I'm Coming Back

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At the God of Justice Martial Arts and Wrestling Dojo in Dallas, Tx, several martial artists and wrestlers are seen surrounding Daikon Katayama, who just returned from Las Vegas after Double or Nothing.

Student: That was awesome, master!

Student 2: You still have your skills in the ring after two years!

Student 3: And, sir, we were happy you put MJF in his place. I freaking hate that guy.

Daikon: Hmhmhm. Thank you all. I was honestly not going to wrestle again after my last 19th championship. But after I heard about AEW, I decided, why not one more promotion, and especially one that's rising?

Student: 4: I still cannot believe you and Jon Moxley debuted on the same night.

Student: 5: Now, we can see the dream match between you too.

Daikon: True. I am looking forward to facing Moxley. We haven't fought since CZW, and I'm excited to have a match with him.

Student: 6: I can imagine the brutality of it.

Daikon: Anyway, the next PPV will be on June 29, so we'll be training until I need to go to Florida for it.

Student 1: What match you're going to be participating in?

Daikon: I'll have to wait until they tell me.

Student 5: Also, I can't wait for you to become the 20th World Champion and the first AEW World Champion.

Daikon: Me too. Anyway, let's get going. Time for training!

Students: Yes, Sensei!

Everyone scattered for their training session. Daikon got into his normal Gi as he begins the session. Soon, everyone's training has commence as Daikon instructs them like the mentor he is.

*time skip*

Daikon during this time has trained with his students while also making trips to aid in stunts for movies, cameos, and doing voice work. On June 25th, he posted a video on YouTube of him dancing to Michael Jackson's Billie Jean and singing Man in the Mirror as a tribute to the late King of Pop who passed away ten years ago.

His students are seen with MJ shirts as they cheer for their mentor. There was another video of them all dancing to Beat It and Jam being posted after that. Soon, Daikon went off to Florida for the next PPV, known as Fyter Fest. This match card shows where Daikon's heading.

Fyter Fest begins as the fans are ready for the next PPV of AEW. They hope it would be successful as their previous show last month.

After the match with Riho, Nyla Rose, and Yuka Sakazi, it was time for the Fatal Four Way Match between Jungle Boy, Jimmy Havoc, MJF, and Daikon Black.

Before the match starts, MJF comes out and starts mocking the crowd in his usual assholey ways. He then makes fun of My 600 Pound Life just to say if he had any interest in the fans' lives.

Soon, Jungle Boy comes out, as he sat on Luchasaurus's shoulders. Next, was Jimmy Havoc, as he makes his way to the ring. Soon, the three stood on the ring as they wait for the last participant.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The crowd pops as Daikon and Rosemary come out as they receive a huge reaction. Daikon looks around before posing his Godly Pose as Rosemary claps for him in admiration.

Soon, they make their way to the ring as the other three look on with worry, anger, and seriousness. Daikon climbs onto the apron and stares at his victims before entering the ring. Rosemary stood at ringside, giving support to the God of Justice.

The fans know that he and Chris Jericho are going to face each other for the AEW World Title and the fans are hyped to see a dream match between the Shinigami of Judgement and Y2J.

His theme fades as he stretches out, warming up his first Fatal Four Way Match in years. Everyone stood in each corner of the ring as they look at each other. Soon, the bell rings and Jimmy Havoc went after Daikon, wanting revenge for being nailed in the head last month.

Daikon just knees him in the gut before taking him down with a Tsuri-Goshi.

Daikon pushes him out of the ring as Jungle Boy sends MJF out of the ring. He turns and realizes Daikon is alone in the ring with him. Both God and man stared at each other before Jungle Boy went for a strike, but was knocked down by a kick to the gut.

Daikon grabs his hair and brings him up before sending him to the ropes. He went for a clothesline, but Jungle Boy ducks under it and hits a dropkick, but it made Daikon stumble back.

Jungle Boy hits a Chop to Daikon's chest, but Daikon's like "The fuck was that?" before hitting his own chop.

Daikon grabs Jungle Boy and sends him out of the ring. Jimmy comes back inside and he hits Daikon on the back before going off the ropes. That only earns him Discus Forearm by Black.

MJF enters the ring as he hits Daikon with a punch before going for Arm Trap Takedown. Daikon rolls out of it as he gets up. MJF goes after him, only to be taken down by the Uchi-Mata-Makikomi.

