Setting Straight before Full Gear

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AEW Dynamite
November 6, 2019

After a match between PAC and Trent Berretta, Tony Schiavone conducts an interview with Cody Rhodes who has a lot to say about the AEW World Champion, Daikon Black.

He praises Daikon for having faith in him, even if it may seem like it would be classic way of taunting his opponents. He then talks about how Daikon was the burning katana to the Elite for four years since they debuted, tearing down three of its leaders while holding three World Titles for nearly 2 years, making him a modern day legend.

It disgusted him how Daikon was this threatening and it put fear in promotions to have him carry these titles and wants to make sure that the company he help build would not fall victim to his Reign of Justice.

He then makes a bold choice. If he doesn't beat Black at Full Gear, he will not compete for the World Title again. Everyone was shocked at this, and it certainly seems serious for Cody to make this choice.

He then rebuttals Chris Jericho's claims of him being an Entitled Millennial Bitch, pointing out how Jericho was raised by a hockey player, and calling him a carnie succubus. Cody vows for retribution with the Inner Circle after he's done with Daikon Black.

*much later*

We go to a room backstage as Footage of Cody's is shown on a TV screen.

Cody: With that said, I am announcing that if I do not defeat Daikon Black at Full Gear, I will never challenge for the AEW World Championship again-

The Tv turns off as the camera moves to show Daikon and Rosemary looking on with a distain look on their faces. Daikon, however, has a brand new look to his attire with the AEW World Title on his waist. And his facial hair grew back while his hair grew longer and he made it into a ponytail.

The crowd look on in amazement and intimidated by this new look. It felt more like Daikon being himself than as the God of Justice in his prime. Something unique and Divine.

Daikon, however, doesn't seem happy.

Daikon: Dear Disciple...did I just hear Cody Rhodes saying if he loses he's not competing for MY World Title?

Rosemary: Yes, my Lord. That he did.

Daikon: ...Is he stupid?

Rosemary: Most likely.

Daikon stood up as he sighs. He really didn't like this news as he felt it's a coward's way to not face him, the Champion.

Daikon: Who the fuck he think he is?

The crowd oohs as Rosemary can feel the growing anger in his tone.

Daikon: His father didn't raise him to be a coward. He's the American Nightmare. The best indi star we have. He's making the Spirit of Dusty Rhodes proud, just like his brother, Dustin. And yet...he wants to take this route? Where if I held this title longer and even IF I lose it, he will not go after it? You remember the same person who went that same stipulation right?

Rosemary: Lex Luger?

Daikon: Yes and look at him now.

The crowd oohs loudly as this was clear reference to Luger failing to win the WWF Championship against the late Yokozuna, yet his victory by DQ was praised like a celebration for some reason.

Daikon:'s an insult to...his father, his brother, and himself, but most importantly...It's an insult to me. I'm the World Champion. The first AEW World Champion. I beat Chris Jericho to become a 20 time World Champion. I am the one that's carrying this company since it began and he thinks he has the right to make himself be at the risk of not competing for MY Title? Wants to make me a complete Ass when I'm known to be open for any Son of a Bitch that wants a shot a the Titles I carried? Disgraceful. Words cannot express my disgust when I heard the garbage he spewed earlier.

Daikon looks at the TV and then kicks the screen, breaking it. He pulled his leg back as he grunts in anger.

Daikon: Who's my opponent tonight?

Rosemary: Hangman Adam Page, my lord.

Daikon: I see. Poor, unfortunate, Adam Page...*smirks* having to experience my wrath because of Rhodes.


Rosemary: Yes, your Diviness.

Daikon nods as he goes up to Rosemary. He pulls out his mask and puts it on his face. On half of the mask was covered by Daikon's hair as it makes him even more intimidating.

Rosemary: The Cowboy will experience a fate worse than death. *holds his hand while pressing it against his chest* And you will send a message to Cody Rhodes' pledge of cowardice with the blood of Page. Especially with the new technique you mastered. *laughs methodically*


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The crowd cheers as Adam Page makes his way to the ring, though was looking rather scared, knowing what his fate will be in this match. He then enters the ring and gets ready to meet his demise.

