Chapter 3: The Bazaar

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The marketplace or bazaar as it was called by locals, was a large bundle of crowded stalls and trailers encompassing an area of what I estimated to be at least a square kilometre. It was comfortably situated in the centre of Europa III's primary and only city 'Misalo' as the desert climate that prevailed here was too intense to begin construction of another city. It resembled that of one on the early Persian markets Earth used to possess. Where many stalls were covered by long drapes so as to keep merchandise out of the sun making the walkways overhead covered as well.

"Ok." I mumbled looking at Telsin's shopping list. "It seems I need to pick up a package addressed to a Mr. Ruso Hogg."

Telsin couldn't fool me. It was Hugo Ross. His friend from the message earlier.

"Let's see the parts I have to buy as well......... Mmhmm, a biometric level monitor, palladium receptors, and an iridium bi-froz energy core. This is all level 0 tech! I could have an easier time finding a relic from the year 1997 from Earth! Wait how am I even going to buy all this. Telsin didn't give me any money."

I started fumbling around in the hoodie's pockets and found a note.

It read:

Here's the money for the tech. And a little surprise for you. Hugs. Miranda.

There were two envelopes one possessed a silver credit drive with 50,000 credits and a bronze one with  20,000 credits. The bronze drive was most likely mine. Miranda only spoiled me if something bad happened. The apartment incident slithered it's way back into my head.

"No. I have no time to think about that now." I walked passed the large archway indicating the entrance to the bazaar. I had a job to do and I was determined to complete it.

"Let's do this!" I said joyfully

One hour later.

"This is so hard! I'll never find this stuff."

A complete hour of walking about and all I had managed to acquire was the package Telsin had sent me to pick up at the mail depot. NONE of the stalls had the remaining parts that I was looking for. The only tech present was level 2 technology and downward. On top of that the crowded stalls made navigation difficult and I found myself lost within 30 minutes.

"This is hopeless." I sighed

But then something interesting caught the corner of my eye. At a nearby stall two men were in conversation. I walked in for a closer look, pulling the hoodie further down my face so I wouldn't be recognised. I listened in........

"Hey you." The first man spoke. "I need a carbonic piston. Know where a 'legitimate' businessman like myself can procure one."

"A carbonic piston. That's level 1 tech." I whispered. I haven't seen anything close to that since I came in here.

"I don't know......" the stall man replied. ".... I may know a place..... but I need a refresher or two." His one hand scratching his head the other one extended in the direction of the businessman. His thumb rubbing against his index and middle finger. He wanted a bribe.

"That must be how high level tech is sold! Like a black market system. Through connections and dealers."

The business man hastily took out a gold credit drive and plugged it into a receiver slot on the stall register. It beeped for a few seconds then ejected the drive.

"Ok. You're good to go." The stall man said maniacally.

He whispered something in the businessman's ear and he took off. Now was my chance.

"Ok Sal. Let's not be suspicious....... and engage."

I walked over to the man. He was dressed rather crudely. His hair misshapen and he had dirt on his flat face. He looked at me in an annoyed manner. He was epoch. His eyes glowed with the signature flame-like glow. It was the only way to distinguish a human from an epoch,  it seemed that the human within him had tried to expel the epoch bound to him and failed allowing for a completely new personally to take control.

"Who are you?" He asked.

I didn't reply. My hoodie masking my identity.

"Ah hell, another tourist. Bugger off! I got no trinkets for you." He waved me off turning away.

"Who said I'm looking for trinkets?" I said

"Hm?" He turned around.

I pulled the silver drive from my pocket. The man eyed it intensely. I put it back.

"You see." I started. "I'm quite the intellectual. I'm assuming you are as well. How about we come to a concensus. You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. Interested?"

"Oh yes. Excuse my harshness from before. I don't regularly get customers as elite as yourself. How may I be of assistance, kind sir?"

Now we're talking.

"I need a few things." I said handing him the list.

He read it slowly.

"Level 0 tech. I'm sad to say that it's contraband technology on Europa now. E-tech goons shoot anyone possessing that level of tech nowadays, whether they be human or epoch. So no one keeps that level of tech any longer."

I took out the drive again.

"I'm sure you can find a way." I said

"You do make a convincing argument. Alright. I'll give you an arm." He said, a short grin going across his face.

He scribbled some numbers down on a piece of paper and handed it to me. I was just about to grab it when.........

"Nope." He yanked the paper back. "You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. Remember?"

I let a small grin leave my face. Redundant considering I'm wearing a hoodie.

"But of course. How much do you need?" I asked

"Twenty thousand credits!" He said leaning forward.

"20,000 credits. That greedy son of a.........."

"Either that or I keep this list to myself." He said. Looking serious.

"Alright then. But since my account is losing a considerable amount. How about a discount on what I'm looking for."

"Very well." He wrote something else on the paper. "Tell 'em Eli sent you."

"I shall." I agreed

I plugged the drive into the register. And in two minutes, Telsin's shopping account was a little smaller.

