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These past few years were not easy but they did get through the rough times. The couple were not just mates, but husbands. Gluing themselves together in every way possible is what it seemed like really. They grew as a family in the home of Taehyung's father which now belonged to them. Everything was perfect... for a little while. Five years went by and Taehyung started to have the dreams all over again. This time it didn't show the pack but it showed Jungkook dying.

Every dream Taehyung had- it was of Jungkook dying. Somehow, someway he was never able to save Jungkook in these dreams. One dream felt too real that it made Taehyung never want to sleep again. Then it stopped... just like that, everything stopped. Nothing happened to them that was dangerous... until a few years later when Euphoria turned thirteen. A week before Euphoria's birthday, Taehyung started to have the dreams but this time, notes came along.

Taehyung was cleaning the house since it was spring and he was doing his spring cleaning. Though as he was washing the dishes, he heard a knock and when he got to the door... there was no one in sight. What was there though? A box. A small pretty box with a bow. Thinking it was probably from Jungkook who was out for groceries, Taehyung picked up the box and opened the note that wrote 'Thirteen years ago you got away my little healer. I won't let that happen again.'

Though didn't they get rid of the man? Seojoon.. he was.. killed by Jimin. They killed him off and so why would.. then it clicked. There was more than just Seojoon and Mingyu. Some guys were chased off but that doesn't mean they were gone for good. The thought made Taehyung tremble in fear.

The note caused Taehyung's heart to drop into his stomach. The memories he buried in the past making their way to the surface. Moving the box flaps, Taehyung dropped the box when he saw the rusty knife that had stained blood on the first half. The memories now flooding his head. Flashing in front of him as he closed his eyes and backed up to the wall. The night Mingyu tried to rid him of the earth along with their daughter.

The night he was stabbed... the night he was supposed to die. That was the knife from that night. Taehyung worked so hard to get rid of that memory. The memory of the night he never wanted to remember again. Now the knife from that night was in front of him, in a box, in his home where he lived with his daughter and mate. That's when the notes started and didn't stop... up until Euphoria's thirteenth birthday.

The family decided they would go stay at the pack grounds. As much as Taehyung didn't want to cause trouble... this was for his family and he would do anything for his family. The day was normal and they didn't expect anything would happen but everything went south when Jungkook linked to Taehyung to hide in the basement of the packhouse. This is where Taehyung went through his first heat since it was soundproof and you could lock the door from the inside.

That is what Taehyung did but lucky him, he was with Jimin who had Kaison with him. Taehyung made sure the three were most safe before he left the room. Leaving Jimin and Kaison to hold back his daughter. The dreams of Jungkook dying wouldn't stop replaying in his head. Taehyung couldn't live without Jungkook and if he lost Jungkook, he would surely die if he didn't have a daughter.

This time Taehyung was not the weak omega they once knew. Taehyung has a family now and he would do absolutely everything to keep them safe. Taehyung wasn't scared for himself anymore but for his daughter, scared for his mate, scared for his best friend and his family but not for himself. He was no longer the clueless omega but now a knowledgable one and he wasn't going to let anyone hurt his family. Not anymore.

Jungkook was in the same boat as Taehyung. Jungkook kept a promise to himself but not only did he keep a promise to himself... but to Taehyung's father. It's been years but Jungkook didn't plan to break that promise. Even if it was until his last breath that he had to keep his mate and daughter safe. Jungkook had multiple wolves on him. Targetting him considering he was the mate of the boy they wanted.

There were more wolves than the last attack which was thirteen years ago. They had a plan, they've planned for this and they could tell. Taehyung fought off some beta's but when it came to the alpha's he was no match but did it stop him? of course not. Of course Jungkook was more than confused about why Taehyung was with them but he didn't stop Taehyung. Did make sure he was still close and safe though.

Then one thing led to another- throughout all the fighting... Taehyung took a blow to the tree and as the alpha wolf was about to end Taehyung, Jungkook got in between the two. His neck in the mouth of another wolf before the canines sunk into his neck, puncturing his neck. A broken howl came from Jungkook who felt another puncture rupture through him before he was let go.

Falling to the ground with blood seeping out of him. Pooling around him as he shifted back to his human form. Holding his neck that had eight punctured wounds. Choking out the breathe. It took a minute for Taehyung to get up on his feet but once he did, he was at Jungkook's side. Seeing that Jungkook was surely going to die, the wolves set off with a howl of victory.

Though the alpha that once had Taehyung so so close to his hold thirteen years ago was not finished. He approached Taehyung who nosed at Jungkook, whimpering as he started to paw at his shoulder, licking his neck to clean the boy before he was dragged from the tail and thrown towards the tree. Taehyung gave up a fight but the alpha was stronger, bigger, and much more powerful. Watching the man he loved behind the wolf, Taehyung started to whimper.

