Title Open Challenge

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October 9

Tonight on Dynamite we have the TNT debut of Jon Moxley and the start of the Tag Team Championships Tournament with the Young Bucks going against Private Party tonight. It was also said that AEW World Heavyweight Champion Daikon Black will be announcing an open challenge for his title while also addressing his match against Cody Rhodes at Full Gear and the winner of a match to determine the next contender for his title.

After the match between the Bucks and Private Party and the commercial break, Daikon and Rosemary are seen in the ring as the crowd cheers for them. The AEW World Championship onto his shoulder as Daikon looks on.

Rosemary: Greetings my fellow disciples. I am Rosemary, and I am the servant to the Deity standing in front of me. The World Champion of All Elite Wrestling...Daikon Black!

The crowd cheers as Daikon stood there, stoic, despite his mask preventing his face to be seen.

Rosemary: The God of Justice has succeeded in many ways the champions of the past, present, and future have done in their entire lives. Not only he won three World Titles and held them at the same time, he gained 19 more wins before making his 20th win at All Out. He even made his own academy to train the wrestlers of the future to his way of his skills, strength, and charisma. This God standing before you is the pinnacle of Perfection.

The crowd cheers in agreement.

Rosemary: Coming out of retirement after nearly 2 years away, he brought the company on the map just by his presence at Double or Nothing and cemented AEW to the world after he defeated Chris Jericho for the World Title. That is greatest comeback any wrestler in this world has ever had.

The crowd cheers as Daikon remains stoic.

Rosemary: Cody Rhodes is going to facing a true nightmare when Full Gear arrives. My lord has respect for Rhodes and his family, but respect will not save Cody from the clutches of the Chanpion (Champion in Japanese). So be warned, American Nightmare. At the pay-per-view, you will be facing a Night Terror that is our Lord and Executioner.

The crowd cheers loudly as Daikon turns to Rosemary.

Rosemary: Yes, my lord. I spoke enough. Later on tonight at the main event. You will have an Open Challenge for your Title. Would you like to give anyone on the back and the world a message for what's to come?

Daikon nods as Rosemary hands him the mic and gently removes his mask. Daikon's red eyes glare at the arena before speaking.

Daikon: Mess with me...Watashi wa anata o fakku shimasu (I will fuck you up).

The crowd oohs loudly as Daikon drops the mic. His theme plays as Rosemary places the mask on his face. They then leave the ring.


Darby Allin and Jimmy Havoc faced in a match to determine the next #1 Contender for Daikon's AEW World Title. Allin wins and as he celebrates his victory, a quick vignette of Daikon was shown on the titantron, giving Darby a message.


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The crowd pops as after the match between Shawn Spears and Jon Moxley, Daikon and Rosemary comes out and make their way to the ring. It was time for the open challenge for the AEW World Heavyweight Championship.

Daikon and Rosemary enter the ring as they pose. Rosemary starts removing his Gi and armbands. She then gently removes his mask, revealing his deadpanned face as he turns to the stage. His theme fades as Rosemary held his clothes and mask as they want for their challenger.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The crowd pops as Cody's older brother, "The Natural" Dustin Rhodes come out. Daikon has his eyebrow raised while Rosemary laughs at Dustin. The former Goldust makes his way to the ring as he stares at Daikon.

He enters the ring and poses before staring at the Chanpion. His theme fades as the two stared at each other, making this the first time these two will face each other in the ring. Soon, Justin Roberts begins to speak.

Justin: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. And it is for the All Elite Wrestling World Championship!

The crowd cheers as Dustin and Daikon stared at each other.

Justin: Introducing first, from Hollywood, California, weighing 232lbs, "The Natural" Dustin Rhodes!

The crowd cheers as Rhodes poses. Daikon and Rosemary watch him intently.

Justin: Introducing the Champion, from Tokyo, Japan, weighing 220lbs, "the Shinigami of Judgment" Daikon Black!

The crowd cheers as Daikon raised his title up to let Dustin and the fans look at it. He then passes the title to the referee. The ref shows the title to Dustin before raising the title up for the crowd to see. He then passes the title to the timekeeper and signals for the bell.

Rosemary have a bow before exiting the ring. Daikon and Dustin warmed up as they circle the ring. However, people already knew Dustin's first mistake was to challenge Daikon when he's already going to face his younger brother at Full Gear. There's no telling what Daikon would do to him to send a message to the American Nightmare.

They both lock arms, before Daikon hits his gut with his knee before applying a Side Headlock. He then takes him and held him there as the ref checks on Dustin. Mr. Natural struggles to break free before Daikon punches him in the head.

He let's him go as Daikon gets up first. Dustin got up as Daikon grabs him and sends him against the corner. Daikon starts hitting several strikes at Dustin as the ref counts. Daikon then sends Dustin to the opposite corner and goes for a Running Avalanche.

Dustin escapes as Daikon crashes onto the turnbuckle. Dustin turns the tides as he hits several punches to Daikon, followed by a kick to the gut. Dustin picks up Daikon and goes to the opposite corner but Daikon counters with a Sunset Flip.

The ref counts but Dustin kicks out. The both got up and Daikon nails a Yakuza Kick on Dustin.