His theme fades as he warms up. Then, the lights went out.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Daikon comes out through the darkness as Rosemary walks with him. Daikon pulls out his AEW World Title and poses it up with his famous God Pose. Fireworks burst out as the crowd cheers at this new look he has as he and his disciple make their way to the ring.

Adam Page looks on in fear as Daikon stops at ringside. Rosemary removes his coat and his Title before removing his mask. Daikon's menacing stare came out of the shadows of his mask as he glares at Page.

He then immediately climbs inside the ring as Adam steps back by instinct. Daikon stares at him as he raises his hand up and snaps his fingers, cutting off his music and setting the arena back to normal.

The crowd cheers as Adam and Daikon stare at each other as the bell rings.

Daikon was staring through Adam Page's soul as Page tries to look for an opening to take the Champion of his balance. Daikon warms up as he circles the ring with Page. Soon, both men did a collar-elbow tie up, before Daikon takes down Page and held him in a Headlock. Adam tries break free but Daikon rolls him, deadlifts him and sets him back on his feet, before hitting a lariat on Page, knocking him down.

Daikon sighs as he brings Page up and sends him to the corner. Daikon then proceeds hit several chops and goes into some right hooks.

The ref counts before Black hits one more Hook and Page falls down on the mat. Daikon steps back as Adam tries to get up with the help of the ropes. Daikon then runs and went for a Corner Lariat, but Page hits an elbow to stop him. Adam then starts hitting several chops and then some forearm smashes.

Page went for a Running Lariat, but Daikon stood his ground. Page runs and hits a Big Boot, but it only made Daikon stumble back against the ropes. Page runs and went for one more clothesline, but Daikon hits a Harai Goshi followed with a Penalty Kick.

Daikon kneels down and applies a choke hold on Page, wanting to wear him down. Page struggles to break free as Daikon pressure on the hold. He wants to make sure Adam is more tired so he can do what HE wants to send a message to Cody.

Soon, however, Adam starts to get up as Daikon tries to keep him down. Then, Hangman hits a Roll Up and Daikon kicks out of it. Both men get up as Hangman went for a Leg takedown, but Daikon flips from it, picks up Page and hits a Kata Guruma.

Daikon follows it up with a Jumping Knee Drop on Page.

Daikon goes for the cover, but Adam kicks out.

Daikon sighs as he picks up Page and punches him down. He gets and stomps on Adam before bringing him up.

Daikon: Don't blame me. Blame your friend for his disgraceful pledge earlier tonight.

Daikon grabs Adam by the throat, but then Page counters the attempt and hits a Superkick. Daikon stumbles back and Adam hits another Superkick, then follows it up with a German Suplex.

Daikon got up without any damage as he glares at Page. Page gets up, gets shocked to see Daikon standing and-

Daikon hits a double chop to Adam Page as the crowd flinched with a "Woo!" being heard. Daikon would then bring Page back up and hits him with a Forearm knocking him down.

Daikon walks around the crowd cheers for him with Rosemary praising him. Page slowly gets back by using the ropes. Daikon sees this and goes to charge him, but Page hits a back body drop, sending Daikon to the outside.

Daikon lands on his feet as Page runs and hits a Wrecking Ball Dropkick, sending Daikon back first to the barricade. Adam gets out of the ring and starts hitting several shots to Daikon while slamming him onto the barricade.

Adam then grabs Daikon and lifts him up. He went to hit a Shin Breaker to the ring post, but Daikon flipped and pushes him against it. Page steps back and gets caught by the throat. Daikon then hits the Hofuku Otoshi onto the post.

The crowd oohed as Page goes down. Daikon then enters the ring and exits to restart the count. Daikon then stomps on Adam before picking him up. He sets him against the barricade and starts punching him in front of fans.