Since finding his new identity... everyone treated Taehyung like he knew nothing. Like he was just a weak bitch that takes everyone's shit. Maybe once upon a time but now? Taehyung stood up from the ground and with the swirls of colors in his eyes, he charged at the wolf who did the same. Expecting to simply beat Taehyung but this time, Taehyung dodged the alpha and this time he didn't try to pin him down but instead latched his jaw on the alpha's throat and punctured his throat.

There he pushed the injured wolf down and did the same thing, over and over again. He was so sick of this. Living in fear... he hated every second of it. He hated having this power that he couldn't even use. So with that, he took the anger out on the lifeless alpha wolf in front of him. Not even giving a second thought before he attended to Jungkook side. The boy was almost lifeless as he stared at the sky. Just barely breathing.

Taehyung didn't waste a moment to start trying to heal Jungkook. Begging for Jungkook to hold on for just a bit longer. Crying to every god out there to not take his mate, to take the father of his child. Though the amount of blood he lost and lack of breath he was able to intake-... he couldn't survive past that. As Jungkook said... he would protect Taehyung until his very last breath.

Taehyung couldn't accept that and tried to heal up the rest of the wounds. Only healing up one wound before he was dizzy. Healing all eight would probably kill him but he had to give it a try. "Euphoria come back!" Kaison yelled out for the girl who was running towards her parents. Hoseok, Wonho, and a couple of others standing close by, in shock. "Dad?!?! Dad? Dad, please wake up- Dad!" Euphoria trembled while looking down at her father.

Euphoria looked at Taehyung as she cried. Seeing the color of his father's eyes. They've only mentioned his power once to Euphoria. Taehyung couldn't hold on any longer and it was obvious to everyone around them... until Euphoria was helping Taehyung. Without knowing she had the power, without knowing what to do... she placed her hand on her father's wound and closed her eyes. The urge to bring her father back. 

Adrenaline rushed through Euphoria and her eyes glowed purple with a mix of green. They swirled together and just like that, an electrocuting feel was shooting through her body. Instead of feeling light-headed like Taehyung would feel... Euphoria was able to heal up every puncture before she stopped and was looking over at her father. Taehyung was dizzy but was able to keep himself awake.

Everyone around them was shocked. Euphoria had the power... and not only that but she was able to control it well. "Jungkook... Jungkook baby please." Taehyung cupped Jungkook's flushed cheeks. The blood of his mate staining Jungkook's cheeks. "Please please Jungkook." Taehyung placed his head against Jungkook's shoulder and cried into the boy's shoulder when he noticed the boy wasn't waking up. Euphoria cried silently while looking at her parents.

Then she saw her father blink before he was slowly starting to wake up. The flushed skin tone of his starting to go back to normal. "Dad!" Euphoria said in a gasp, leaning down to hug Jungkook once Taehyung was up and looking at his mate. Jungkook hugged Euphoria with his one arm as the other hand grabbed at his neck. Taehyung leaned down and shook his head, sniffling. "Don't you ever..." Taehyung couldn't even finish the sentence as he cried in Jungkook's arm, hugging their daughter who was crying into Jungkook's shirt.

That was the day they almost lost Jungkook but also the day they found out that their daughter has powers, just like Taehyung.

Soon after that, they found out she was also immune to silver, just like Taehyung's father. How did they find this out? One of the wolfs sliced Euphoria's arm with a knife just as she was running to find her parents and yet she didn't feel a thing. It healed the next day. This relieved both parents as they knew their daughter wouldn't have to go through that pain. Taehyung especially since he had to experience it. The moon goddess seemed to be on Euphoria's side considering nothing has happened to her. They were happy with that.

After the whole thing happened, everything was peaceful after that. Taehyung didn't feel like he needed to live in fear anymore. He started to accept his past and forgave Mingyu. It took a lot for Taehyung to even bring up his name but if he wanted to live his life without any regrets... he needed and wanted to forgive him. Besides... he still has his baby girl with him today, thankfully. But anyways-

Euphoria had just turned sixteen and since her birthday was on a weekday while most of her family on Taehyung's side was busy- she spent her birthday with her parents. Until the weekend where she would have both sides of her family come over. Which was exciting because she missed both sides of her family. Especially Wonho though- Wonho always brought the best gifts for her.

Not to mention her cousins. Wonho's oldest had gotten a mate two? three? years ago while his youngest- just found her mate a few weeks back. The family would be meeting the mate on this occasion. Though being Jimin- he wanted to come a day early and spend some time with his best friend and his family. It was a great gift... that all turned around when Euphoria entered the kitchen with Kaison, hand in hand in front of the parents who were once conversing.

