Armin (Attack on Titan) AU - Test Results

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I am really, really sorry that Armin is most likely very out of character in this. I also apologize if this sucks and/or disappoints any of my readers. I just really couldn't think of anything else to write for him.

I sat on the bed in the hospital room, listening to the quiet coughs and moans of the sick and injured from the rooms nearby. I could feel my hands tremble as I stared at the results of the tests, my heart thumping almost painfully in my chest, wondering how to tell him that this was why I had been sick so much lately. This was why I'd felt so strange, so off. And this was why I would no longer be able to go on trips with him.

Hearing the door open and shut, I knew it was Armin entering the room but I couldn't find the strength to raise my head to look at him, to face him and tell him what was going on. Instead I waited for him to get closer, feeling his worried eyes staring at me before his trembling fingers brushed my hair aside so he could lean in and kiss my cheek.

"Did they find out what was wrong, (y/n)? Can they give you medicine so you can get better?" Hearing his quiet voice mumbling questions against my neck as he held me, all I could do was hand him the results and wait for his response.

This was rarely the kind of news that someone who just a few months ago had graduated from college wants to hear, especially a young man who was ready to travel the world. One who had already started traveling so many amazing places that most would only read about in books or see in pictures and movies. It was Armin's dream to see them all, to touch that distant land with his own hands, walk it with his own feet. But how could he do that if he felt like he had to stay behind and take care of me?

"This is real, right? These results, it's the truth? You're?" His voice wavered as he spoke, finally finished reading the papers I'd handed him.

Still unable to speak, I simply nodded my head, waiting for him to walk out and leave so that he could keep living the life he'd dreamed of for so long. It was almost a shock when his arms tightened around me, pulling me against him before he let go, jumping back like he was afraid he'd hurt me. Blinking up at him, I could only look at him in confusion.

"Aren't you going to leave now? You can't travel the world if you have to stay here with me, Armin. I understand that and I don't expect you to give up your dreams." Feeling the tears finally start to escape, I let out a shuddering sob.

"Shhhh, (y/n). Who ever said I was going to leave you? I love you too much for that. I can give up traveling for a few years if it means I get to stay with you. Besides, we can always start traveling again later. We only need to wait until the baby is old enough to go on planes, right?" Looking up as I blinked away the tears, I saw him smiling down at the papers, seeing his eyes scan over the words on the sheet over and over again.

Patient: (y/n) (l/n)

Pregnancy test result: Positive

Patient under mild stress but otherwise healthy

"How long until they know if it's a boy or a girl?" Armin's excited voice echoed through the room, the smile on his face growing even bigger.

Maybe it wasn't such bad news after all.

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