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Taehyung's had a lot to do that day. From the moment Namjoon dropped him off he was on his toes for the rest of the day. First it was at his job at the bar. Where he was obviously fired but needed to make sure— which was only embarrassing when Taehyung announced he would be quitting. He was very quick to leave with his father trailing right behind him. Leaving him to his thoughts as they walked.

"Wait. How would you have known my parents would be in today?" Taehyung asked, looking at Korain. "I've been around all your life Taehyung. You just didn't know it. I know that they come in every few months to check in on you. Specifically on the twenty fourth or so." Okay, that surely wasn't creepy but Taehyung was pretty thankful to have a dad like Korain.

Taehyung nodded as they stopped at his apartment building. This is where Taehyung became a little scared on what was going to happen. First he had to tell the owner that he would be giving up his apartment where he would also have to pay up before he did so. Okay, leaving out of no where did not help him out at all in the real world huh.

Knowing Jisung was still in school around this time, Taehyung decided he would deal with this apartment now. It was kind of uneasy though. Knowing he was making these decisions out of the blue and deciding what he needed to do on the spot. Yet he still hasn't talked with his parents and Jisung. He really wondered how this all would go. Only time would tell he guessed.

Lucky for Taehyung, he would be finishing up his contract just next month and so he decided to pay up rent and such for the two months. With his fathers help of course because no way in hell did he have money like that working in a bar, nah. "Thank you." Taehyung finished up his conversation with the owner and left with his father who looked in his wallet.

Turning his wallet upside down, Korain looked at the floor. "Having a kid really does empty out your wallet huh." Korain looked at Taehyung who flushed. "I'll pay you back- I swear." Taehyung apologized to Korain who waved it off. "No need to do that. I'm glad to help you out." He patted Taehyung's back. Firstly, why is his dad so freaking nice? and two, the pat on the back felt more like a smack on the back. Heck that hurt.

Walking to his apartment. Taehyung decided to pack up a few things while he could. Deciding maybe his parents and Jisung would want to take a few things once they found out he would be 'moving' with his dad for a few months or so. The story he was going to tell running through his head. Rehearsing it in his head so he wouldn't forget. As doing so, Taehyung was in his room doing what he needed to do before walking to Korain who was found looking through a photo album.

Taehyung tilted his head while watch Korain flip through the pictures with a smile on his face. It wasn't until Taehyung walked closer did he notice the tears. Though Korain was quick to wipe those away and chuckle at the photos of Taehyung. "The Kim blood is really strong huh. You look exactly like me." Korain pointed out. Taehyung smiling with a nod.

"You say you've been in my life since the day I was born. So you must know my parents— adoptive parents." Taehyung felt awkward calling his parents his adoptive parents in front of his real parent. Taehyung never took them as his adoptive parents so it was just very odd to say. Korain licked his lips. "Yoon Kwan and Yoon Beomseok. I kept a very good eye on them when they came around. I know it all sounds creepy but trust me. It was only to make sure you were safe. And because you're my son."

Taehyung nodded, understanding that. "The few weeks I watched. I knew you were safe and you were in the perfect family. They loved you to the fullest. Just as your mother would have." Korain shut the photo album and looked at Taehyung who was in sudden thought of his dream. His mother visited him in his dream. Should he tell his father? The confusing dream he still had yet to figure out? His father would surely be able to help him through that.

"You look like you have something to tell there son." Korain tilted his head. Taehyung breathed out before nodding. "Youra.. Mom. She.. visited me or I dreamed of her? I don't know. All I remember is standing there before I felt this excruciating pain in my stomach. Like I was being stabbed. I fell over and then.. she was there. The same purple eyes as mine. She healed me and said that I would be okay. Then I woke up and.. I don't know. I don't know what anything meant. She was.. oh wow she was really beautiful though. I loved the softness in her voice. It made me feel something I've never felt before. It warmed me to hear her voice."

Korain looked at Taehyung with glossy eyes but held the tears back. With a small smile, Korain placed his hand on Taehyung's shoulder. "Your mother always worked in wonderful ways. I assume she came to assure you that you'd be okay. Why would she heal you though is something I don't get." Korain was also confused on this doing. Though before anything was shared, there was noise coming from the door and before anyone walked in, the two stood.