Daikon poses as he brings Dustin up and then smacks him back down. Daikon then brings him up and tosses him to the apron. Daikon the goes to the apron and grabs Dustin's head. The crowd knows what he's gonna do as he readies for it.

Suddenly, Dustin starts fighting back before hitting a Back Body Drop on Daikon, who lands on the apron. Daikon gets on the floor, still standing, as Rhodes runs and hits Cannonball Senton on Daikon from the apron. Dustin poses as he brings Daikon up and sends him back inside the ring.

Dustin goes back inside as he measures Daikon and kicks him on the side of his head. He then goes off the ropes and hits a Running Bulldog and goes for the cover but Daikon kicks out. Dustin then brings him up and hits an Atomic Drop before sending Daikon to the corner.

Dustin then brings Daikon to the top rope and climbs up. He grabs and goes for a SuperPlex. Daikon however fights back, before grabbing Dustin's head. He then jumps, hitting a Avalanche Swinging Neckbreaker on Rhodes.

The crowd yells in shock as Daikon goes over Dustin and covers him.

Ref: 1, 2-

Dustin kicks out. Daikon sighs as he brings Dustin up and goes for a Michinoku Driver. Dustin gets out of it and pushes Daikon to the ropes. He went for a Spinebuster, but Daikon counters with a Victory Roll Pin. Dustin kicks out as they got up. Daikon went for the Harbinger Kick but Dustin counters with a Small Package Pin.

Daikon kicks out as both men got up as they then exchange different strikes at each other. While Rhodes tried his best, Daikon's martial arts status and skill won as he he rained fists and kicks on the former Goldust. He then end it with a Judo Throw and a running Penalty Kick.

Daikon goes for the cover but Dustin kicks out. Daikon stands up and climbs to the top rope. Rosemary cheers him on as Daikon waits for Dustin to get up. Once Dustin turns, Daikon leaps only to be caught and dropped down by Rhodes with a mid air Spinebuster.

Dustin goes for the cover.

Ref: 1, 2-

Daikon kicks out and Dustin was shocked. Rosemary however, wasn't worried as her lord is more than able to stay despite a mid air counter. Dustin gets up as he looks down at Daikon before bringing him up. He then grabs him and goes for Final Cut, but Daikon counters and tosses him off him.

Dustin gets up and gets grabbed by the throat. Daikon glares at him before hitting Hōfuku Otoshi on Rhodes.

Daikon goes for the cover.

Ref: 1, 2, thr-

Dustin kicks out as Daikon look shocked. Rosemary was shocked as well with the crowd cheering for Dustin. Daikon gets up as he glares down that Rhodes. He then steps back to the corner and measures Dustin.

The crowd got us as they knew he's going for Divine Justice. Dustin gets up as Daikon was getting ready. Rosemary was gonna yell but felt Dustin getting him without anyone warning him would be satisfying.

Dustin turns and Daikon went for it, but Rhodes ducks under the kick, shocking everyone. He the grabs Daikon and hits Final Cut. He goes for the cover as Rosemary was in hysterics.

Ref: 1, 2-

Daikon kicks out as the crowd was yelling in shock as Dustin was in disbelief. Rosemary was relieved as yells for her lord to get up. Dustin gets up, wondering what he should do. He the brings Daikon and goes for Final Cut once more.

Daikon then counters Dustin by twirling around and hitting a Harbinger Kick. He then puts Dustin in a Ripcord position. He pushes and turns him around and hits Divine Justice.

Daikon goes for the cover.

Ref: 1, 2, 3!

The bell rings as the crowd cheers for a fantastic main event for the world title. Daikon's theme plays stoop up and poses as Rosemary enters the ring with his title and parts of his attire.

Roberts: Here is your winner, and still the All Elite Wrestling World Champion, Daikon BLAACK!

Rosemary passes him the title as she raises his arm in victory. Daikon raises his title up, getting a loud reaction from the crowd. He then passes it to Rosemary as he puts his Gi and arm-braces back on him while Rosemary wraps his Championship belt around his waist.

He then turns to Dustin who was slowly getting up. He then helps him up as the two stared at each other. Daikon then brings his arm out for Dustin to shake it and the crowd immediately cheered. Dustin looks at it, back at Black, nods and shakes it back, and the crowd cheers.

Daikon then raises Dustin's arm in respect as Rosemary claps that her lord is showing respect to his opponent. Daikon then let's Dustin go as he leaves. Rosemary follows him as the show comes to a close.

Suddenly, as Rosemary was going to put his mask on, Daikon saw someone he recognized at the crowd.

The crowd cheers loudly as they recognize her as Ruby Riott. It was recently reported she left WWE. Daikon and Rosemary look at her as she smiles and winks at him. Daikon smirks as he winks back, getting an ooh from the crowd.

Rosemary laughs as she places Daikon's mask on him. Soon, Daikon gives a nod to Ruby before walking up the ramp. Rosemary follows him. The show ends with Daikon posing his Godly Pose as pyro flares on the stage.

He then looks at the camera, giving a silent message to Cody while the lights went out, but his glowing purple eyes from his mask shines through the darkness before closing.

A/n: How's the chapter?

What did you think of Rosemary's promo?

What did you think of the match?

And what did you think of Ruby Riott appearing on AEW?

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