Page tries to fight back but Daikon knees him in the gut before another to the head. Black then sends Page inside as he reenters the ring. Daikon goes for the cover but Page kicks out. Daikon sighs as he begins to climb to the top rope. Everyone cheered as this is one of the rare cases Daikon would hit a high flying move. Daikon was going for a move until Page stops him and hits a Dragon Screw Leg Whip, sending Daikon down.

Page then climbs onto the top rope as Daikon was getting up and he hits a Moonsault Plancha onto the God of Justice with a pin. Daikon kicks out as both men got up as Adam counters a lariat and lifts Daikon up for a Fireman's Carry. He went for a Front Slam, but Daikon lands on his feet.

Daikon then hits a Back elbow, followed with a Right Hook, and then turns Page with a Lariat.

Daikon roars as he climbs to the tope rope. He yells out and hits a Diving Elbow Drop on on Page.

Daikon goes for the cover but Page kicks out.

*five minutes later*

Adam has Daikon in his sight as he hits a Buckshot Lariat on the AEW Champion. Rosemary yells as Hangman hits the cover.

Ref: 1, 2-

Daikon kicks out as everyone was shocked. Page was in shock as well. Soon he gets and brings Daikon up. He then lifts him to go for Dead Eye. he held him up, until Daikon starts wiggling as he manages to break free. He then rolls Page down and deadlifts him off the mat into position, getting a huge reaction.

Daikon then hits the Tombstone Piledriver.

Daikon soon rose up as he glares down at Page. The crowd was cheering as they chanted "End it!" which made Daikon grin. Daikon soon grabs Page and lifts him up. He then wraps his arm over Page's neck into a inverted headlock.

Everyone was surprised as this could the move Rosemary mention. But could it a Rolling Cutter, like Cody Rhodes' Cross Rhodes?

No...something far worse. Daikon does a cutthroat gesture and-

The crowd yelled in shock as Hangman's body collapses lifelessly.

Daikon goes for the cover.

Ref: 1, 2, 3!

The bell rings as Daikon's theme plays. Daikon sat on Adam's body as he grins at the camera. Soon, Rosemary enters as she passes him his AEW World Title as she holds a mic in her hand. Daikon gets up as Rosemary raises his arm in victory.

Soon, Daikon asks for the mic and she gives it to him.

Daikon: Cut my music. *music fades* Earlier tonight...Cody Rhodes mentioned the bad blood between me and the Elite. How I made their lives a living purgatory as I held the IWGP, Ring of Honor, and NWA World Titles for two years. Then...he made the most foul mistake any professional wrestler to make...he declared that if he lost, he's not getting another shot at the world title.

The crowd oohs as as Rosemary was not happy about that as well.

Daikon: So...Cody Rhodes...I want you out here and I demand you tell me if what you said is true or just a reaction in words. I want to make sure your making the right decision.

The crowd cheers as Daikon and Rosemary looks at the stage. Soon, Cody appears with Brandi by his side as he glares at Daikon with a mic in his hand.

Daikon: There you are. Now explain to me about your decision.

Cody: It's true. What I said was not out of anger. I am going forward with my decision.

The crowd gave a mix reaction as Cody and Brandi entered the ring as they keep their distance away from Daikon and Rosemary.

Cody: I know what I said infuriated you. And you have a right to be-

Daikon: Do you expect me to be happy? That I don't have to deal with you again for my title? Never seeing the progress of you trying to overthrow me and gain this World Title? Who the hell do you think you are?

Cody: You don't understand, Black. I-

Daikon: What I don't understand is that why make this decision? You know the outcome of my matches, yet you expect to make this decision, in order to make you more motivated to win my Title? You are at risk of never competing for the Title, and your okay with that?

Cody: ...Yes.

Daikon was getting angrier by this as he steps closer to Cody.

Daikon: Listen to me, Cody. I know your father didn't raise you to be a bitch...

The crowd oohs as Cody glares at him.

Daikon: And I know he will not like it if you take this route. He would his son to be successful, regardless if he doesn't win the Title. So, may the American Dream rest his soul, he knows you're destined for greatness. Yet, if you put obstacles that will lead you nowhere...he would be disappointed.