The first one to react was Jungkook who dropped the bowl of cereal he once had in his hold. Euphoria's eyes widened along with Kaison who pulled his hand away from Euphoria's. Kaison has known Jungkook his whole life and was aware of the teasing of them being mates never fit well with Jungkook... his now father-in-law. ".. You're not serious... are you? what? how?!?" Taehyung looked more confused than shocked. While Jimin turned to Jungkook and watched him stare at two blankly.

"Kaison... came to my room after they got here and... yeah." Euphoria scratched the back of her head and crinkled up her nose while then looking at her father, Jungkook. "I didn't see this coming but at the same time... I did? Like.. I knew it was coming but.. I didn't actually think it was coming you know like.." Hoseok looked at the two in confusion as well. "This... This doesn't sit right with me." Jungkook finally spoke up. "I changed his diapers and now you're telling me he's my daughter's mate?"

"How do you think we feel?" Hoseok turned to Jungkook who scoffed. "You two were the ones who kept teasing for them to be mates what do you mean?!" Hoseok opened his mouth just to close his mouth and nod at that. "Fair enough. Come here, welcome to the family Ria." Hoseok clicked his tongue, tilting his head as he clicked his tongue and walked over with arms open wide.

Jimin followed after Hoseok to hug the new mates as Taehyung watched Jungkook closely. The male didn't move a muscle but stared at the two. "Kook..?" Taehyung rubbed one of Jungkook's shoulders. Jungkook didn't know how to feel? His first and only daughter has a mate. Not that he was a no one but that fact that Jungkook watched him grow- really just... wow. "She just... she just turned sixteen Taehyung.."

Jungkook turned to Taehyung who smiled gently at his mate. Brushing some of Jungkook's hair behind his ear. "Are you saying at the age of sixteen you didn't want a mate?" the other was quick to scoff at that. "You know how bad I wanted a mate, don't bring that up." Taehyung laughed at that, placing a kiss on Jungkook's cheek and side hugging Jungkook to calm him down. "All I'm saying is... our daughter is of age where she is going to find her mate. Well, Jungkook... our baby girl found her mate. A little too early for my liking."

Taehyung looked at Kaison who only gave a shy smile while looking elsewhere. Taehyung smiling with a hum. "But we both know Kaison. We watched him grow and... I wouldn't want anyone else better for our daughter." Taehyung looked over at Euphoria who was biting harshly on her lip while tears formed. She was scared for the huge step, considering she was only sixteen but she was also happy, scared, confused.

Jungkook softened after he saw the tears from his daughter. With a sigh, Jungkook motioned her to come over and that's what she did. Jungkook quick to pull her into a tight hug. This is the part he was so not looking forward to. The day where he would have to share his daughter with someone who wasn't Taehyung. "I love you so so much." Jungkook sighed, pulling away to cup his daughter's cheeks. "And if you are happy with who you are destined to be with, then I am too." he kissed her forehead.

Hugging her again, Jungkook looked at Kaison and brought his two fingers up to eyes and went back and forth with Kaison and himself. "I love you too but this is my baby. It's also your responsibility to keep her safe when we can't. I trust in you to not hurt my baby. Okay?" Jungkook made it clear to Kaison who nodded with a now relaxed look. "I wouldn't wish for anyone else other than Euphoria... and I'll do my very best to keep her safe. I promise you."

Taehyung couldn't help but smile at that. Remembering when Jungkook promised to keep him safe to his father. At the moment, Taehyung felt awfully lonely for Korain. He would have loved Euphoria so much... would have got to experience the whole grandfather thing since he missed out on being a father. Don't get Taehyung wrong, in ways Korain was still a father. Keeping him safe for all those years and visiting him here and there from afar but... he wondered what it would have been like if he grew up with Korain.

Nonetheless, he loved his life and the people in it. "I decided too. I was back and forth with the whole chip thing... but I want to keep it until I'm a little older. I spoke to Kaison about that whole thing when he was here last time so he knows... I just... I just wanted to make sure this is what I wanted. What mom went through... scares me and I don't want to live with that fear. Just to be on the safe side of things. Just for a couple more years."

Jungkook was so fucking relieved to hear that, he just had to hug his daughter tighter for that. "See Kaison, I had to wait to mate Taehyung so you gotta wait too." Jungkook pointed out. Taehyung slapping Jugnkook's shoulder softly. "Jungkook!" he sighed at the male who only smiled. As this was the most shocking and difficult time for Jungkook as his one and only daughter is now a mate to someone- he remembered he also has his mate to spend the rest of his life with.

The next day everyone showed up and the party for Euphoria was started. "See! Kwan, I told you he would be our little Ria's boyfriend." Beomseok looked at his wife who nodded slowly, patting the seat between them for Euphoria to sit down. "I will chop off his legs if he hurts you, okay?" She gave a soft side hug to her granddaughter who laughed. Kaison standing a little way from the grandparents with a shocked expression.

