Husband!Daddy!Sugawara - Stealing Kisses

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Sorry this is so short Kuramochi! I hope you like it anyhow!

"Koishi, love! Don't swing (son's name) around so much! You'll make him sick and he won't eat the lunch I made!" I called out, laughter in my voice as I watch my husband play with our 5 year old son, who looked just like a miniature version of his father.

At my side, our 3 year old daughter giggled as she watched a butterfly fluttering from flower to flower amongst the bushes nearby. I reached over and patted her head before pulling out a dish of sandwiches from the basket that Koishi had carried with him.

"Koishi! (Son's name)! It's time to eat! If you don't hurry (daughter's name) will eat your share!" I laughed loudly as our son yanked his hands out of Koishi's, in a hurry to get to his favorite PB&J sandwich while is little sister sat there giggling and clapping her hands in delight.

"I would think that he would be on to that trick by now, (y/n)." I smiled at my husband before leaning forward to kiss him softly, giving a quick wink as I pulled back.

"He's too much like you for that, love. Innocent and trusting of those he loves. Besides, who says I wouldn't let his sister eat his food if he didn't seem to want it? She does love the taste of (Favorite jam), after all. It's one of the only things she seems to eat some days! That and Spicy Mapo Tofu! Our kids are so much like you sometimes, it is a wonder they don't start copying everything you do!" Laughing softly at the blush spreading across his cheeks, I sat down and patted the spot beside me, smiling when our children climbed into our laps while giggling at us.

It was amazing to me that even after this many years, I could still make his handsome face blush so delightfully with a few simple words. Leaning over, I pressed a kiss against his warm cheek, my fingers wrapping around his as I felt him snuggle against me on the blanket. He smiled softly at me as our children began taking bites of their sandwiches, munching on their chips in between bites.

"I don't mind sharing everything else, as long as I'm the only one stealing kisses from you." He leaned over, his fingers brushing against my cheek and up into my (h/c) hair before slowly pressing his lips against mine.

"Ewww! Mommy and Daddy are being gross again! You're gonna get cooties!" We both pulled apart with a laugh as our children began shouting, trying their best to push us apart.

Smiling at their actions, we grabbed them and began tickling them relentlessly, laughing just as loudly as they did. I couldn't have asked for a better life than this, when I said yes to Sugawara Koishi as he knelt before me all those years ago.

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