Cody: What makes you, of all people, to know what my father is-


The crowd and Cody and Brandi were startled by this. Rosemary was frightened too, as this was an anger she never seen her lord contain.

Daikon: And I honor him as the legend and pioneer he was and will always will be, regardless of he's physically here or not. So, Dusty would never want his boy to make a brash decision like this. So...make this clear to me...are you going through with your stipulation...or are you going to have a standard Title Match?

Cody stares at him as both men glares at each other.

Cody: ...Yes. I will go through with no longer competing for the AEW World Championship if I lose. And I don't need your approval.

The crowd boos as Daikon was emotionless before leaning back up and take a deep sigh. He then starts to chuckle as he drops the mic. Rosemary quickly left the ring as she knows what's going to happen. Daikon looks at Cody and...

The crowd yells in shock as Cody goes down. Daikon then removes his taped gloves and mounts on Cody, wailing him with stiff strikes. Brandi screams but she knew she can't help her husband.

Daikon picks up Cody and tosses him across the ring in anger. Daikon then scares Brandi as she leaves the ring. Daikon then resumes as he picks up Cody and slaps him again.

Daikon then grabs him tosses him against the turnbuckle. Daikon said nothing as he grabs Cody and brings him up.

Cody starts fighting back but Daikon shrugs them off as drops Cody head first on the mat. Daikon Daikon then turns Cody over and presses his foot against his throat.

Daikon: At Full will not receive mercy...for you lost any chance of mercy from your God.

Daikon then picks up Cody and locks in a Inverted Headlock. He then drags Cody against ropes and hangs him on the middle rope. By this point, so many officials and wrestles came to try to stop but they can't get inside unless they're willing to join the slaughter.

Everyone begs Daikon to let go of Cody as he mockingly listens to them and ignores their pleas. Soon, Daikon does a cutthroat gesture and-

The crowd yelled in shock as Daikon held the limb body of Cody as he grins and laughs.

Daikon: Now that the time has arrived, I will savour every moment. You have nowhere to hide...

Daikon's theme plays as he drops Cody and picks up his belt. He then steps on Cody's body and raises his Championship belt in a show of dominance.

He then sweeps his foot on Cody like a doormat and leaves the ring. He snaps his fingers to Rosemary as she follows suit.

Soon, Brandi, MJF, and others tend of Cody as Daikon walks off, before stopping and turning to the ring and grins. He the snatches the mask from Rosemary and puts it on his face as the lights went out.

He walks away as the show ends.


Dori: Man, that was crazy. You terrified everyone backstage.

Daikon: I mean...I terrify people regardless.

Dori: But not in this level.

Daikon: They wanted to have me show some anger and I delivered. Guess it was too much...but I don't care. They know my reputation. What good would it be to tell me I was out of line?

Dori: True. So about the look?

Daikon: Hmm? Oh, right. My hair was growing out and...I felt it would be a nice change. I'm still the God of Justice, but more closer to me as myself, not the gimmick.

Dori: I see. I really your look. It's pretty cool.

Daikon: Yeah...I guess I can thank you for that.

Dori: *surprised* Me?

Daikon: After our conversation about your hair...I felt it wouldn't hurt to make a change in my appearance. So, I made a ponytail and grew my facial hair again...and look at me now.

Dori: I honestly didn't think our conversation would be that...important.

Daikon: Me neither. *sighs* I...I need to go. See you at Full Gear, and Good night, Dori.

Dori: Night. Take care.

Daikon walks away but his mood changes to conflicting.

Daikon: Am I falling for her? No...Rylee was the only woman I loved. It has been two I can't feel this way if I'm not over Rylee. I know she wants me to be happy...*sighs* Just sleep it off. Worry about it later.

Daikon walks off as Dori watches him. Her heart however was beating as she never felt this way towards Daikon. Sure, he's handsome, but he's not that open to others...besides her. Soon, she shook it off and walks away.

How's the chapter?

How do you feel about Daikon?

Along with his new look?

What do you think of this rivalry with Cody?

Do you think Daikon's falling for Dori? Could she be what inspired him to go for a new look?

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