Author Note and Accreditation

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My co-writer (Lord_Cornflake) and I feel the need to clarify a few things before the publishing commences:

One: The novel will contain explicit blood and violence.

Two: The novel will contain explicit sexual themes.

Three: The novel will contain explicit language.

Four: The novel will contain LGBT characters and relationships.

Five: The novel will have strong Evolutionist/Atheistic themes.

Six: If you have issues with any of the rules listed above, we suggest that you just leave the book instead of reporting it (it's not fair to us or any of the readers who are enjoying the novel).

My co-writer and I will be publishing about two or three chapters (prologue and epilogue count as chapters in this case) every month. We will be doing so in order to have proper time to write and edit the chapters, but also keep readers interested. We also highly suggest reading the comment section on the chapters, because my co-writer and I will be commenting some important details in there.

Hopefully you will understand why were are doing what we're doing, and enjoy the story nonetheless.

(We also apologize if any of the words written in different languages are incorrect, we used Google Translation)

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