him coldly before smiling as they shook his hand, getting a cheer from the fans for their respect. Suddenly...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Everyone turns to the stage as MJF comes out with a cocky grin on his face. The fans are displeased with him coming out as he stood at the ring and stares at the three in the ring.

MJF: Cut my music. Cut my music. *music fades*

Soon, fans started booing MJF as Bret, Daikon, and Rosemary look on. MJF mocks them by fake crying before laughing at them. Just as he was about to speak, the crowd started chanting "Asshole!" which got him taken aback.

MJF: Really? I'm...I'm the asshole? *crowd yelling yes* You people bought a ticket to see me, so they can shut up!

The fans booed as Daikon stood there, nonchalant, as Rosemary and Bret glared at MJF.

MJF: Ladies and gentlemen, just in case you have been living under a rock, you are looking at the youngest and fastest rising star in professional wrestling today: Maxwell Jacob Freedman!

The crowd didn't care as they booed him. Daikon just yawned, feeling quite bored by the unnecessary talking from this little punk. Rosemary just sat on the second turnbuckle, annoyed but bored as well.

MJF: And in that ring-WAIT, BRET! A fan's coming to-HAHA!

The crowd was disgusted that he referred to when Bret Hart was attacked by a crazed fucktard during the Hall of Fame ceremony for his late BIL Jim Neidhart before being rightfully getting his ass kicked.

MJF laughs at this as Bret had a small grin on his face. Daikon still stood deadpanned as ever, unfazed by that show of disrespect to the Hitman. He didn't even shake his head as his eyes are set on MJF.

MJF still laughs but then acts surprised when the fans booed him.

MJF: Wait, you people really want to boo me? *gets booed* Yeah, yeah? Let me tell you why you nimrods boo me. It's because you're jealous.

Daikon's lips started twisting into a smile as he start to chuckle. Daikon then starts to laugh slowly, making everyone go silent as his laugh before louder and psychotic.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

MJF: Did I say something funny, freakshow? I'm just telling the truth. You should've been staying at your dumb little dojo, training those stupid students of yours, and not thinking of going back inside of any ring, with your broken body.

The fans booed him for that, but Daikon just continues to laugh loudly, making them stop and get scared and getting on MJF's nerves.

MJF: Hey, stop laughing! *Daikon laughs harder* Shut up! *Daikon laughs even harder* I said shut up!

Daikon starts to slowly stop, save for a few chuckles as he glares at MJF, with blood lust in his eyes. MJF stands on the apron as he stares at Daikon. MJF was pissed by this as Daikon's skin was hard to get under.

MJF: How about you relinquish your shot at the title and give it to a real man. A man who's going to be-look at me, old man!

The fans booed him for that as Bret looks at him.

MJF: The Best there is...the Best there was...and the Best there-*turns to his back* actually scratch that. That catchphrase sucks.

Daikon then smiles as the crowd realized MJF's mistake...he turned his back on the God of Justice. Daikon then nails MJF with a forearm to the back of his head, stunning the loud mouth. He then wraps his scarf around Freedman's neck and starts choking him with it.

MJF waves his arms out, trying to reach something to help him break free as he gasps for air. Suddenly, Daikon starts pulling MJF through the ropes by force, making him land hard on the ring, while still choking him with the scarf.

Daikon then starts hammering down on MJF with several strikes to the head in a quick fashion, making Freedman's attempts to cover himself futile. He then raised him to his knees before hammering several forearm shots at him. The crowd was quite scared by this.

JR: Good God!

Alex: He's trying to kill MJF!

Daikon then grabs his arm as he steps back. He looks at the crowd as he grins.

Daikon: Freakshow, huh? dumb dojo, huh?! Stupid students, huh?! Broken, huh?!

The crowd flinched as Bret had to look away from the strike, despite hearing it. Rosemary is seen laughing and clapping for Daikon. Daikon then picks up MJF and held his head. He turns around as he does this before hitting a DDT.