"Pleasure doing business." I said taking the paper and my leave.

"Likewise." He said. "May we meet again in future, friend"

"Let's see what the fates have in store. Until then I bid you farewell."

I took a look at what I had just lost 20,000 credits to acquire. The small piece of paper had three isolated and unique double digit numbers. Numbers each corresponding to a stall.

"So that's how the Europan's get around." I thought

I had noticed but not paid attention to it until now but none of the people in here ever got lost. They always knew where to go. I guess this was the secret to Europa III's commerce. Well the bazaar area anyway, but enough about that I had me some tech to pick up.

"Let's see here.......... mmm......... stalls 4, 56, and 16 have what I need. Where am I now? Uh huh. Stall 312! I'll never be done in time. And it's already past 2 pm."

It took me at least 45 minutes to backtrack to stall one located back at the entrance (by the archway) to the bazaar. It was then I discovered that the stalls are not based on the order but on the date of setup. Which meant the places I was looking for could have been anywhere.

"Oh come on!" I grumbled. "Is it so hard to find 3 simple stalls."

"Psst hey buddy. Over here." A voice whispered

"Huh? Who's there?" I looked around to only see people walking about and doing their everyday business.

"Psst you. In the hoodie. Over here by the trash can." The voice spoke again

I looked around again and sure enough to the side of stall one, lay a tall, shrewd trash can. A really old one covered in rust. I walked over to it.

"Uh yeah. Hello magical talking trash can." I said

"I'm not a magical trash can you idiot! Now listen up. You're new here aren't you? Need a little help? Maybe a few directions? I can help you out." The timid voice spoke.

From a slot on the waste receptacle a small microchip slipped out. It was a map card. They helped explorers by scanning the surrounding areas and creating a digital map for navigation.

"Just attach it to your fancy watch there and you know this place like the back of your hand." The voice sounded confident.

"Gee thanks. What's the catch?" I asked before picking up the device.

"No catch. It's yours. Provided you assist me with a little 'favour'."

The voice was becoming hoarse and desperate.

"Not anything dangerous. Just a simple delivery job. You see I need this information chip delivered to RAC weapons and apparel. Unfortunately I cannot leave my post due to some 'complications' so I would be delighted if you could deliver it for me. Your reward a map card. Sync some star maps and charts and you got yourself a pretty useful gadget. I wouldn't let something like this go unless I truly needed to. You understand?"

I looked at the time, 3:45 pm. If I made it back late and without what I needed. I'd be dead for sure.

"Alright fine. Gimme the chip." I plugged the map card into the communicator watch and began the boot sequence.

"A wise decision my friend. Now I hope you shall hold your end of the bargain."

A small brown envelope ejected from the waste bin. I picked it up, from the feel of the envelope the contents were one small microchip.

"Alright then, goodbye strange trash can. I'll hold up my end of the deal." I said

"I thank you kindly." Were his last words. The can at that moment suddenly just sprouted legs and ran off in a loony fashion. I studied this trash can disappear into the crowd.

"I think the heat's finally gotten to me. This planet is something else." I sighed regrettably. "Ah well, nothing we can do about that can we Sal?"

My watch beeped. Indicating the map card was functional. I tapped on the watch's holographic interface and selected the 'map card' function.

Scanning area: ................................... Scanning complete. Please select destination.

"Stalls 4, 56 and 16." I said

Processing. Stalls located 12.17 metres southwest of current location.

"Wait. If I'm facing south. And the archway is behind me. And southwest is to my right then that means.........."

I looked to my right and the stalls I needed were lined up right next to each other. So I had run around like an idiot for nearly 4 hours, lost 20,000 credits and accepted what I'm pretty sure was a smuggling job for NOTHING!!!!!

"I am gonna kill Telsin for this. Miranda's safety pistol will come in handy later." I was not impressed.

I walked to stall 4 and handed the man there my list and Eli's piece of paper. He glanced at it for a second.

"I'll be right back." He said and went off to the back of the stall. He was a burly man. Could clearly handle himself in a fight. He came back with two grey coloured cufflinks.

"Here you are. Palladium receptors." He whispered. "8,000 credits."

I gave him Telsin's credit drive. After the transaction was completed. Stall 16 was next on my list. Walking up to it I encountered a large epoch woman at its helm. She didn't look happy to see me.

"Another human. Great. Just what I need. The galaxy would be better without you losers. It's bad enough we have to live in your bodies, and don't even try to pass yourself off as one of us. You may have a hoodie on but I don't see the epoch stare in you. So you're definitely human. Hurry up and tell me what you want so I don't have to see the likes of you for the rest of the day."

She then ranted on for another 4 minutes with some inappropriate language. I gave her the list, she looked it over and proceeded to fiddle under the counter for a few seconds and pulled out an armband device with neural interceptors.

"One biometric scanner. 7,000 credits. Pay up!" She demanded.

I gave her the drive to transfer the funds. She promptly handed it back to me.

"Now get out of my sight. Disgusting human!"

