Yandere!Asura x reader x Yandere!Death the Kid Part 1 (Soul Eater) - Timeless

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I'm doing this as a two part story. I know I don't have Asura down  perfectly, since I don't know his character that well, but I hope what I  have so far is okay. Part two should be up within 24  hours or so.

I didn't even give it a second thought as I wrapped my arms around  him, holding him close as I whispered soft words of comfort to him. I  could feel him trembling in fear as I refused to let go, bringing a hand  up and running it over his hair, much like my mother used to do for me  after I had a nightmare or saw something frightening.

"Shhh, it's okay. I'm here, so you don't need to be afraid anymore.  It's just us here now, everyone else is gone." I didn't stop saying  words of comfort, not even after his trembling began to ease, gently  urging him to sit on one of the nearby rocks. Taking him to my cottage  would have to wait until he was patched up a bit.

I didn't know what started it or who this man was, but I couldn't  ignore the feeling of hopeless fear that emanated from him. Keeping one  hand on his arm to maintain a soothing contact with him, I reached into  my bag slowly as he began to tense up, feeling him relax slightly when I  pulled out a roll of bandages. Soon a bottle of disinfectant followed,  along with some cotton swabs and other supplies to clean his wounds, my  other hand still in contact with him as I did my best to make sure he  knew I meant no harm.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you. I just want to help. Now, this might  sting a little but it'll make sure you heal faster and don't get any  infections." With a gentle smile, I removed my hand finally and picked  up the bottle, opening the lid as I looked at a cut on his leg and  missing the quick flash of longing on his face.

"My name's (y/n), what's yours?" I asked him, trying to distract him from any pain he might feel.

Not hearing any response, I looked up and saw him avoid my gaze. Placing a hand on his knee, I smiled reassuringly at him.

"It's okay if you don't want to tell me, I understand. This world can  be a cruel place at times and it can be hard to find the strength to  trust someone you don't even know. Perhaps someday in the future I can  earn your trust. Until then, is it okay if I just call you my friend?"  My smile grew brighter when I saw the tiny, unsure nod he gave me in  response.


Over time I found myself running into him again and again, each time  with a wounds to treat and new fears to calm. I never brought up how he  refused to throw away the old bandages, simply replacing them with new  ones when they were dirty or damaged. If it kept him calm or made him  smile then it was worth keeping them on him, but I refused to let him  keep dirty bandages on if I had clean bandages that could replace them.

I made sure he knew that he could come back any time for  replacements, handing him a small bag of supplies in case he was unable  to get to me quickly and needed to patch himself up until he made it  here.

I never really took notice of how much he began to watch me, never  realized he would stay up at night staring at me as I slept, never knew  of the growing obsession he held for me. I never realized how much I had  come to mean to him simply because I proved time and again that I was  the one thing in this world he had no need to fear, that I would in fact  drive away some of his fear just by being near to him.

I unwittingly became his safe harbor in a world that seemed to rage around him, even if only in his mind.


If only I hadn't been cursed, maybe things would have turned out  different. Finding my body frozen in time, it broke Asura. After he hid  me, fearing that others might take me away from him or worse if they  found me, he searched for how to attain enough power to free me on his  own. When he found that his 'father' Death was the only one with enough  power, he went even more mad, bent on bringing the world into that  madness with him.

In time, he became a Kishin and was locked up, never revealing even  so much as my existence to others as I slumbered on, unknowing of what  had happened while under that curse.


Given enough time, since it was bound to happen sooner or later,  Asura was freed from his prison of roughly 800 years. When time passed  and he was assured he would be able to make the trip unwatched, he went  to the place he had hidden me away and stood there staring at my still  cursed body, feeling a small bit of the comfort my presence had always  brought to him.

That was all it took for him to decide he would keep me here, no  matter what, just so he could regain that warmth whenever he wanted.  Even if he somehow found a way to free me, it would only bring with it  the chance of something happening again to take me away from him. At  least this way, he could keep me safe from harm, even if it did mean he  would never hear my voice again.

At least he wouldn't have to watch me get hurt, die or even worse,  fall in love with someone else. Like this, I would remain exactly as I  had for the last 800 years, exactly as I had been the last time we had  been together, laughing over a joke while sharing some soup he had  watched me make earlier that day.

Exactly how I'd been when he'd come back mere days later, having  finally decided to confess his ever growing feelings for me, words that  now I would never hear no matter how many times he said them while  hugging my frozen form. But at least I would be safe.


Battle after battle raged on while I slumbered,  unaware of the destruction that went on in the world at the hands of one  I used to call friend. One who claimed me as his, even though he  couldn't do much more than look at me.

Somewhere deep in his mind,  buried under all of the fears that tried to consume him, a part of him  wished I was no longer frozen so he could claim me in the ways my curse  denied him and make me his in truth.

Sadly, before that part  of him could ever break the curse, he met his end at the hands of the  ones he tried so hard to defeat with my name passing his lips for the  first time in front of another.

"(y/n), I love you."


It  was only a matter of days later that I awoke for the first time in  centuries, a pair of two-toned yellow eyes staring down at me as the  remains of the curse slowly drained from my body. Fighting a yawn, I  smiled up at the boy in confusion.

"I'm sorry but... Can you tell me where I am please?"

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