The crowd cheers and laughs as MJF laid hurt and humiliated in the ring. Daikon asked Bret for the mic as he gave it to him. He then looks down at Freedman.

Daikon: You said I should go back to my dojo, trying to say that I have lost my way after two years. Boy, you have to be just as retarded as that fan you referenced because...*points on the mat* my ring.

The crowd cheers as Rosemary claps for him with a laugh in agreement.

Daikon: This is my arena...*gets a cheer* and these...are my disciples.

The crowd cheers loudly as they chanted "We're your disciples!" as Daikon nods to them.

Daikon: And you, you little punk...*steps on his head* are my bitch.

The crowd oohs as Daikon stomps on MJF's back before grabbing him and tossing him out of the ring.

Daikon: Now that the trash has been thrown seems it's time to reveal the Championship, Bret.

Daikon drops the mic as the crowd cheers in agreement. Soon, Bret takes off the covers and raised the official AEW World Championship high for the crowd to see.

The fans cheered as Bret's theme plays as Daikon looks at the title. Whoever wins the main event tonight will face him at the next PPV for the title. And he's eager for a fight.


Cody: Great performance, my friend. It's an honor to have you back in the wrestling world.

Daikon is seen shaking hands with Cody Rhodes.

Daikon: It's an honor to be in a show like this one, Cody. You, Khan, and the others did a fantastic job in AEW.

Cody: We just try our best to give the people what they want to see.

Daikon: And what other companies like WWE still have trouble doing, as well as creativity for the wrestlers and storylines.

Cody: Couldn't agree more my friend. So, is Rosemary going to be like your manager?

Daikon: I think so, but when we have the chance, we'll be each other's tag partners, as well as Awesome Kong.

Cody: I think I might do something with you and Kong, as I saw you two teaming up and it was awesome. You two even won the tag titles, making you the first intergender tag team champions.

Daikon: Yeah. It was fun. I can wait for what this show has in stores.

Cody: Honestly, me too, my friend.

Daikon: Don't have doubts, Cody. Even if the fans didn't like what you bring to the show, you still showed you have a better imagination than other companies. That's all that matters.

Cody: *nods* I will. Thanks, Kon. Again, good to have you back in wrestling.

Daikon: It's great to be back. Can't wait to face new talent here.

Cody leaves as Daikon goes to walk away until he meets up with his old friend and tag team partner.

Kia: Oh man, it's so good to see you again, Kon!

Kia hugs him as Daikon hugs her back with a smile.

Daikon: Great to see you too, Kia. How are you?

Kia: Doing better.

Daikon: I can tell. You really started working on yourself.

Kia: Yeah. It's been a lot better now that I lost weight.

Daikon: I see.

Kia: You basically didn't change a lot, except with the goatee, which looks great on you.

Daikon: Yep. Some of my students told me I looked very scary with the goatee, so I kept it.

Kia: And they were right. So, you and Holly are now in the company.

Daikon: It's kinda like the thing with Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar. I would stay silent while Holly does the talking. Just to be more threatening and show how my actions speak louder than words.

Kia: That's a great idea. I can't wait for what else will happen soon. Maybe, we could be tag champs again.

Daikon: I'm fine with that. Though, I wonder how willing they're going to do it.

Kia: I mean, WWE has Mixed Match Challenge, so I would say AEW could do something like that.

Daikon: True. Anyway, I'm off for tonight. See you soon, Kia.

Kia: Bye, 'Kon. Take care of yourself.

Daikon: You too.

They both left in their separate ways.

A/N: So how do you feel about Daikon's character here? Especially since he only talks when he feels like talking.

Rosemary and Awesome Kong are not pairs. They're his friends who he worked well with in the past, especially both he and Kong having a fierce rivalry that led them to become Tag Team Champions.

Still thinking of pairs. I will put a vote soon, so I can see your choices for who he would be paired with.

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