Nishinoya - Popsicle Perfection

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I stared into his eyes, our fingers touching as we both  stood there, waiting for the other to pull back first. His eyes were  just as wide as my own as he stared back, a dusting of pink spreading  across his cheeks, yet he still refused to pull his hand back just as  much as I did.

Tilting my head at him, I began laughing softly  before turning my head a bit, my eyes still on the dark haired boy in  front of me.

"Hey, Ukai-san! Do you have any more of the soda  flavor popsicles in the back? Cause there's only one left up here and we  both want one!" I could almost see the irritation on his face as I  heard the paper rustling in his grip.

"Why don't you two just  share that one? Or choose a different flavor? I know there are more in  there, just choose something different!" The laziness of his answer did  not surprise me and from the looks of things, the boy wasn't too shocked  either.

Finally breaking my gaze from his brown eyes, I looked down at the soda flavored popsicle caught in our hands and sighed.

"But  soda is the best flavor..." Looking sadly up at the boy, I reluctantly  let go and turned away, slowly walking out of the shop. Maybe they would  have more stocked up tomorrow and I could get one then.

I had  barely made it past the end of the building before I suddenly had half  of a blue popsicle shoved in my face, the boy from inside gasping for  breath in front of me.

"L-lets share! Because soda really is the  best flavor! And tomorrow, we can each get a whole one to ourselves!" My  eyes grew wide as I stared at the slowly melting popsicle he was giving  me.

Hugging him quickly, I pulled back and grabbed the popsicle,  darting my tongue out to catch the melting piece of frozen happiness. My  eyes squeezed shut in joy at the first taste as I started bouncing  happily in place. After a few moments, I finally opened my eyes again to  see the boy staring at me with wide eyes, his face red all the way to  the tips of his ears.

"Oh! Thank you for the popsicle! Tomorrow,  I'll buy yours to pay you back, ok? But it's really odd... I don't think  I've ever had a popsicle that tasted this good before, even for a soda  flavor one! Did your half taste really good tonight too? I wonder if  it's just from a really good tasting pack! What do you think?" I looked  into the boy's deep brown eyes, only now noticing the small shock of  bleached hair that fell onto his forehead standing out from amongst the  brown hair that tried to add to his height.

"U-Umm, yeah! It's  really good! Let's get more again tomorrow and see if it tastes this  good then too! You go to Kurasuno too, right? If you wait until practice  is over, we can come here together and get the popsicles! My names  Nishinoya and I'm the Libero for the volleyball team!" He was almost  shouting at this point, his voice wavering at times as he seemed to  almost be fighting with himself to get the words out.

"Hehe, I  know who you are, Noya-senpai! I watched you and your team play against  Dateko during the interhigh! I might not have known your name, but I  could never forget such an amazing player! Why do you think I was  willing to let you have the last soda flavor popsicle?" Smiling at him, I  gave him another quick hug before turning and racing down the street  towards home.

"I'll see you at the gym tomorrow, Noya-senpai!  Goodnight and thanks again!" Looking back quickly, I caught a glimpse of  the cutest flustered look on his face I had ever seen.

Turning the corner, I grinned to myself. The girls at school are gonna be so jealous!


Reaching up, the blushing boy began rubbing the back of his head as he watched the slightly shorter girl turn a corner.

"She  called me senpai... Tanaka's gonna be so jealous tomorrow!" Jumping  happily, he began running down the street, eager to go to bed so  tomorrow would come that much sooner.

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