Daikon gets up as MJF rolls out of the ring. Daikon stood on the mat as the fans cheer for him. Rosemary claps for him as he gave the fans a bow, making them cheer louder and bow in respect back.

Daikon then looks at the other wrestlers as they look back at him. He smirks as he tells them to come inside and face him. They look at each other, cautious as Daikon is unstoppable.

Soon, they all entered the ring and stared at Daikon, ready for a fight. Suddenly, MJF, rolls out of the ring, leaving Jimmy and Jungle Boy in the ring with Daikon, as the crowd boos him.

Havoc and Jungle Boy glared at him before turning to Daikon, who is seen leaning against the ropes, amused by this. Soon, the two decided to just fight Black without MJF, who was too cowardly and selfish to assist.

Daikon laughs as he stands straight, allowing both Havoc and Jungle Boy to attack him, just to toy with them. Soon, the two started hitting strikes at Daikon, trying to wear him down. They send him to the ropes and went for a double clothesline, only for Daikon to duck under it and hits a double clothesline on both men.

Daikon gets up, only for MJF to enter, and hits a Sunset flip into a pin. Daikon kicks out as both men got up. MJF hits a Superkick and goes for a Half Nelson Suplex. Daikon counters and grabs MJF's arm and hits an Overhead Kick.

Daikon goes for the cover but MJF kicks out.

*five minutes later*

Jungle Boy and Jimmy Havoc were taken out as Daikon and MJF exchange blows. Daikon went for a Discus Clothesline, but MJF ducks under it and hits a Chop Block. He hits another and managed to bring Daikon down to a knee.

He takes him down and looks at the crowd as he goes for Bret Hart's Sharpshooter. Suddenly, Daikon hits a Small Package Pin by surprise. MJF kicks out as they got up. MJF went for a kick, but Daikon caught his leg, takes him down, and locked him in his own Sharpshooter.

MJF yells in pain as Daikon applies pressure on the hold, trying to get MJF to tap out. MJF starts crawling to the bottom rope. Daikon then pulls him back and applies more pressure as punishment.

As MJF was close to tapping, Jungle Boy enters the ring and hits Daikon's back with a Dropkick, knocking him down. Jungle Boy tries to capitalize on MJF but was tossed onto the apron and hit by a forearm.

However, Luchasaurus helps Jungle Boy by pulling him off his back and back inside the ring. Jungle Boy strikes at MJF before going for a Springboard until Jimmy Havoc caught him. Havoc then tosses Jungle Boy onto Luchasaurus, knocking them down.

He goes to enter the ring, only for MJF to hit the ropes, making them hit Havoc on the balls. He went for Heat Seeker, but Jimmy counters back. He climbs up and hits a Double Foot Stomp from the top rope.

He covers him but MJF kicks out. Getting him up, Havoc went for Acid Rainmaker, only for MJF to poke him in the eyes. Daikon gets inside and went for a Front Dropkick on MJF, only to hit Havoc instead.

Daikon kips up as MJF goes to send him out of the ring, only for Daikon to counter and pick MJF onto his shoulder. He then hits a Tombstone Piledriver.

Daikon was then kicked on the side of the head by Havoc who brings him up and hits the Acid Rainmarker and goes for the pin.

Ref: 1, 2-

Daikon kicks out as Jimmy Havoc was shocked by this. He growls as he brings Daikon back up and went for another Acid Rainmaker. Daikon then grabs him by the throat before hitting Hōfuku Otoshi.

Daikon stands up as he looks around. Rosemary was telling him to finish it as Daikon smirked at her. Daikon grabs Havoc from his arms and he brings him up before hitting a Knee on Jimmy's skull.

Daikon then brings up him and hits a move no one has seen unless they know CZW. A move he calls Seibai-Nage, or Judgement Drop.

Daikon kneels on one knee, does a cutthroat gesture before grabbing Jimmy's throat for a cover as he glares at the ref. The ref counts out of fear.

Ref: 1, 2, 3!

The bell rings as Daikon's theme plays and the crowd cheers for him.

Justin: Here is your winner, the God of Justice, Daikon Black!

Daikon gets up as he looks at the crowd as they cheer for him. He then does his T-pose, getting a huge reaction from his disciples. Rosemary gets inside the ring as she claps for Daikon. Soon the two leave the ring, and the fans wonder what's going to happen next. When the with Daikon face Chris Jericho for the AEW World Title?

Only time will tell.

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