.3. Young Superstars and . . . Talking dogs?

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"And that was Serena Gracie, everyone!" 

The whole place erupted in applause as Serena gave a short bow before making her way off the stage. In the backroom, her manager gave her a huge thumbs up. She had completely won over the hearts of the audience. 

Serena seated herself in front of a mirror. Immediately an assistant rushed in to comb her chopped hair. Serene stared at herself in the mirror. She saw a girl with a green eyes and an attractive smile. All her imperfections were hidden underneath that make up. What appeared to the world was far from what she really was. 

"Ma'am, there's a queue of people outside. Would you like to see them?" Serena's make up artist asked. It was weird for a 30 years old lady to address a girl about half her age as 'ma'am', but Serena was used to it, mostly. 

"Can I maybe see them on another day?" Serena asked, more like pleaded. The make-up artist turned to look at her manager who nodded slowly, as if understanding Serena's situation. The make-up artist went outside the backroom, closing the door behind her. 

After performing for 2 hours straight, Serena was practically exhausted. She could barely lift her arms and her helpers had to basically carry her back to her car. This was the 2nd last day of her first ever international tour. Day after tomorrow would be her final performance back home in Los Angeles. 

She had been away from home for over a year. Being on the road let her see the world, but it restricted her from the comforts of home - like how fluffy the pillow should be, and how many steps it would be from the bed to the washroom. She missed those small things like that. 

"We are here." 

Serena looked out of her car window. The sky-craping hotel. 32 floors high. That was another 5 whole minutes till Serena could finally hit the sheets. 

She just threw off her jacket and without bothering to change into her pajamas. She fell asleep immediately. 


Please, Serena. Find him! 


Serena woke up sweating from her forehead. This was the 7th time that month that she had had that dream. The same voice. That dark hooded man appearing from the shadows. The same words, asking Serena to find 'him'. 

Serena often had nightmares, but this one - it felt too real. 

She removed the blankets above her and walked towards the kitchen. After drinking a glass of water she switched on her phone. It was almost 4am in the morning. 

Usually Serena woke up after 7. But the last thing she wanted to do then was sleep. She put on her jacket and shoes and walked out of the building. She hoped that maybe some fresh air would clear up her mind. 

The best thing about going out for a walk at 4 in the morning was that there were very very few people on the streets. So Serene could move around unrecognized under her hoodie. 

As Serena walked past the closed shops and the empty streets, she spotted an injured puppy lying on the street. Serena, because of some reason or other, liked puppies. She was not a fan of dogs, but she liked puppies. Serena walked towards the puppy and tried to lift it up. 

All of a sudden the puppy stood up on its own.


Serena was shocked. She turned around and looked behind. Maybe somebody had recognized her. But the street was empty. 


Serena wondered if she was imagining voices in her head. 

Look at me! 

The voice in Serena's head grew louder forcing her head to look at the puppy, which was now a fully grown 200 pound dog. 

Serena's breath fell short. She blinked once. Then twice. She opened her mouth to scream but she was inaudible. 

No, don't scream.

Serena thought she was going crazy. She turned back and started to run. She kept on running, without looking back. But some sort of unnatural force kept her at her place, as if she was running on a treadmill. 

"Let me go!" Serena shouted. 

"I am not going to hurt you, kid. You got loads of potential in you." The dog spoke in her mind. 

"You are a dog! You are not even supposed to speak!"

"Well, am I a dog?" The perhaps-a-dog seemed to ask. 

Serena realized that trying to run was pointless. She looked back and this time there was no dog. A few leaves moved around in the air like it was a tornado. Slowly they settled down and joined together to form a golden bronze sheet of paper. Serena closed her eyes hoping that when she would open them, she would be in an empty street, or maybe in her room in the hotel. 

But nope. 

She was there in the street with the golden bronze sheet in front of her. She was about to freak out, but she had learned to control herself years ago. 

Think happy thoughts. Think about puppies. No Not puppies. Think about . . . I don't know what to think about. Fucking shit. This is useless. 

She took a deep breath, bent over and picked up the golden bronze sheet, hoping it had the words, 'Did you enjoy the prank? Please don't fire me.' or something like that. 

Again she was disappointed. It had words written all over in some language that she could not read. 

Meh- this is useless. 

She looked again. The words automatically changed as if someone had fitted a translator in her eyes. 

You are a demigod/legacy/some sort of magical creature.
(Just in case you weren't already aware)

You are invited to the School of Divines. 

Just drop this paper in a fire and you will automatically reach us. In case you are a satyr (if you have goat legs), just eat this up to reach us. 

Please don't freak out other fellow divines. And yourself.

Hoping to see you soon in one piece. 

-Mr. Brunner, Headmaster, School Of Divines.

P.S.: Hope you are prepared, as the moment you are reading this, chances are that you will be attacked by some monster or the other. Drop this sheet in fire as fast as possible and you will be safe and secure. (As much as possible).

Serena now lost it. She had kept her cool for too long. She tried to break the sheet of metal, but it was too strong. The sheet was too light and thin to be this strong. Serena threw the sheet but it flew right back to her like a boomerang. She hit a wall of a store with the sheet hoping the sheet would crack. But the opposite happened. The wall crumbled and fell down. 

Serena, wisely, got out of the place, leaving the sheet under the some piles of rubble. Thankfully there was nobody there. If people saw a world renowned singer breaking walls with just a sheet, as thin as paper, it would need a lot of explaining and Serena had no answers. The sheet did not seem to be following Serena. Serena returned to her hotel room. It was almost 5 am. No one was up yet, so she slowly slipped back in her bed. She closed her eyes but sleep just couldn't come to her. 

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