chapter 2: zombies, escaped men and demons

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"We begin with Rebecca narrating the events that lead up to them arriving at their destination"

Rebecca: (narrating) there are reports of strange murders on the outskirts of racoon city's suburbs, cannibalistic killings talk about a first assignment. Though for some reason Owen keeps looking at the other members of bravo team like its going to be their last day alive, he knows something.

Edward: so Owen where are you from anyways?

Owen: I'm from a place called Redgrave city, it's similar to racoon city minus umbrella Corp.

Rebecca: why's that?

Owen: mayor doesn't like em and for good reason, some umbrella agents tried to bribe him to help make a lab under the city. He told the public about it and know umbrella is banned from entering the city forever.

"Suddenly the helicopters engine caught fire and forced them to crash land"

Owen: everyone ok?

Rebecca: *a little shook from the crash but gives a thumbs up* ya im good

Edward: pilots dead, come on lets get moving to alpha teams LZ, we should split up to incase we run into these cannibals we don't spook em off

Owen: but wouldn't it be better to stay together?

Bravo team captain: I'm in charge here don't question me rookie

Rebecca: captain look there's a van here

Bravo team captain: huh prison transport van *looks at the three bodies* huh looks like they all got attacked and the prisoner didn't do it

Owen: these look like dog bites, but dogs don't take chunks out of people even rabid dogs don't

(Timeskip to later, Owen and Rebecca stumble open a train)

Rebecca: why's it still here it should be at a station

Owen: maybe engine failure

(Suddenly they hear what sounds like moans of sorrow)

Rebecca: uh what's that noise (terrified)

Owen: I've got a bad feeling about this

(Suddenly multiple hell prides appear)


Owen: demons *brings out the devil sword dante* their after me

Rebecca: WHAT!?

Owen: *taunts* come and get me!

Demon 1: *swings scythe but is deflected by devil sword dante*

(*only the devil sword dante moves, and after each combo he fights a different demon cause he killed the previous one*)

Owen: hadn't had a decent work out in a while

Rebecca: *scared cause she just found out that demons actually exist* oh god

Owen: hey snap out of it *sees she's spaced out* oh boy *picks her up and takes her inside of the train and puts her in one of the seats once he checks for any leaches or zombie animals*

Rebecca: *snaps out of it* huh what happened, are we on the train?

Owen: yup now then let's go search around

Rebecca: should we split up

Owen: hell no, for all I know a hell vanguard could be here and if it sees you it'll slice you in half easily

Rebecca: *the two begin exploring the current train car their in, when Rebecca decides to ask a question* so why are these demons after you?

Owen: my father was a demon, he had saved humanity from his former boss a few thousand years ago

Rebecca: wait are you referring to sparda!

Owen: yup, my real name is Owen sparda, but after a while he met my mother and I was born we were a ideal family

Rebecca: were?

Owen: on my eighth birthday dad went missing and mundas followers finally got brave enough to take revenge, the burned my house down with me and mom still in it. She hide me in a closet and used herself as bait to lure those fuckers away from me, it didn't work I killed my first demons that night, two of my fathers blades activated and saved me though unfortunately a demon made off with his third sword

Rebecca: I'm so sorry to hear that

*suddenly the corpses of the passengers started getting up and attacked*

Owen: oh that's just great first demons now zombies, well at least they die easily *shooting multiple zombies at once using gunslinger style*

"Once they cleared the room Rebecca went on a head only to be ambushed by Billy*

Billy: *points gun at Rebecca* so where's your boyfriend

Owen: *sneaks up behind Billy and places his gun to the back of Billy's head* right here

Rebecca: really?

Owen: saw the opportunity for the one liner and took the chance

Billy: so why are you here?

Owen: I'm officer Redgrave and that's officer Chambers, part of S.T.A.R.S. bravo team

Billy: this is serious if S.T.A.R.S. is here

Rebecca: that reminds me, Billy Coen your under arrest for killing two military police personnel

Billy: I didn't kill those men, those zombie dogs killed them I just happened to escape in time before they bit me to

Owen: go to the front of the train, me and Rebecca have some stuff we need to talk about

"Billy leaves and Edward crashes through the window"

Rebecca: Edward!! *nearly pukes seeing him*

Edward: its worse then it looks *is missing his entire left hand and his skin and flesh peeled off his body*

Owen: let me guess, zombies?

Edward: ya, you have to be careful out there or you'll become one of those things. Owen please don't let me become one.....of those.........things *dies of his injures*

Owen: *takes out ivory and shoots Edward in the head* rest in peace Edward

Rebecca: *breaks down crying* why is this happening to us!?

Owen: *brings her into a hug* it'll be OK Rebecca. I promise you this I'm not going anywhere, I won't abandon you

Rebecca: *heart skips a beat* well if I might die before I see tomorrow I want to do something, can you crouch a bit?

Owen: *crouchs down* so what did you want to! *Rebecca kisses him on the lips and Owen returns it as well*

Rebecca: *breaks away* that was my first kiss, and I figured that you should have it

Owen: so then that mean we're dating?

Rebecca: yup, but just so you know Jill also has a crush on you

Owen: wait what!? The Master of unlocking is in love with the master of taunts, how crazy is that

*suddenly cerberus (*the zombie dogs not the boss from DMC 3 and 5*) jump through the windows attracted by the noise inside*

Owen: *brings out coyote-A* let's rock!

Rebecca: lets do this! *feeling more confident sense confessing, and that Owen can handle worse then rotting corpses that don't know when to die*

(*Aka here, sorry for not posting anything recently but I'm kinda indecisive and couldn't figure out which story to update. But now I'm getting back into the groove of things, so Aka signing out!!!*)

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