And for the first time. I actually wanted Kyosuke to come out and kick her ass.

The last stall was in reach. And with that, a complete job from me. I went over and leaned on the counter. There was a dark skinned man of Asian descent waiting. My hoodie felt loose so I pulled it on as I was speaking to him.

"Excuse me. You wouldn't happen to have an iridium bi-froz energy core would you?" I asked

"No I'm sorry. I gave the last one to my buddy who owns RAC weapons and apparel. Maybe you can negotiate with him for it." He said briskly

Damn. So close..........

"Alright thanks." I walked off towards a nearby clearing. I kept myself in the shade most of the time as the desert heat here is unbearable.

"At least it's in my way. So I'll kill two birds with one stone"

I selected the map function again.

Select destination. The program beeped.

"RAC weapons and apparel." I replied.

Searching................... found. Location is 500 metres due east.

I glanced at the time. Oh crap! It was already 5:15 pm. Telsin and Miranda were most probably done by now. If I was late. I would be screwed.

"Ok I'm gonna have to be fast here. I ran off as fast as possible, dodging people and inappropriately placed stalls and trashcans. As to which I fell over several times. My speeding had worn me out and I found myself there in 30 minutes. The sun was  beginning to set over the horizon.

'RAC weapons and apparel' was a small weapons shop. Unique to all the stalls here it was actually built from concrete and not wood. Nothing much to tell except for a massive window showcasing merchandise and a sign on the top broadcasting it's name. I opened the door and the bell on the top clicked to indicate an incoming customer. A short man of about 0.9 meters appeared from the back room and stood on a stool behind the counter. 

"Welcome! Welcome! See anything you like?" He had a viking voice. I liked it.

But let's get down to brass tacks.

"Um no unfortunately." I said "I was told I might be able to find an iridium bi-froz energy core here. I'd like to purchase it off your hands. If that's possible?"

"The energy core. Hmm I'll tell you what. I really need that core, but I need business more. Buy something from my shop and I'll sell the core for 15,000 credits. How does that sound?" He said closing his hands together.

"Deal." I figured I would have to max out Telsin's credit drive. But at least I can get a little something for me now. And there was something I really wanted.

"You wouldn't happen to have a phenom displacement launcher by any chance? If you can provide me with one. I would be very grateful." I said

He thought to himself, looking around the walls of his proud shop.

"I only have one. But I'm afraid someone else has ordered it. So I don't know what I can do." He said sadly.

Suddenly a person bursts into the shop! This person was wearing black hover jet racing armor. Lighter and less bulky than the beefy power armor E-tech soldiers wear. It had an unidentifiable green crest on the shoulder plate.

"I'm here." He said out of breath. "Do you still have it?"

The voice was distorted coming out of the helmet. A voice modulator was being used to disguise the voice.

"Do you have the 19,995 credits for it?" He asked.

"Look. I'm only 1,000 credits short ok. I can have it back to you in........."

"No excuses! You leave me no choice but to sell it to someone else." The shopkeeper looked at me. "Come along now hooded fellow. I'll have both items prepared in a short while. I just need a credit drive."

I handed him Telsin's drive first. He plugged it into the register.

"Ok this drive checks out." He gave me the bi-froz engine. A small spherical battery. "And for the displacement launcher?"

I handed him the bronze drive and he scurried to the back of the shop. The person in the armor eyed me intently. Fists clenched, ready to attack. Their helmet was tinted. So I couldn't see his face. But at that point I don't think I wanted to. The shopkeep came out with a recoiled shrapnel launcher and handed it to me. I now had all the items I needed in my satchel. I shuffled for the envelope given to me by the trash man and handed it to the shopkeeper.

"Ah yes. Thank you for delivering this to me and here you go young man. Do come again soon." He smiled.

I started to leave.

"This isn't over!" The armored man said.

"I think it is. Sorry." I replied

I left the shop and returned to the spaceport. The time was 6:30 pm and I knew Telsin was going to give me a lecture on it when I returned to the ship. Luckily I got back earlier than I thought. I entered the ship, waited for the pressure to stabilise and walked inside.

To my surprise. When I looked around,  Telsin and Miranda hadn't returned yet. I was in the clear!

"Yes. No lecture for me tonight! Woohoo! I guess I should wait for them outside."

I took my satchel, swung it on my shoulder and left the ship. Standing over by the archway into the bazaar. I watched the sun set over the horizon.

"At least today is over." I took a deep breath admiring the view.

Then out of nowhere, a body swings past me from the right suspended on a rope and rips my satchel off my shoulder!

"Huh! Hey! Who do think you are!" I shouted.

On a small platform above me, to my left. Stood the armored rider from before. He spoke through his helmet.

"I told you this isn't over." He said ruffling through my satchel. "Hey! There's some nice stuff in here. So long kid. Thanks for the gifts. Haha haha."

He jumped off the platform and ran into the garden district where Miranda was.

"Hey! Nobody takes my satchel. GET BACK HERE!!!!"

I charged in hot pursuit after him into the garden works...................

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