"Taehyung is still gone so-" Jisung stopped talking when he opened the door. Taehyung's parents right behind Jisung as he did so. Tears forming while Jisung ran over to Taehyung in a breaking sob. "Jisung. Don't cry. Oh my god I'm going to cry too." Taehyung's voice broke a bit with glossy eyes. "You're back. I missed you so much." Jisung calmed himself into Taehyung's shoulder. "I missed you too." Taehyung sighed, rubbing Jisung's back.

When Jisung pulled away, he looked at the unknown man. Korain greeting the boy with a smile. As for Taehyung, he couldn't help but break into a small cry when he saw his parents. Heck he didn't know he would cry but honestly.. these past few months have been hell. Taehyung missed his parents more than anything and before he knew it, he was crying into their arms.

"My sweet boy. Why are you crying hm?" Kwan closed her eyes as she hugged Taehyung, kissing his forehead and pushing his hair behind his ear. "My little taebear." She gave another kiss at Taehyung's forehead. Oh did he ever feel like a baby whenever he was with his parents but you know what? He was a proud big baby around them. Beomseok was also pretty emotional and his wife always teased him. Just as Taehyung, he teared up while holding his son.

Korain watched from the couch. The sweetest smile on his face with his head tilted just a bit. It was almost heartbreaking watching the scene in front of him. As happy as they all looked, Korain couldn't help but imagine his family doing so. Him, Taehyung and his mate. Breathing out, Korain shook off the feeling as Taehyung pulled away to wipe his tears. "I just." Taehyung hiccuped. "I just really missed you guys." His voice broke but he played that off with a chuckle.

And it was true. The moment Taehyung left to the pack, he lost any contact with everyone. Including his parents who he used to call on a daily basis. It's been a while since he saw his parents and he could have gone over to them but he was so hooked to this new life he forgot about his old one. Now realizing.. it's going to be hard telling his family that he is leaving with his birth father. Taehyung swore he started to overthink things but then Jungkook came into mind.

Taehyung knew in his heart that Jungkook would do anything for him. Even move to the city but at the same time. Taehyung knew Jungkook would have a hard time adjusting. Shaking his head, Taehyung backed away from his parents to look at Korain who stepped forward to Taehyung. "Mom.. dad. This is Kim Korain." Taehyung paused as he looked at Korain for a while. "My biological dad."

A gasp came from Taehyung's mother who had her hand covering her mouth. Eyeing the male next to Taehyung closely. "Thank you for raising Taehyung to be everything he is now. I appreciate you both very much." Korain bowed his head. Both Kwan and Beomseok bowed their heads. "Almost a year ago I started looking for him. I wanted to know my biological parents." Taehyung gulped. "Unfortunately my biological mother is gone but." Taehyung breathed out.

"I've been gone a lot lately and I'm sure you all noticed. I've been with Korain. I wanted- I want to get to know him. There is still so much to learn about the rest of my family." Taehyung cleared his throat that became dry. His parents looked at Taehyung for the longest time. More specifically, his mother. The one breaking the silence was Beomseok, Taehyung's father.

Stepping forward, Beomseok held out his hand to Korain who grinned at the welcoming hug he was pulled into. "Thank you for giving us a chance to raise Taehyung. Thank you." Beomseok spoke into Korain's ear. A sweet gentle smile was on Korain's face as he nodded. As for Kwan, she looked over at Taehyung who was looking at his mother. Waiting for some sort of reaction from her.

Tilting her head, tears brimming her eyes as she breathed in. "You were always such a curious boy." She finally spoke before going over to hug Taehyung who felt a tight feeling in his chest. "I knew this day would come. My big baby, my little boy. I'm so happy for you." She cupped Taehyung's cheeks and kissed his cheek. Taehyung bit his lip and nodded. He didn't want to speak because he just knew he would break into another cry.

When she pulled away from Taehyung, Kwan looked over at Korain who bowed his head again at the female. She chuckled soon after with a sniffle before walking over with her arms held wide open for Korain. Taehyung was afraid that his mother wouldn't accept what was happening but in the end, it all worked out.

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