Yandere!Death the Kid part 2 (Soul Eater) - The Prison of My Mind

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It had taken far longer than he had thought it would to complete the final stage of his 'fixing' of (y/n). It hadn't made things easier with all the battles Kid had been pulled into, trying to stay at her side as much as he could whenever there wasn't fighting going on or the others weren't paying attention to where he went, but it was so hard to get away without drawing his father's eye to what he was doing in that hidden room he was keeping you in.

It wouldn't do to have (y/n) taken away from him when he was only one step away from having her stand at his side forever. Gazing down at her sleeping form one more time, Kid finally stood back up and left the room, hurrying back into his chambers so he could pretend he had slept the whole night there when his friends came to get him.

After all, he'd managed to get them to think that the girl had simply gone to visit distant family and would be back at some later date. That way when he was finished fixing her, he could slip her back into the school and have her close to him everywhere he went, even during class.


It had been so long since I had been aware of anything, at first I hadn't even realized I was seeing something other than blackness around me, that I was feeling something brushing against my legs. Slowly, almost like I had forgotten how to move, I tilted my head down and saw a dark grey fog that almost blended into the darkness that surrounded me.

It was the same grey that I had noticed a bit ago, shifting around the edges of my vision in ways that seemed unnatural, yet behaving like normal fog if I looked straight at it. I tried to take a step back from the stuff but my legs refused to follow my instructions, refused to move as the slowly moving fog began to flow up my legs.

As it began creeping higher and higher, finally passing my hips as it continued to climb my body, I fought to let out a scream of fear. This was my undoing however, as once my mouth was open the fog rushed up and entered my open mouth, filling my lungs before I could feel it slowly bleeding into the rest of my body like poison.

I felt my heart stutter and stop for a moment before it began beating in a new, painful rhythm inside my chest. Unable to scream again, I felt the tiny bit of control I had on my body taken from me, the fog trapping me in my mind until all I could do was look out at the world like some kind of bystander.

Eyes closing, I felt my body fall back into the deep slumber it had been in as I howled and beat against the walls of my mind, simply trying to break free from the cage I had been locked inside.


It had turned out perfectly, exactly as the scroll had said it would. No longer would (y/n) rebel against him and try to leave. With that fear gone from Kid, he could focus on giving her all the things he wanted to, the life that she deserved to have, right here by his side. Turning to look at her as we walked into the school together, he couldn't hide the smile that brightened his face.

"I love you, (y/n). So very much." His bright yellow eyes hid the darkness inside of him as he reached out and ran his fingers through perfectly symmetrical hair, careful to keep it the same on each side.

"I love you too, Kid. Forever." The dark fog inside of her happily spoke out the words he wanted to hear as, deep inside her mind the real (y/n) screamed out in fear and anger, unable to escape the prison of her own mind.

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