Yes, Taehyung's parents still though Euphoria was Jungkook's niece but that didn't change anything whatsoever. They weren't pushy on the topic because for one, they could relate since Taehyung was adopted and they didn't like when people would ask such questions. They treated Euphoria just as how they treated Taehyung. Giving her the best grandparents she could ask for.

"So little brother, how is the feeling?" Wonho walked up to Jungkook who was clinging onto Taehyung. A cup of juice in Wonho's hand. "About my one and only baby finding her mate? I'm trying not to think of that because when I think of that I think of what I wanted to do as soon as Taehyung got his chip off." Jungkook started to whine a bit into Taehyung's shoulder.

"Can you not- Jungkook! That's our daughter! Besides... she still has the chip in. They can't do shit." Taehyung pushed Jungkook off but the boy only grabbed onto Taehyung. "Alright... that made me feel a little better," Jungkook admitted to Wonho who laughed, rubbing the boys back. "Now how do you think I felt? My daughter doesn't have a chip. I'm already a grandfather thanks to my son but if my baby gets pregnant? Oh lord." Wonho shook his head.

With a laugh, Seokjin joined in with Yoongi holding his hand. "You... wow you guys sure talk like actual old parents now." Jungkook opened his mouth to retort but... it was kind of true? They are parents and... they are maybe a little bit old. "Look on the bright side of this. You and Taehyung get a lot of time in the bedroom now." Seokjin pointed out which caused Jungkook to raise an eyebrow, looking down at Taehyung who pushed Jungkook away.

Before anything else was shared, Taehyung eyed the front door to see Jisung walking through the door. Smiling widely as he excused himself and walked to the door to greet his little brother. "It's about time." Taehyung hugged Jisung who hugged back with a chuckle. "Being a professional dancer is hard, you should be glad I even came," Jisung spoke with a snort. 

Jisung took a look around before leaning closer to Taehyung. "Is Kaison really Ria's mate?" he whispered to Taehyung who nodded. Right- so some years back... Taehyung decided he would tell Jisung about his other life. Now... Jisung was not the most understanding and it took a while but when Jisung did take time to understand Taehyung's other life, they bonded over it and got so much closer if that was even possible. Though it still freaked Jisung out that Euphoria is there biological daughter.

"And there's a new mate here too right?" Jisung asked just so he would know the whole situation while taking off his jacket. "Yeah, Wonho's daughter found her mate just a couple weeks ago and they're out in the back with the rest of the family," Taehyung informed Jisung who nodded. "Uncle Jisung! You made it." Euphoria hurried over with Kaison. The two already attached to each other but then again, they've always been like this.

"I would never miss one of your birthdays." Jisung brought Euphoria into a hug before looking at Kaison. "You may be an alpha but I used to beat up my bullies in school so... watch yourself." Taehyung facepalmed himself mentally. "I'm so sorry you're getting threatened left and right Kaison." Taehyung sighed while ruffling up Kaison's hair. "I expected it. Though your mom said she would cut off my legs... so I'm kind of afraid." Kaison openly admitted.

With a laugh, Taehyung shook his head and wrapped his arm around the two. "Come on, let's go do the cake." He pulled the two along towards the kitchen. While everyone gathered around, Taehyung took a look around. There Jimin stood with his family. Wonho with his mate and two grown children with mates. His parents were still going strong and his brother, Jisung who meant so much to him.

Eyeing at Seokjin and Yoongi, Taehyung smiled at the two. They've come a long way from disliking each other to living not too far from each other. Taehyung helped Seokjin out with the pills so he lived a normal life with Yoongi, just how he wanted. Being that Seokjin felt like he already had a family considering how much time he spent with Euphoria, he and Yoongi were okay with just living alone.

They liked being alone. More alone time meant more exploring the world together. Doing this and that. Namjoon and Jisung's mother got married just a year after Jungkook and Taehyung did. Jisung loves his stepdad now, although he did get in trouble a lot in school. Mentioning Namjoon- he had to work unfortunately but he promised to make it up. Everything for everyone worked out in the end. Especially for Taehyung. Through all the hell... he was here with his family. Another year, another day with the love of his life. Surrounded by the people he loved most.

Taehyung looked at Jungkook once feeling the warmth behind him. Grabbing onto Jungkook's arms that wrapped around him and leaned into the touch. "One two... happy birthday to you-" Jungkook started off in a whisper before Taehyung carried it off and in no time they were all singing happy birthday to the little lady looking at her parents with the most loving smile before blowing out her candles and making a wish. A wish for her family. A wish that they'd always be happy. Because without her crazy DNA, she wouldn't be who she is now. She wouldn't be her without her parents who started it all. So she must say that she is very, very thankful for her DNA.

thank you for 1M ! 🥺
i love you all sm. 💘

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